Feature: Reek can be controlled using command-line options In order to change Reek's default behaviour As a developer I want to supply options on the command line Scenario: return non-zero status on bad option When I run reek --no-such-option Then the exit status indicates an error And it reports the error "Error: invalid option: --no-such-option" And there is no output on stdout Scenario: display the current version number When I run reek --version Then it succeeds And it reports the current version Scenario: return given status code when using --failure-exit-code Given the smelly file 'smelly.rb' When I run reek smelly.rb --failure-exit-code 23 Then the exit status is 23 Scenario: return given status code when using --success-exit-code Given the clean file 'clean.rb' When I run reek clean.rb --success-exit-code 42 Then the exit status is 42 Scenario: display the help information When I run reek --help Then it succeeds And it reports: """ Usage: reek [options] [files] Examples: reek lib/*.rb reek -s lib cat my_class.rb | reek See https://wiki.github.com/troessner/reek for detailed help. Configuration: -c, --config FILE Read configuration options from FILE --smell SMELL Only look for a specific smell. Call it like this: reek --smell PrimaDonnaMethod source.rb Check out https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Code-Smells.md for a list of smells Generate a todo list: -t, --todo Generate a todo list Report format: -f, --format FORMAT Report smells in the given format: html text (default) yaml json xml code_climate Text format options: --[no-]color Use colors for the output (default: true) -V, --[no-]empty-headings Show headings for smell-free source files (default: false) -U, --[no-]wiki-links Show link to related wiki page for each smell (default: true) -n, --[no-]line-numbers Show line numbers in the output (default: true) -s, --single-line Show location in editor-compatible single-line-per-smell format -P, --[no-]progress Show progress of each source as it is examined (default: true) --sort-by SORTING Sort reported files by the given criterium: smelliness ("smelliest" files first) none (default - output in processing order) Exit codes: --success-exit-code CODE The exit code when no smells are found (default: 0) --failure-exit-code CODE The exit code when smells are found (default: 2) Utility options: -h, --help Show this message -v, --version Show version """