A few notes for developers: You can test the DVD portion of the program out by mounting the DVD of "big buck bunny" http://rogerdpack.t28.net/sensible-cinema/releases/dvd_isos has it and a few other creative commons ISO's for use. On windows daemon tools helps there, or "magic ISO" or the like, may be helpful to avoid having to burn disks. Or you could alternatively burn a copy of big buck bunny to DVD, then use that to test it against (a slightly more cross platform approach). Then rip it and use the output. Or if you have a DVD that already has a edit list available for it, you could use that, or create a new edit list for a DVD you own, etc. The main development roadmap/backlog is in the TODO. If you have any feedback/feature requests, et al, post an issue or post to the Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/sensible-cinema To run it from source, you may need to install a few gem dependencies (listed in the Rakefile) or to install them automatically: $ jruby -S gem install sensible-cinema # installs dev. dependencies Note that, in order to run the unit tests, you'll want to checkout the source from the repository to get all the test images The tests are in the spec directory, though some of them are out of date as development has shifted focus to other areas. Note: you transfer (c) of materials to sensible cinema when you submit patches/contributions, of course, so don't submit something you don't want published :) Also you'll need to run git submodule init && git submodule update (possibly modify .gitsubmodules to be the open one, or ask me to) To run it via command line: $ jruby bin/sensible-cinema --help # tells you all available options Feedback/contribution welcome :) Ex: want JSON'ified output somehow? Just ask. == mac os x developers == You'll have to install a few dependencies. It will tell you which at runtime, or see the installation instructions: http://rogerdpack.t28.net/sensible-cinema/ == OCR screen tracker == For the screen tracker (the experimental version, see file experimental_online_player_ocr_readme.txt).