module Plezi # this module is the protocol (controller) for the HTTP server. # # # to do: implemet logging, support body types: multipart (non-ASCII form data / uploaded files), json & xml class HTTPProtocol < EventMachine::Protocol HTTP_METHODS = %w{GET HEAD POST PUT DELETE TRACE OPTIONS} HTTP_METHODS_REGEXP = /^#{HTTP_METHODS.join('|')}/ HTTP_FIRE_REQUEST = {|handler, request| handler.on_request request} def initialize connection, params super @parser_stage = 0 @parser_data = {} @parser_body = '' @parser_chunk = '' @parser_length = 0 @@rack_dictionary ||= {'HOST'.freeze => :host_name, 'REQUEST_METHOD'.freeze => :method, 'PATH_INFO'.freeze => :path, 'QUERY_STRING'.freeze => :query, 'SERVER_NAME'.freeze => :host_name, 'SERVER_PORT'.freeze => :port, 'rack.url_scheme'.freeze => :requested_protocol} end # called when data is recieved. # # this method is called within a lock on the connection (Mutex) - craeful from double locking. # # typically returns an Array with any data not yet processed (to be returned to the in-que)... but here it always processes (or discards) the data. def on_message # parse the request parse_message # if (@parser_stage == 1) && @parser_data[:version] >= 1.1 # # send 100 continue message????? doesn't work! both Crome and Safari go crazy if this is sent after the request was sent (but before all the packets were recieved... msgs over 1 Mb). # # Plezi.push_event { "sending continue signal."; connection.send_nonblock "100 Continue\r\n\r\n" } # # connection.send_unsafe_interrupt "100 Continue\r\n\r\n" # causes double lock on connection # end true end # Protocol specific helper methods. # parses incoming data def parse_message data = nil data ||= # require 'pry'; binding.pry if @parser_stage == 0 return false unless parse_method data end if @parser_stage == 1 return false unless parse_head data end if @parser_stage == 2 return false unless parse_body data end true end # parses the method request (the first line in the HTTP request). def parse_method data return false unless data[0] && data[0].match(HTTP_METHODS_REGEXP) @parser_data[:time_recieved] = @parser_data[:params] = {} @parser_data[:cookies] = @parser_data[:method] = '' @parser_data[:query] = '' @parser_data[:original_path] = '' @parser_data[:path] = '' if defined? ::Rack @parser_data['rack.version'] = Rack::VERSION @parser_data['rack.multithread'] = true @parser_data['rack.multiprocess'] = false @parser_data['rack.hijack?'] = false @parser_data['rack.logger'] = Plezi.logger end @parser_data[:method], @parser_data[:query], @parser_data[:version] = data.shift.split(/[\s]+/) @parser_data[:version] = (@parser_data[:version] || 'HTTP/1.1').match(/[0-9\.]+/).to_s.to_f data.shift while data[0].to_s.match /^[\r\n]+/ @parser_stage = 1 end #parses the head on a request (headers and values). def parse_head data until data[0].nil? || data[0].match(/^[\r\n]+$/) m = data.shift.match(/^([^:]*):[\s]*([^\r\n]*)/) # move cookies to cookie-jar, all else goes to headers case m[1].downcase when 'cookie' HTTP.extract_data m[2].split(/[;,][\s]?/), @parser_data[:cookies], :uri end @parser_data[ HTTP.make_utf8!(m[1]).downcase ] ? (@parser_data[ HTTP.make_utf8!(m[1]).downcase ] << ", #{HTTP.make_utf8! m[2]}"): (@parser_data[ HTTP.make_utf8!(m[1]).downcase ] = HTTP.make_utf8! m[2]) end return false unless data[0] data.shift while data[0] && data[0].match(/^[\r\n]+$/) if @parser_data['transfer-coding'] || (@parser_data['content-length'] && @parser_data['content-length'].to_i != 0) || @parser_data['content-type'] @parser_stage = 2 else # create request object and hand over to handler complete_request return parse_message data unless data.empty? end true end #parses the body of a request. def parse_body data # check for body is needed, if exists and if complete if @parser_data['transfer-coding'] == 'chunked' until data.empty? || data[0].to_s.match(/0(\r)?\n/) if @parser_length == 0 @parser_length = data.to_s.shift.match(/^[a-z0-9A-Z]+/).to_i(16) @parser_chunk.clear end unless @parser_length == 0 @parser_chunk << data.shift while ( (@parser_length >= @parser_chunk.bytesize) && data[0]) end if @parser_length <= @parser_chunk.bytesize @parser_body << @parser_chunk.byteslice(0, @parser_body.bytesize) @parser_length = 0 @parser_chunk.clear end end return false unless data[0].to_s.match(/0(\r)?\n/) true until data.empty? || data.shift.match(/^[\r\n]+$/) data.shift while data[0].to_s.match /^[\r\n]+$/ elsif @parser_data['content-length'].to_i @parser_length = @parser_data['content-length'].to_i if @parser_length == 0 @parser_chunk << data.shift while @parser_length > @parser_chunk.bytesize && data[0] return false if @parser_length > @parser_chunk.bytesize @parser_body = @parser_chunk.byteslice(0, @parser_length) @parser_chunk.clear else Plezi.warn 'bad body request - trying to read' @parser_body << data.shift while data[0] && !data[0].match(/^[\r\n]+$/) end # parse body (POST parameters) read_body # complete request complete_request #read next request unless data is finished return parse_message data unless data.empty? true end # completes the parsing of the request and sends the request to the handler. def complete_request #finalize params and query properties m = @parser_data[:query].match /(([a-z0-9A-Z]+):\/\/)?(([^\/\:]+))?(:([0-9]+))?([^\?\#]*)(\?([^\#]*))?/ @parser_data[:requested_protocol] = m[1] || (connection.ssl? ? 'https' : 'http') @parser_data[:host_name] = m[4] || (@parser_data['host'] ? @parser_data['host'].match(/^[^:]*/).to_s : nil) @parser_data[:port] = m[6] || (@parser_data['host'] ? @parser_data['host'].match(/:([0-9]*)/).to_a[1] : nil) @parser_data[:original_path] = HTTP.decode(m[7], :uri) || '/' @parser_data['host'] ||= "#{@parser_data[:host_name]}:#{@parser_data[:port]}" # parse query for params - m[9] is the data part of the query if m[9] HTTP.extract_data m[9].split(/[&;]/), @parser_data[:params] end HTTP.make_utf8! @parser_data[:original_path] @parser_data[:path] = @parser_data[:original_path].chomp('/') @parser_data[:original_path].freeze # the following can be used to extract the request's 'format': # /(^.*)(\.[^\.\/]*)$/.match @parser_data[:path] # ...? should this be done? Could be limited to certain formats: # /(^.*)(\.(txt|html|json|js|xml|xhtml|csv))$/.match @parser_data[:path] # ... even worst? HTTP.make_utf8! @parser_data[:host_name] if @parser_data[:host_name] HTTP.make_utf8! @parser_data[:query] @parser_data[:client_ip] = @parser_data['x-forwarded-for'].to_s.split(/,[\s]?/)[0] || (connection.socket.remote_address.ip_address) rescue 'unknown IP' @@rack_dictionary.each {|k,v| @parser_data[k] = @parser_data[v]} #create request request = connection request.update @parser_data #clear current state @parser_data.clear @parser_body.clear @parser_chunk.clear @parser_length = 0 @parser_stage = 0 #check for server-responses case request.request_method when 'TRACE' return true when 'OPTIONS' Plezi.run_async do response = request response[:Allow] = 'GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS' response['access-control-allow-origin'] = '*' response['content-length'] = 0 response.finish end return true end #pass it to the handler or decler error. if connection && connection.handler EventMachine.queue [connection.handler, request], HTTP_FIRE_REQUEST else Plezi.error 'No Handler for this HTTP connection.' end end # read the body's data and parse any incoming data. def read_body # parse content case @parser_data['content-type'].to_s when /x-www-form-urlencoded/ HTTP.extract_data @parser_body.split(/[&;]/), @parser_data[:params], :form # :uri when /multipart\/form-data/ read_multipart @parser_data, @parser_body when /text\/xml/ # to-do support xml? @parser_data[:body] = @parser_body.dup when /application\/json/ @parser_data[:body] = @parser_body.dup JSON.parse(HTTP.make_utf8! @parser_data[:body]).each {|k, v| HTTP.add_param_to_hash k, v, @parser_data[:params]} else @parser_data[:body] = @parser_body.dup Plezi.error "POST body type (#{@parser_data['content-type']}) cannot be parsed. raw body is kept in the request's data as request[:body]: #{@parser_body}" end end # parse a mime/multipart body or part. def read_multipart headers, part, name_prefix = '' if headers['content-type'].to_s.match /multipart/ boundry = headers['content-type'].match(/boundary=([^\s]+)/)[1] if headers['content-disposition'].to_s.match /name=/ if name_prefix.empty? name_prefix << HTTP.decode(headers['content-disposition'].to_s.match(/name="([^"]*)"/)[1]) else name_prefix << "[#{HTTP.decode(headers['content-disposition'].to_s.match(/name="([^"]*)"/)[1])}]" end end part.split(/([\r]?\n)?--#{boundry}(--)?[\r]?\n/).each do |p| unless p.strip.empty? || p=='--' # read headers h = {} p = p.lines while p[0].match(/^[^:]+:[^\r\n]+/) m = p.shift.match(/^([^:]+):[\s]?([^\r\n]+)/) h[m[1].downcase] = m[2] end if p[0].strip.empty? p.shift else Plezi.error 'Expected empty line after last header - empty line missing.' end # send headers and body to be read read_multipart h, p.join, name_prefix end end return end # require a part body to exist (data exists) for parsing return true if part.to_s.empty? # convert part to `charset` if charset is defined? if !headers['content-disposition'] Plezi.error "Wrong multipart format with headers: #{headers} and body: #{part}" return end cd = {} HTTP.extract_data headers['content-disposition'].match(/[^;];([^\r\n]*)/)[1].split(/[;,][\s]?/), cd, :uri name = name_prefix.dup if name_prefix.empty? name << HTTP.decode(cd[:name][1..-2]) else name << "[#{HTTP.decode(cd[:name][1..-2])}]" end if headers['content-type'] HTTP.add_param_to_hash "#{name}[data]", part, @parser_data[:params] HTTP.add_param_to_hash "#{name}[type]", HTTP.make_utf8!(headers['content-type']), @parser_data[:params] cd.each {|k,v| HTTP.add_param_to_hash "#{name}[#{k.to_s}]", HTTP.make_utf8!(v[1..-2]), @parser_data[:params] unless k == :name} else HTTP.add_param_to_hash name, HTTP.decode(part, :utf8), @parser_data[:params] end true end end end # # HTTPProtocol - to do list # # XML:: # support for XML HTTP body types? # # Charset:: # parse chareset for incoming content-type in the multipart request body? (or leave if binary?) ## Heroku/extra headers info # All headers are considered to be case-insensitive, as per HTTP Specification. # X-Forwarded-For: the originating IP address of the client connecting to the Heroku router # X-Forwarded-Proto: the originating protocol of the HTTP request (example: https) # X-Forwarded-Port: the originating port of the HTTP request (example: 443) # X-Request-Start: unix timestamp (milliseconds) when the request was received by the router # X-Request-Id: the Heroku HTTP Request ID # Via: a code name for the Heroku router