require 'spec_helper' describe ActiveAdmin::Views::AttributesTable do describe "creating with the dsl" do let(:helpers) { action_view } let(:post) do post = :title => "Hello World", :body => nil post.stub!(:id){ 1 } post.stub!(:new_record?){ false } post end let(:assigns){ { :post => post } } # Loop through a few different ways to make the same table # and ensure that they produce the same results { "when attributes are passed in to the builder methods" => proc { render_arbre_component(assigns) { attributes_table_for post, :id, :title, :body } }, "when attributes are built using the block" => proc { render_arbre_component(assigns) { attributes_table_for post do rows :id, :title, :body end } }, "when each attribute is passed in by itself" => proc { render_arbre_component(assigns) { attributes_table_for post do row :id row :title row :body end } }, "when you create each row with a custom block" => proc { render_arbre_component(assigns) { attributes_table_for post do row("Id") { } row("Title"){ post.title } row("Body") { post.body } end } }, "when you create each row with a custom block that returns nil" => proc { render_arbre_component(assigns) { attributes_table_for post do row("Id") { text_node; nil } row("Title"){ text_node post.title; nil } row("Body") { text_node post.body; nil } end } }, }.each do |context_title, table_decleration| context context_title do let(:table) { instance_eval &table_decleration } it "should render a div wrapper with the class '.attributes_table'" do table.tag_name.should == 'div' table.attr(:class).should include('attributes_table') end it "should add id and type class" do table.class_names.should include("post") == "attributes_table_post_1" end it "should render 3 rows" do table.find_by_tag("tr").size.should == 3 end describe "rendering the rows" do [ ["Id" , "1"], ["Title" , "Hello World"], ["Body" , "Empty"] ].each_with_index do |set, i| describe "for #{set[0]}" do let(:title){ set[0] } let(:content){ set[1] } let(:current_row){ table.find_by_tag("tr")[i] } it "should have the title '#{set[0]}'" do current_row.find_by_tag("th").first.content.should == title end it "should have the content '#{set[1]}'" do current_row.find_by_tag("td").first.content.chomp.strip.should == content end end end end # describe rendering rows end end # describe dsl styles it "should allow html options for the row itself" do table = render_arbre_component(assigns) { attributes_table_for(post) do row("Wee", :class => "custom_row", :style => "custom_style") { } end } table.find_by_tag("tr").first.to_s. split("\n").first.lstrip. should == '