module Jets class AwsInfo extend Memoist include AwsServices def region return 'us-east-1' if Jets.env.test? return ENV['JETS_AWS_REGION'] if ENV['JETS_AWS_REGION'] # highest precedence return ENV['AWS_REGION'] if ENV['AWS_REGION'] region = nil # First if aws binary is available # try to get it from the ~/.aws/config if which('aws') region = `aws configure get region 2>&1`.strip rescue nil exit_code = $?.exitstatus if exit_code != 0 exception_message = region.split("\n").grep(/botocore\.exceptions/).first if exception_message puts "WARN: #{exception_message}".color(:yellow) else # show full message as warning puts region.color(:yellow) end puts "You can also get rid of this message by setting AWS_REGION or configuring ~/.aws/config with the region" region = nil end region = nil if region == '' return region if region end # Second try the metadata endpoint, should be available on AWS Lambda environment # begin az = `curl -s --max-time 3 --connect-timeout 5` region = az.strip.chop # remove last char region = nil if region == '' rescue end return region if region 'us-east-1' # default if all else fails end memoize :region # aws sts get-caller-identity def account return '123456789' if Jets.env.test? return ENV['JETS_AWS_ACCOUNT'] if ENV['JETS_AWS_ACCOUNT'] # ensure region set, required for sts.get_caller_identity.account to work ENV['AWS_REGION'] ||= region begin sts.get_caller_identity.account rescue Aws::Errors::MissingCredentialsError, Aws::Errors::NoSuchEndpointError puts "INFO: You're missing AWS credentials. Only local services are currently available" rescue Seahorse::Client::NetworkingError puts "INFO: No internet connection available. Only local services are currently available" end end memoize :account # If bucket does not exist, do not use the cache value and check for the bucket again. # This is because we can build the app before deploying it for the first time. # The deploy sequence ensure an minimal stack exists and will return a s3 bucket # value for real deployments though, just not for the `jets build` only command. BUCKET_DOES_NOT_YET_EXIST = "bucket-does-not-yet-exist" # use const to save from misspellings @@s3_bucket = BUCKET_DOES_NOT_YET_EXIST def s3_bucket return "fake-test-s3-bucket" if Jets.env.test? return @@s3_bucket unless @@s3_bucket == BUCKET_DOES_NOT_YET_EXIST resp = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: Jets::Naming.parent_stack_name) stack = resp.stacks.first output = stack["outputs"].find { |o| o["output_key"] == "S3Bucket" } @@s3_bucket = output["output_value"] # s3_bucket rescue Exception => e # When user uses Jets::Application.default_iam_policy in their config/application.rb # it looks up the s3 bucket for the iam policy, but the project name has # not been loaded in the config yet. We do some trickery with loading # the config twice in Application#load_app_config # The first load will result in a Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError # since the Jets::Naming.parent_stack_name has not been properly set yet. # # Rescuing all exceptions in case there are other exceptions dont know about yet # Here are the known ones: Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError, Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::InvalidClientTokenId BUCKET_DOES_NOT_YET_EXIST end private # Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH. # # which('ruby') #=> /usr/bin/ruby # # source: def which(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each { |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable?(exe) && ! } end return nil end end end