= carrierwave-meta
= Installation
Add the following line to your Gemfile:
gem 'carrierwave-meta'
= Usage example
class TestUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
include CarrierWave::RMagick
include CarrierWave::Meta
process :store_meta => [{md5sum: true}]
version :version do
process :resize_to_fill => [200, 200]
process :store_meta
file = File.open('test.jpg') # JPEG 500x300, 20000 bytes
uploader = TestUploader.new
uploader.width # 500
uploader.height # 300
uploader.image_size # [500, 300]
uploader.file_size # 20000
uploader.content_type # "image/jpeg"
uploader.md5sum # "fuuaasdfasdf...."
uploader.version.width # 200
uploader.version.height # 200
uploader.version.image_size # [200, 200]
uploader.version.file_zie # less than 20000
uploader.version.content_type # "image/jpeg"
uploader.version.md5sum # nil
= Saving values to database
Simply create database columns to hold metadata in your model's table. Currently
gem supports width, height, image_size ([width, height]), content_type,
file_size and MD5 fields. Versions are supported too.
class TestModel
attr_accessor :image_width
attr_accessor :image_height
attr_accessor :image_image_size
attr_accessor :image_content_type
attr_accessor :image_file_size
attr_accessor :image_md5sum
attr_accessor :image_version_width
attr_accessor :image_version_height
attr_accessor :image_version_image_size
attr_accessor :image_version_content_type
attr_accessor :image_version_file_size
attr_accessor :image_version_md5sum
file = File.open('test.jpg')
model = TestModel.new
uploader = TestUploader.new(model, :image)
uploader.width # 500
model.image_width # 500
model.image_height # 300
When columns are available in the model instance, metadata is stored in that columns.
= Saving values into single column
For now, works only with ActiveRecord.
class TestModel < ActiveRecord::Base
extend CarrierWave::Meta::ActiveRecord
mount_uploader :image, TestUploader
serialize :image_meta, OpenStruct
carrierwave_meta_composed :image_meta,
:image, image_version: [:width, :height, :md5sum]
model = TestModel.new
model.image_width # 200
model.image_version_width # 200
model.image_meta # {image_width: 200, image_height: 200, ...}
All you need is image_meta column, all other attributes are virtual. Note
that carrierwave_meta_composed should be called after mounting uploader.
= Behind the scenes
After the file is retrieved from store or cache metadata is recalculated
unless uploader has attached model instance. If uploader has attached
model instance values are read from that instance.
uploader = TestUploader.new
uploader.version.width # 200
model = TestModel.new
model.image_width # 200
model.image.width # 200, actually read from image_width
= model_delegate_attribute
Is used to synchronize data between uploader and mounted model instance.
Model's instance is used like value cache.
class DelegateTestModel
attr_accessor :processed
attr_accessor :a_processed
attr_accessor :a_b_processed
class DelegateTestUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
model_delegate_attribute :uploaded
version :a do
version :b do
def set_processed
self.processed = true
model = DelegateTestModel.new
uploader = DelegateTestUploader.new(model, :image)
file = File.open('test.jpg')
model.processed # true
model.a_processed # true
model.a_b_processed # true
model.a_processed = false
uploader.processed # true
uploader.a_processed # false
uploader.a_b_processed # true
When model is mounted to uploader:
1. If attribute is assigned inside uploader then corresponding property
in model is also assigned.
2. If attribute is retrieved from uploader, uploader checks that value is
defined in model and returns it. Otherwise returns uploader's instance variable.
3. If file is deleted, value becomes nil.
Otherwise acts as regular uploader's instance variables.
This is very useful for:
= Integrating CarrierWave with JCrop
Let implement the behavior like at this demo: http://deepliquid.com/projects/Jcrop/demos.php?demo=thumbnail
The uploader:
class CropUploader < SobakaUploader
include CarrierWave::Meta
# Crop source is a source image converted from original which could be bigger than source area (left image in the example).
version :crop_source do
process :resize_to_fit => [300, 300]
process :store_meta
# This is the cropped version of parent image. Let crop to 50x50 square.
version :crop do
process :crop_to => [50, 50]
# Defines crop area dimensions.
# This should be assigned before #store! and #cache! called and should be saved in the model's instance.
# Otherwise cropped image would be lost after #recreate_versions! is called.
# If crop area dimensions are'nt assigned, uploader calculates crop area dimensions inside the
# parent image and creates the default image.
model_delegate_attribute :x
model_delegate_attribute :y
model_delegate_attribute :w
model_delegate_attribute :h
# Crop processor
def crop_to(width, height)
# Checks that crop area is defined and crop should be done.
if ((crop_args[0] == crop_args[2]) || (crop_args[1] == crop_args[3]))
# If not creates default image and saves it's dimensions.
resize_to_fill_and_save_dimensions(width, height)
args = crop_args + [width, height]
def crop_and_resize(x, y, width, height, new_width, new_height)
manipulate! do |img|
cropped_img = img.crop(x, y, width, height)
new_img = cropped_img.resize_to_fill(new_width, new_height)
# Creates the default crop image.
# Here the original crop area dimensions are restored and assigned to the model's instance.
def resize_to_fill_and_save_dimensions(new_width, new_height)
manipulate! do |img|
width, height = img.columns, img.rows
new_img = img.resize_to_fill(new_width, new_height)
w_ratio = width.to_f / new_width.to_f
h_ratio = height.to_f / new_height.to_f
ratio = [w_ratio, h_ratio].min
self.w = ratio * new_width
self.h = ratio * new_height
self.x = (width - self.w) / 2
self.y = (height - self.h) / 2
def crop_args
%w(x y w h).map { |accessor| send(accessor).to_i }
# Post should have :crop_source_version_x, :crop_source_version_y, :crop_source_version_h, :crop_source_version_w columns
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
mount_uploader CropUploader, :image
# Let's upload an image
post = Post.new
post.image = params[:image] # Let the uploaded file is 800x600 JPEG
post.image.crop_source.width # 300
post.image.crop_source.height # 200
post.image.crop_source.crop.width # 50
post.image.crop_source.crop.height # 50
# Default crop area coordinates within the limits of big image dimensions: square at the center of an image
post.image.crop_source.crop.x # 50
post.image.crop_source.crop.y # 50
post.image.crop_source.crop.w # 200
post.image.crop_source.crop.h # 200
# Let user change the crop area with JCrop script. Pass new crop area parameters to the model.
post.crop_source_crop_x = 100
post.crop_source_crop_y = 100
post.crop_source_crop_w = 100
post.crop_source_crop_h = 100
post.save! # Crop image is reprocessed
post.image.crop_source.crop.width # 50
post.image.crop_source.crop.height # 50
= PDF/GhostScript support
If you want to use this plugin with PDF/PostScript files than you should install
GhostScript and rebuild ImageMagick with GhostScript support:
brew install ghostscript
brew install imagemagick --with-ghostscript
gem uninstall rmagick && gem install rmagick
To switch on PDF/EPS processing you should enable GhostScript somewhere in your
app's initializer:
CarrierWave::Meta.ghostscript_enabled = true
= A note about testing
@SergeyKishenin added specs for EPS/GhostScript files. They run for image_magick
or mini_magick processor by default. To make specs work please install
GhostScript as described above. To run specs WITHOUT PDF/EPS do:
PDF_EPS=false bundle exec rspec
@fschwahn added support for mini-magick. To run tests with mini-magick do:
PROCESSOR=mini_magick bundle exec rspec
@skord added support for ImageSorcery. To run specs do:
PROCESSOR=image_sorcery bundle exec rspec
To run specs against VIPS processor do:
PROCESSOR=vips bundle exec rspec
To run specs against with Fog (Amazon S3) simulation:
STORAGE=fog bundle exec rspec
1. I do not know how it would work with S3 and other remote storages. Should be tested.
2. Write integration guide for JCrop.
3. A notice about content-type.