create_file 'spec/fabricators/user.rb' do <<-'FILE' Fabricator(:user) do name { Fabricate.sequence(:name) { |i| "Bear #{i}" } } email { Fabricate.sequence(:email) { |i| "user#{i}" } } password "password" confirmed_at confirmation_sent_at password_confirmation "password" end Fabricator(:admin, :from => :user) do email "" password "password" end Fabricator(:member, :from => :user) do email "" password "password" end FILE end create_file 'features/step_definitions/devise_steps.rb' do <<-'FILE' When /^I log in as "([^\"]*)" with password "([^\"]*)"$/ do |email, password| visit(new_user_session_path) fill_in("user[email]", :with => email) fill_in("user[password]", :with => password) click_button("Sign in") end Given /^a logged in admin user$/ do Fabricate(:admin) visit(new_user_session_path) fill_in("user[email]", :with => "") fill_in("user[password]", :with => "password") click_button("Sign in") end Given /^a logged in member user$/ do Fabricate(:member) visit(new_user_session_path) fill_in("user[email]", :with => "") fill_in("user[password]", :with => "password") click_button("Sign in") end When /^I log out$/ do visit(destroy_user_session_path) end Given /^a user "([^\"]*)"$/ do |email| Fabricate(:user, :email => email) end FILE end inject_into_file 'features/support/paths.rb', :after => "case page_name\n" do <<-'FILE' when /logout/ '/users/sign_out' when /login/ '/users/sign_in' FILE end create_file 'features/forgot_password.feature' do <<-'FILE' Feature: Forgot password As an user I want to secure way to reset my password So that I can still login if I forget it Scenario: Follow forget your password link Given the following user records | email | | | When I am on the login page And I follow "Forgot your password?" And I fill in "Email" with "" And I press "Send me reset password instructions" Then I should see "You will receive an email with instructions about how to reset your password in a few minutes." And 1 emails should be delivered to When I click the first link in the email And I fill in "Password" with "myNewP@ssword" And I fill in "Password confirmation" with "myNewP@ssword" And I press "Change my password" Then I should see "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in." FILE end create_file 'features/resend_verification_email.feature' do <<-'FILE' Feature: Resend Verification As an user I want to resend my verification email So that I can activate my account if I lost the original email Scenario: Follow resend verification email Given the following user records | email | confirmed_at | | | nil | When I am on the login page And I follow "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?" And I fill in "Email" with "" And I press "Resend confirmation instructions" Then I should see "You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes." And 2 emails should be delivered to When I click the first link in the email Then I should see "Your account was successfully confirmed. You are now signed in." FILE end