require "isodoc" require_relative "metadata" require "fileutils" module IsoDoc module Iso module BaseConvert def metadata_init(lang, script, labels) @meta =, script, labels) end def implicit_reference(b) b&.at(ns("./docidentifier"))&.text == "IEV" end def introduction(isoxml, out) f ="//introduction")) || return num =".//clause")) ? "0" : nil title_attr = { class: "IntroTitle" } page_break(out) out.div **{ class: "Section3", id: f["id"] } do |div| clause_name(num, @introduction_lbl, div, title_attr) f.elements.each do |e| if == "patent-notice" e.elements.each { |e1| parse(e1, div) } else parse(e, div) unless == "title" end end end end def foreword(isoxml, out) f ="//foreword")) || return page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |s| s.h1(**{ class: "ForewordTitle" }) { |h1| h1 << @foreword_lbl } f.elements.each { |e| parse(e, s) unless == "title" } end end def initial_anchor_names(d) super introduction_names("//introduction"))) end # we can reference 0-number clauses in introduction def introduction_names(clause) return if clause.nil? clause.xpath(ns("./clause")).each_with_index do |c, i| section_names1(c, "0.#{i + 1}", 2) end end # terms not defined in standoc def error_parse(node, out) case when "appendix" then clause_parse(node, out) else super end end def annex_names(clause, num) appendix_names(clause, num) super end def appendix_names(clause, num) clause.xpath(ns("./appendix")).each_with_index do |c, i| @anchors[c["id"]] = anchor_struct(i + 1, nil, @appendix_lbl, "clause") @anchors[c["id"]][:level] = 2 @anchors[c["id"]][:container] = clause["id"] end end def section_names1(clause, num, level) @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: num, level: level, xref: num } # subclauses are not prefixed with "Clause" clause.xpath(ns("./clause | ./terms | ./term | ./definitions | ./references")). each_with_index do |c, i| section_names1(c, "#{num}.#{i + 1}", level + 1) end end def annex_names1(clause, num, level) @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: num, xref: num, level: level } clause.xpath(ns("./clause | ./references")).each_with_index do |c, i| annex_names1(c, "#{num}.#{i + 1}", level + 1) end end def eref_localities1_zh(target, type, from, to, delim) subsection = from&.text&.match(/\./) ret = (delim == ";") ? ";" : (type == "list") ? "" : delim ret += " 第#{from.text}" if from ret += "–#{to}" if to loc = (@locality[type] || type.sub(/^locality:/, "").capitalize ) ret += " #{loc}" unless subsection && type == "clause" || type == "list" || target.match(/^IEV$|^IEC 60050-/) ret += ")" if type == "list" ret end def eref_localities1(target, type, from, to, delim, lang = "en") subsection = from&.text&.match(/\./) type = type.downcase return l10n(eref_localities1_zh(target, type, from, to, delim)) if lang == "zh" ret = (delim == ";") ? ";" : (type == "list") ? "" : delim loc = @locality[type] || type.sub(/^locality:/, "").capitalize ret += " #{loc}" unless subsection && type == "clause" || type == "list" || target.match(/^IEV$|^IEC 60050-/) ret += " #{from.text}" if from ret += "–#{to.text}" if to ret += ")" if type == "list" l10n(ret) end def prefix_container(container, linkend, target) delim = anchor(target, :type) == "listitem" ? " " : ", " l10n(anchor(container, :xref) + delim + linkend) end def example_span_label(node, div, name) n = get_anchors[node["id"]] div.span **{ class: "example_label" } do |p| lbl = (n.nil? || n[:label].nil? || n[:label].empty?) ? @example_lbl : l10n("#{@example_lbl} #{n[:label]}") p << lbl name and !lbl.nil? and p << " — " name and name.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) } end end def example_p_parse(node, div) name = node&.at(ns("./name"))&.remove div.p do |p| example_span_label(node, p, name) insert_tab(p, 1) node.first_element_child.children.each { |n| parse(n, p) } end node.element_children[1..-1].each { |n| parse(n, div) } end def example_parse1(node, div) div.p do |p| example_span_label(node, p,"./name"))) insert_tab(p, 1) end node.children.each { |n| parse(n, div) unless == "name" } end def node_begins_with_para(node) node.elements.each do |e| next if == "name" return true if == "p" return false end false end def example_parse(node, out) out.div **{ id: node["id"], class: "example" } do |div| if node_begins_with_para(node) example_p_parse(node, div) else example_parse1(node, div) end end end def termexamples_before_termnotes(node) return unless"./termnote")) &&"./termexample")) return unless insert ="./definition")) insert = insertall_after_here(node, insert, "termexample") insert = insertall_after_here(node, insert, "termnote") end def term_parse(node, out) termexamples_before_termnotes(node) out.p **{ class: "Terms", style:"text-align:left;" } do |p| node.children.each { |c| parse(c, p) } end end def clausedelim "" end def format_ref(ref, prefix, isopub, date, allparts) ref = ref.sub(/ \(All Parts\)/i, "") ref = docid_prefix(prefix, ref) return "[#{ref}]" if /^\d+$/.match(ref) && !prefix && !/^\[.*\]$/.match(ref) ref end def table_footnote_reference_format(a) a.content = a.content + ")" end def clause_parse_title(node, div, c1, out) return inline_header_title(out, node, c1) if c1.nil? super end def cleanup(docxml) super remove_internal_hyperlinks(docxml) table_th_center(docxml) docxml end def remove_internal_hyperlinks(docxml) docxml.xpath("//a[@href]").each do |a| next unless /^#/.match(a[:href]) anchor = a[:href].sub(/^#/, "") next if a["epub:type"] == "footnote" next unless @anchors[anchor] next unless @anchors[anchor][:type] next if @anchors[anchor][:type] == "clause" a.replace(a.children) end end def table_th_center(docxml) docxml.xpath("//thead//th | //thead//td").each do |th| th["align"] = "center" th["valign"] = "middle" end end def hierarchical_formula_names(clause, num) c = clause.xpath(ns(".//formula")).each do |t| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct("#{num}#{hiersep}#{c.increment(t).print}", t, t["inequality"] ? @inequality_lbl : @formula_lbl, "formula", t["unnumbered"]) end end end end end