class FormCheckout include Forms::Models::Extension include Shop::Models::FormExtension attr_accessor :config, :data, :result, :gateway, :card def create find_current_order # locate the @order object create_result_object # A default response object # If the form was configured for gateway and we have a billing address if @order.billing.present? if gateway.present? prepare_gateway # Create the @gateway object prepare_credit_card if card.present?# Create the @card object if @result[:gateway] and @result[:card] purchase! # Use @card to pay through @gateway # We have a paid for order with a billing address if success? finalize_cart # The form was configured to send a payment email if mail.present? configure_invoice_mail # Create some configuration variables for mailing end else @result[:payment] = false @form.redirect_to = :back end end else @result[:gateway] = false end end @result end protected def create_result_object @result = { :order =>, # We return the order id so the thank you screen has access to it :payment => nil, :card => nil, :gateway => nil, :message => nil, } end # Creates a gateway instance variable based off the form configuration def prepare_gateway ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = gateway_mode begin @gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing.const_get("#{gateway_name}Gateway").new(gateway_credentials) @result[:gateway] = true end end # Creates a payment object attached to the order def create_payment payment ={ :order => @order, :gateway => gateway_name, :amount => @order.price, :card_type => card_type, :card_number=> card_number_secure }) @order.update_attribute(:status, 'paid') @result[:payment] = end # Builds an ActiveMerchant card using the submitted card information def prepare_credit_card @card ={ :number => card_number, :month => card_month, :year => card_year, :first_name => card_first_name, :last_name => card_last_name, :verification_value => card_verification, :type => card_type }) if @card.valid? @result[:card] = true else @result[:card] = false @result[:message] = "Credit Card Invalid: #{@card.errors.full_messages.join('. ')}" end end # Sets up mail to send an invoice to the billing email address def configure_invoice_mail @form[:extensions][:mail] ||= {} @form[:extensions][:mail].merge!({ :recipient =>, :to =>, }) @form[:extensions][:mail].merge!(mail) end # Uses the gateway and card objects to carry out an ActiveMerchant purchase def purchase! result = @gateway.purchase(amount, @card, options) @result[:message] = result.message if result.success? create_payment end end def finalize_cart @result[:session] = { :shop_order => nil } # We no longer need to store the current shop_roder @order.update_attribute(:status, 'paid') # The order is now considered paid end # Returns the configured gateway def gateway @config[:gateway] end # Returns the name of the gateway (Eway) def gateway_name gateway[:name] end # Returns Gateway username and password etc def gateway_credentials gateway[:credentials] end # Returns whether the form is configured as testing or production def gateway_mode @config[:test].present? ? :test : :production end # Returns the submitted card attributes def card @data[:card] end # Returns card number (1234123412341234) def card_number card[:number].to_s.gsub('-', '') end # Returns the last 4 card number digits (1234) def card_number_secure @card.display_number end # Returns card month (02) def card_month card[:month].to_i end # Returns card year (2010) def card_year card[:year].to_i end # Returns card type (visa) def card_type card[:type] end # Returns card verification number (123) def card_verification card[:verification].to_s end # Splits the card names into an array we can inspect def card_names return @card_names if @card_names.present? @card_names = @data[:card][:name].split(' ') end # Return all the strings bar the last on the card def card_first_name card_names[0, card_names.length - 1].join(' ') if card_names.present? end # Return the last string on the card def card_last_name card_names[-1] if card_names.present? end # Returns configured mail attributes def mail @config[:mail] end # Returns the amount to be charged, which is $10 on testing gateways def amount result = 0 if gateway_mode === :test result = 1000 else result = (@order.price * 100) end result end # Options for the gateway are created at config and runtime level def options @config[:options] ||= {} @config[:options][:order_id] = @config[:options].merge!(@data[:options]) if @data[:options].present? @config[:options] end # Will return true if the order is paid for and has a billing address def success? @result[:payment] === true end end