# Onfido A thin wrapper for Onfido's API. [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/onfido.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/onfido) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/hvssle/onfido.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/hvssle/onfido) This gem supports both `v1` and `v2` of the Onfido API. Refer to Onfido's [API documentation](https://onfido.com/documentation#introduction) for details of the expected requests and responses for both. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'onfido' ``` ## Configuration There are 5 configuration options: ```ruby Onfido.configure do |config| config.api_key = 'MY_API_KEY' config.api_version = 'v2' config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) config.open_timeout = 30 config.read_timeout = 80 end ``` ## Usage You can make API calls by using an instance of the `API` class: ```ruby api = Onfido::API.new ``` Alternatively, you can set an API key here instead of in the initializer: ```ruby api = Onfido::API.new(api_key: 'API_KEY') ``` ### Resources All resources share the same interface when making API calls. Use `.create` to create a resource, `.find` to find one, and `.all` to fetch all resources. **Note:** *All param keys should be a symbol e.g. `{ type: 'express', reports: [{ name: 'identity' }] }`* #### Applicants Applicants are the object upon which Onfido checks are performed. ```ruby api.applicant.create(params) # => Creates an applicant api.applicant.find('applicant_id') # => Finds a single applicant api.applicant.all # => Returns all applicants ``` #### Documents Documents provide supporting evidence for Onfido checks. They can only be created - the Onfido does not support finding or listing them. ```ruby api.document.create('applicant_id', file: 'http://example.com', type: 'passport') ``` **Note:** The file parameter can be either a `File` object or a link to an image. #### Live Photos Live Photos, like documents, can provide supporting evidence for Onfido checks. They can only be created - the Onfido does not support finding or listing them. ```ruby api.live_photo.create('applicant_id', file: 'http://example.com') ``` **Note:** The file parameter can be either a `File` object or a link to an image. #### Checks Checks are requests for Onfido to check an applicant, by commissioning one or more "reports" on them. ```ruby api.check.create('applicant_id', type: 'express', reports: [{ name: 'identity' }]) api.check.find('applicant_id', 'check_id') api.check.all('applicant_id') ``` #### Reports Reports provide details of the results of some part of a "check". They are created when a check is created, so the Onfido API only provides support for finding and listing them. ```ruby api.report.find('check_id', 'report_id') api.report.all('check_id') ``` #### Address Lookups Onfido provides an address lookup service, to help ensure well-formatted addresses are provided when creating "applicants". To search for addresses by postcode, use: ```ruby api.address.all('SE1 4NG') ``` #### Webhook Endpoints Onfido allows you to set up and view your webhook endpoints via the API, as well as through the dashboard. ```ruby api.webhook.create(params) # => Creates a webhook endpoint api.webhook.find('webhook_id') # => Finds a single webhook endpoint api.webhook.all # => Returns all webhook endpoints ``` ### Pagination All resources that support an `all` method also support pagination. By default, the first 20 records are fetched. ### Error Handling There are three classes of errors raised by the library, all of which subclass `Onfido::Error`: - `Onfido::ServerError` is raised whenever Onfido returns a `5xx` response - `Onfido::RequestError` is raised whenever Onfido returns any other kind of error - `Onfido::ConnectionError` is raised whenever a network error occurs (e.g., a timeout) All three error classes provide the `response_code`, `response_body`, `json_body`, `type` and `fields` of the error (although for `Onfido::ServerError` and `Onfido::ConnectionError` the last three are likely to be `nil`). ```ruby def create_applicant api.applicant.create(params) rescue Onfido::RequestError => e e.type # => 'validation_error' e.fields # => { "email": { "messages": ["invalid format"] } } e.response_code # => '422' end ``` ## Webhooks Each webhook endpoint has a secret token, generated automatically and [exposed](https://onfido.com/documentation#register-webhook) in the API. When sending a request, Onfido includes a signature computed using the request body and this token in the `X-Signature` header. This provided signature [should](https://onfido.com/documentation#webhook-security) be compared to one you generate yourself with the token to check that a webhook is a genuine request from Onfido. ```ruby if Onfido::Webhook.valid?(request.raw_post, request.headers["X-Signature"], ENV['ONFIDO_WEBHOOK_TOKEN']) process_webhook else render status: 498, text: "498 Token expired/invalid" end ``` ## Roadmap - Improve test coverage with more scenarios - Add custom errors based on the response code - Improve pagination handling (use information passed in link header) ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/hvssle/onfido/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request