# # An inspecting delegator. # # Create a trap passing in any object of your choice. # # Any time a method is called on the trap, it prints the method name, all its # args, and the direct caller. # # @example Did you know how basic operators work? Now you do! # # trapped_int = ItsATrap.new(3) # # trapped_int - 55 # [:-, [55], nil, "..."] # => -52 # # 55 - trapped_int # [:coerce, [55], nil, "..."] # => 52 # # - trapped_int # [:-@, [], nil, "..."] # => -3 # class ItsATrap < BasicObject def initialize(obj=::Object.new, show_ret=false) @obj = obj @call_count = 0 @show_ret = show_ret end # We implement to_s and inspect, because otherwise it's annoyingly noisy. :pretty_inspect makes pry happy. def inspect() "~#{@obj.inspect}~" ; end def to_s() @obj.to_s ; end alias_method :pretty_inspect, :inspect def methods() @obj.methods ; end # @return the proxied object def __obj__ ; @obj ; end # These are defined on BasicObject, delegate them along with the rest # BasicObject.instance_methods # => [:==, :equal?, :!, :!=, :instance_eval, :instance_exec, :__send__, :__id__] def ==( *args, &block) ; __describe_and_send__(:==, *args, &block) ; end def equal?(*args, &block) ; __describe_and_send__(:equal?, *args, &block) ; end def !@( *args, &block) ; __describe_and_send__(:!, *args, &block) ; end def !=( *args, &block) ; __describe_and_send__(:!=, *args, &block) ; end def instance_eval(*args, &block) ; __describe_and_send__(:instance_eval, *args, &block) ; end def instance_exec(*args, &block) ; __describe_and_send__(:instance_exec, *args, &block) ; end private # # Any time a method is called on the trap, it prints the method name, all its # args, and the direct caller. # def method_missing(meth, *args, &block) __describe_and_send__(meth, *args, &block) end def __describe_and_send__(meth, *args, &block) pref = "%-3d %-14s %-15s" % [@call_count, @obj.__id__, self.to_s[0..14]] @call_count += 1 $stderr.puts "%s %-15s <- %-30s %s -- %s" % [pref, meth.to_s[0..14], args.map(&:inspect).join(','), block, ::Kernel.caller.first] ret = @obj.__send__(meth, *args, &block) $stderr.puts "%s %-15s -> %s" % [pref, meth.to_s[0..14], ret.inspect] if @show_ret ret end end class Module # # Lists the differences in methods between two modules/classes # # Breaks them down by providing module, and shows class and instance methods. # @param other [Module] other class or module to compare with # @param show_common [true,false] true to show methods they have in common; false by default # # @example Range has several extra instance methods; the Foo class and its instances have methods via the Happy module # module Happy ; def hello() 3 ; end ; end # class Foo ; include Enumerable ; include Happy ; extend Happy ; end # { "Foo#" => { Happy => [:hello] }, # "Foo." => { Happy => [:hello] }, # "Range#" => { Range => [:each, :step, :begin, :end, :last, :exclude_end?, :cover?]} } # def compare_methods(other=Object, show_common=false) result = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = Hash.new{|hh,hk| hh[hk] = [] } } inst_ancestors_both = ancestors & other.ancestors klass_ancestors_both = singleton_class.ancestors & other.singleton_class.ancestors inst_meths = (self.instance_methods | other.instance_methods) klass_meths = (self.methods | other.methods) [ [:both, inst_ancestors_both, klass_ancestors_both], [self, (self.ancestors - inst_ancestors_both), (self.singleton_class.ancestors - klass_ancestors_both)], [other, (other.ancestors - inst_ancestors_both), (other.singleton_class.ancestors - klass_ancestors_both)], ].each do |mod, inst_anc, klass_anc| inst_anc.reverse.each do |ancestor| result["#{mod}#"][ancestor] = inst_meths & ancestor.instance_methods inst_meths -= ancestor.instance_methods end klass_anc.reverse.each do |ancestor| result["#{mod}."][ancestor] = klass_meths & ancestor.instance_methods klass_meths -= ancestor.instance_methods end end unless show_common then result.delete("both#") ; result.delete("both.") ; end result.each{|type,hsh| hsh.reject!{|k,v| v.empty? } } result.reject!{|type,hsh| hsh.empty? } result end end