Author: The Uttk Team.
License: LGPL
Revision: '$Id: /w/fey/uttk/trunk/SPEC.yml 62613 2007-08-15T21:02:48.619030Z ertai  $'

version: !feydakins.org,2006/version dev-util/uttk-0.4_p2#Teenager

title: Uttk -- An extensible framework for dynamic testing.
summary: Uttk is an extensible framework for dynamic testing.
description: >
  Uttk  is  designed  to  help  you while you are writing dynamic tests for your
  projects.  It keeps track of your test strategies by means of a solid dynamic
  hierarchy  of test strategy classes. The only way to be 100% generic is to be
  extensible,  after  all.  Network distribution strategies can also be written
  since  Uttk  provides  cluster features. Uttk understands YAML and Ruby as
  input languages and speaks YAML, XML and HTML as output languages.
homepage: http://rubyforge.org/projects/uttk

user: ertai
rubyforge_project: ttk
rubyforge_sub_package_name: uttk
root_test_suite: test/uttk-distcheck.yml
rdoc_dir: doc/html
tags_url: svn://svn.feydakins.org/uttk/tags
trunk_url: svn://svn.feydakins.org/uttk/trunk
version_id.rb: !path lib/uttk/version_id.rb

rdoc_tail_files: !filelist
  - lib/uttk/dumpers/Dumper.rb
  - lib/uttk/loaders/Loader.rb
  - lib/uttk/strategies/Strategy.rb
  - lib/uttk/filters/Filter.rb
  - lib/uttk/weights/Weight.rb
  - lib/uttk.rb

#FIXME: rdoc + gem fails for the main
rdoc_files: !filelist
  - NEWS
  - test/examples/README
  - lib/uttk/**/*.rb

pkg_files: !filelist
  - bin/**/*
  - lib/**/*.{rb,yml,js,css,gif}
  - test/**/*
  - template/**/*
  - misc/**/*
  - '[A-Z]*'

    gem    : ~> 0.6.6 # FIXME 0.4_alpha XY ...
    tarball: http://rubyforge.iasi.roedu.net/files/ttk/core_ex-0.6_p3.tar.gz
    vcs    : svn://svn.feydakins.org/ruby_ex/trunk/core_ex
    gem    : ~> 0.5.6
    tarball: http://rubyforge.iasi.roedu.net/files/ttk/ruby_ex-0.6_p2.tar.gz
    vcs    : svn://svn.feydakins.org/ruby_ex/trunk
    gem    : ~> 0.1.6
    tarball: http://rubyforge.iasi.roedu.net/files/ttk/unified_matchers-0.1_p1.tar.gz
    vcs    : svn://svn.feydakins.org/unified_matchers/trunk
    gem    : ~> 0.1.6
    tarball: http://rubyforge.iasi.roedu.net/files/ttk/objective_command-0.1_p1.tar.gz
    vcs    : svn://svn.feydakins.org/objective_command/trunk
    - ~> 1.13.3
    - http://rubyforge.iasi.roedu.net/files/actionpack/actionpack-1.13.3.tgz

# The version needed to test this uttk.
# Not the version of this uttk.
uttk_version: >=