import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus'; import { safeCallMethod } from '../../../src/utilities/reflection'; const TRIGGER_TYPES: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string[] } } = { hover: { show: ['mouseenter', 'focus'], hide: ['mouseleave', 'blur'], }, click: { show: ['click', 'focus'], hide: ['focusout', 'blur'], }, }; export default class extends Controller { static targets = ['menu', 'button']; static classes = ['visible', 'hidden']; static values = { triggerType: { type: String, default: 'hover', }, }; declare readonly triggerTypeValue: string; declare readonly menuTarget: HTMLElement; declare readonly buttonTarget: HTMLElement; declare readonly visibleClasses: string[]; declare readonly hiddenClasses: string[]; private _visible = false; buttonTargetConnected(element: HTMLElement): void { if (this.triggerTypeValue == 'hover') { return; } for (const [method, events] of Object.entries( TRIGGER_TYPES[this.triggerTypeValue] || {}, )) { events.forEach((event) => { element.addEventListener(event, () => safeCallMethod(this, method), ); }); } } connect() { super.connect(); if (this.triggerTypeValue == 'hover') { for (const [method, events] of Object.entries( TRIGGER_TYPES.hover, )) { events.forEach((event) => { this.element.addEventListener(event, () => safeCallMethod(this, method), ); }); } } } toggle(): void { if (this._visible) { this.hide(); } else {; } } show(): void { if (this._visible || this.onShow()) { return; } this.element.classList.remove(...this.hiddenClasses); this.element.classList.add(...this.visibleClasses); this.buttonTarget.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); this._visible = true; this.onShown(); } hide(): void { if (!this._visible || this.onHide()) { return; } this.element.classList.remove(...this.visibleClasses); this.element.classList.add(...this.hiddenClasses); this.buttonTarget.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this._visible = false; this.onHidden(); } protected onShow(): boolean { return this.dispatch('show', { cancelable: true }).defaultPrevented; } protected onShown(): void { this.dispatch('shown'); } protected onHide(): boolean { return this.dispatch('hide', { cancelable: true }).defaultPrevented; } protected onHidden(): void { this.dispatch('hidden'); } }