require 'spec_helper' describe ManifestationsController do fixtures :all def valid_attributes FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:manifestation) end describe "GET index", :solr => true do before do Manifestation.reindex end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_admin it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations" do get :index assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_librarian it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations" do get :index assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_user it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations" do get :index assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end end describe "When not logged in" do it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations" do get :index assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations in xml format without operation" do get :index, :format => 'xml' response.should be_success assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations in csv format without operation" do get :index, :format => 'csv' response.should be_success assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil response.should render_template('manifestations/index') end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations in sru format without operation" do get :index, :format => 'sru' assert_response :success assigns(:manifestations).should be_nil response.should render_template('manifestations/explain') end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations in sru format with operation" do get :index, :format => 'sru', :operation => 'searchRetrieve', :query => 'ruby' assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil response.should render_template('manifestations/index') end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations in sru format with operation and title" do get :index, :format => 'sru', :query => 'title=ruby', :operation => 'searchRetrieve' assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil response.should render_template('manifestations/index') end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations in openurl" do get :index, :api => 'openurl', :title => 'ruby' assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations when pub_date_from and pub_date_to are specified" do get :index, :pub_date_from => '2000', :pub_date_to => '2007' assigns(:query).should eq "date_of_publication_d:[#{'2000-01-01').utc.iso8601} TO #{'2007-12-31').end_of_year.utc.iso8601}]" assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations when acquired_from and pub_date_to are specified" do get :index, :acquired_from => '2000', :acquired_to => '2007' assigns(:query).should eq "acquired_at_d:[#{'2000-01-01').utc.iso8601} TO #{'2007-12-31').end_of_day.utc.iso8601}]" assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations when number_of_pages_at_least and number_of_pages_at_most are specified" do get :index, :number_of_pages_at_least => '100', :number_of_pages_at_least => '200' assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations in mods format" do get :index, :format => 'mods' assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil response.should render_template("manifestations/index") end it "assigns all manifestations as @manifestations in rdf format" do get :index, :format => 'rdf' assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_nil response.should render_template("manifestations/index") end it "should get index with manifestation_id" do get :index, :manifestation_id => 1 response.should be_success assigns(:manifestation).should eq Manifestation.find(1) assigns(:manifestations).collect(&:id).should eq assigns(:manifestation).derived_manifestations.collect(&:id) end it "should get index with publisher_id" do get :index, :publisher_id => 1 response.should be_success assigns(:manifestations).collect(&:id).should eq Patron.find(1).manifestations.order('created_at DESC').collect(&:id) end it "should get index with query" do get :index, :query => '2005' response.should be_success assigns(:manifestations).should_not be_blank end it "should get index with page number" do get :index, :query => '2005', :number_of_pages_at_least => 1, :number_of_pages_at_most => 100 response.should be_success assigns(:query).should eq '2005 number_of_pages_i:[1 TO 100]' end it "should get index with pub_date_from" do get :index, :query => '2005', :pub_date_from => '2000' response.should be_success assigns(:manifestations).should be_true assigns(:query).should eq '2005 date_of_publication_d:[1999-12-31T15:00:00Z TO *]' end it "should get index with pub_date_to" do get :index, :query => '2005', :pub_date_to => '2000' response.should be_success assigns(:manifestations).should be_true assigns(:query).should eq '2005 date_of_publication_d:[* TO 2000-12-31T14:59:59Z]' end it "should get index_all_facet" do get :index, :query => '2005', :view => 'all_facet' response.should be_success assigns(:carrier_type_facet).should_not be_empty assigns(:language_facet).should_not be_empty assigns(:library_facet).should_not be_empty end it "should get index_carrier_type_facet" do get :index, :query => '2005', :view => 'carrier_type_facet' response.should be_success assigns(:carrier_type_facet).should_not be_empty end it "should get index_language_facet" do get :index, :query => '2005', :view => 'language_facet' response.should be_success assigns(:language_facet).should_not be_empty end it "should get index_library_facet" do get :index, :query => '2005', :view => 'library_facet' response.should be_success assigns(:library_facet).should_not be_empty end it "should get index_pub_year_facet" do get :index, :view => 'pub_year_facet' response.should be_success assigns(:pub_year_facet).first.value.should eq 2010.0..2020.0 assigns(:pub_year_facet).first.count.should eq 1 assigns(:pub_year_facet).last.value.should eq 2000.0..2010.0 assigns(:pub_year_facet).last.count.should eq 1 end end end describe "GET show" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_admin it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do get :show, :id => 1 assigns(:manifestation).should eq(Manifestation.find(1)) end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_librarian it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do get :show, :id => 1 assigns(:manifestation).should eq(Manifestation.find(1)) end it "should show manifestation with patron who does not produce it" do get :show, :id => 3, :patron_id => 3 assigns(:manifestation).should eq assigns(:patron).manifestations.find(3) response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do get :show, :id => 1 assigns(:manifestation).should eq(Manifestation.find(1)) end it "should send manifestation detail email" do get :show, :id => 1, :mode => 'send_email' response.should redirect_to manifestation_url(assigns(:manifestation)) end #it "should show myself" do # get :show, :id => users(:user1).patron # response.should be_success #end end describe "When not logged in" do it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do get :show, :id => 1 assigns(:manifestation).should eq(Manifestation.find(1)) end it "guest should show manifestation mods template" do get :show, :id => 22, :format => 'mods' assigns(:manifestation).should eq Manifestation.find(22) response.should render_template("manifestations/show") end it "should show manifestation rdf template" do get :show, :id => 22, :format => 'rdf' assigns(:manifestation).should eq Manifestation.find(22) response.should render_template("manifestations/show") end it "should show_manifestation with isbn" do get :show, :isbn => "4798002062" response.should redirect_to manifestation_url(assigns(:manifestation)) end it "should not show missing manifestation with isbn" do get :show, :isbn => "47980020620" response.should be_missing end it "should show manifestation with holding" do get :show, :id => 1, :mode => 'holding' response.should be_success end it "should show manifestation with show_creators" do get :show, :id => 1, :mode => 'show_creators' response.should render_template('manifestations/_show_creators') response.should be_success end it "should show manifestation with show_all_creators" do get :show, :id => 1, :mode => 'show_all_creators' response.should render_template('manifestations/_show_creators') response.should be_success end it "should not send manifestation's detail email" do get :show, :id => 1, :mode => 'send_email' response.should redirect_to new_user_session_url end end end describe "GET new" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_admin it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do get :new assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid end it "should get new template without expression_id" do get :new response.should be_success end it "should get new template with expression_id" do get :new, :expression_id => 1 response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_librarian it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do get :new assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid end it "should get new template without expression_id" do get :new response.should be_success end it "should get new template with expression_id" do get :new, :expression_id => 1 response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_user it "should not assign the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do get :new assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "should not assign the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do get :new assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end describe "GET edit" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_admin it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation) get :edit, :id => assigns(:manifestation).should eq(manifestation) end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_librarian it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation) get :edit, :id => assigns(:manifestation).should eq(manifestation) end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_user it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation) get :edit, :id => response.should be_forbidden end it "should edit manifestation with tag_edit" do get :edit, :id => 1, :mode => 'tag_edit' response.should be_success end end describe "When not logged in" do it "should not assign the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation) get :edit, :id => response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end describe "POST create" do before(:each) do @attrs = valid_attributes @invalid_attrs = {:original_title => ''} end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_admin describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created manifestation as @manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs assigns(:manifestation).should be_valid end it "assigns a series_statement" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs.merge(:series_has_manifestation_attributes => {:series_statement_id => 1}) assigns(:manifestation).reload assigns(:manifestation).series_statement.should eq SeriesStatement.find(1) end it "redirects to the created manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs response.should redirect_to(manifestation_url(assigns(:manifestation))) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved manifestation as @manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid end it "re-renders the 'new' template" do post :create, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs response.should render_template("new") end end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_librarian describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created manifestation as @manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs assigns(:manifestation).should be_valid end it "redirects to the created manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs response.should redirect_to(manifestation_url(assigns(:manifestation))) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved manifestation as @manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid end it "re-renders the 'new' template" do post :create, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs response.should render_template("new") end end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_user describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created manifestation as @manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs assigns(:manifestation).should be_valid end it "should be forbidden" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs response.should be_forbidden end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved manifestation as @manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid end it "should be forbidden" do post :create, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs response.should be_forbidden end end end describe "When not logged in" do describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created manifestation as @manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs assigns(:manifestation).should be_valid end it "should be forbidden" do post :create, :manifestation => @attrs response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved manifestation as @manifestation" do post :create, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid end it "should be forbidden" do post :create, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end describe "PUT update" do before(:each) do @manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation) @manifestation.series_statement = SeriesStatement.find(1) @attrs = valid_attributes @invalid_attrs = {:original_title => ''} end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_admin describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs end it "assigns a series_statement" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs.merge(:series_has_manifestation_attributes => {:series_statement_id => 2}) assigns(:manifestation).reload assigns(:manifestation).series_statement.should eq SeriesStatement.find(2) end it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs assigns(:manifestation).should eq(@manifestation) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs response.should render_template("edit") end end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_librarian describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs end it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs assigns(:manifestation).should eq(@manifestation) response.should redirect_to(@manifestation) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the manifestation as @manifestation" do put :update, :id => @manifestation, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs assigns(:manifestation).should_not be_valid end it "re-renders the 'edit' template" do put :update, :id => @manifestation, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs response.should render_template("edit") end end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_user describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs end it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs assigns(:manifestation).should eq(@manifestation) response.should be_forbidden end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs response.should be_forbidden end end end describe "When not logged in" do describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs end it "should be forbidden" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @attrs response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested manifestation as @manifestation" do put :update, :id =>, :manifestation => @invalid_attrs response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end describe "DELETE destroy" do before(:each) do @manifestation = FactoryGirl.create(:manifestation) end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_admin it "destroys the requested manifestation" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "redirects to the manifestations list" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(manifestations_url) end it "should not destroy the reserved manifestation" do delete :destroy, :id => 2 response.should be_forbidden end it "should not destroy manifestation contains items" do delete :destroy, :id => 1 response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_librarian it "destroys the requested manifestation" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "should be forbidden" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(manifestations_url) end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_user it "destroys the requested manifestation" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "should be forbidden" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "destroys the requested manifestation" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "should be forbidden" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end