// SMARTFOXSERVER 2X ADMIN TOOL'S ZONE MONITOR MODULE // User settings descriptor file // // The "category" attribute indicates in which tab on the interface (if a TabNavigator is used) the parameter will be displayed. If missing a default category is used. //------------------------------------------- // USER MANAGEMENT //------------------------------------------- // USER ID { "name":"id", "label":"User ID", "tooltip":"The user identification number assigned by SmartFoxServer", "category":"User management", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=user.id}, "edit":false }, // USER NAME { "name":"name", "label":"User name", "tooltip":"The user name", "category":"User management", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=user.name}", "edit":false }, // IP ADDRESS { "name":"ipAddress", "label":"IP address", "tooltip":"The client IP address (not available if the user is a Non-Player Character)", "category":"User management", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.ipAddress}", "edit":false }, // BLUEBOX TUNNELLING { "name":"blueBox", "label":"BlueBox tunnelling", "tooltip":"Indicates if the client is connected through the BlueBox and, if yes, the size of its queue", "category":"User management", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.blueBox}", "edit":false }, // SESSION ID { "name":"sessionId", "label":"Session ID", "tooltip":"Unique identification number of the user session", "category":"User management", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=session.id}", "edit":false }, // SESSION HASH ID { "name":"sessionHashId", "label":"Session hash ID", "tooltip":"Unique session token (not available if the user is a Non-Player Character)", "category":"User management", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.sessionHashId}", "edit":false }, // CLIENT INFO { "name":"clientInfo", "label":"Client info", "tooltip":"Signature of the client, if available (for example: Flash Player, Unity Player, etc.) and if user is not a Non-Player Character", "category":"User management", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.clientInfo}", "edit":false }, // FROZEN { "name":"sessionFrozen", "label":"Is frozen", "tooltip":"Client is in 'frozen' state after a sudden disconnection, if the automatic reconnection system is available", "category":"User management", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=session.frozen}", "edit":false }, //------------------------------------------- // RUNTIME USER SETTINGS //------------------------------------------- // LOCAL USER { "name":"local", "label":"Is local", "tooltip":"User is local if he/she is connected to the SmartFoxServer instance currently monitored", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=user.local}, "edit":false }, // NON-PLAYER CHARACTER { "name":"npc", "label":"Is NPC", "tooltip":"User is a Non-Player Character", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=user.npc}, "edit":false }, // LOGIN TIME { "name":"loginTime", "label":"Login time", "tooltip":"User login date and time", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.loginTime}", "edit":false }, // PLAYER ID { "name":"playerId", "label":"Last player ID", "tooltip":"Player ID assigned to the user in the last Game Room joined", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=user.playerId}", "edit":false }, // PLAYER IDS BY ROOM { "name":"playerIds", "label":"Player ID by Room", "tooltip":"List of player IDs assigned to the user in each joined Room", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"DataGrid", "componentParams": { "height":100 }, "defaultListItem": [ { "name":"roomName", "label":"Room name", "tooltip":"The Room name", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" }, { "name":"playerId", "label":"Player ID", "tooltip":"Player IDs assigned to the user", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" } ], "listValues":{$List=playerIds, instance=helper, fields=roomName;playerId}, "edit":false }, // IS SUPERUSER { "name":"superUser", "label":"Is SuperUser", "tooltip":"The SuperUser flag depends on the permission profile applied to the client. Those with SuperUser permissions can kick and ban other users", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=user.superUser}, "edit":false }, // MAX USER VARIABLES ALLOWED { "name":"maxAllowedVariables", "label":"Maximum # of User Variables", "tooltip":"The maximum number of User Variables that a client can have at the same time", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=user.maxAllowedVariables}, "componentParams": { "minimum":0, "maximum":2147483647 } }, // PRIVILEGE ID { "name":"adminHelper.privilegeId", "label":"Profile ID", "tooltip":"The profile's identifier assigned to the user among the available profiles in the privilege manager (see Zone configuration)", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=user.privilegeId}, "componentParams": { "minimum":0, "maximum":65535 } }, // BAD WORDS WARNINGS { "name":"badWordsWarnings", "label":"'Bad word' warnings received", "tooltip":"The number of word filter warnings sent to this user (the word filter must be enabled, otherwise it will always show zero)", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=user.badWordsWarnings}, "edit":false }, // FLOOD WARNINGS { "name":"floodWarnings", "label":"'Flooding' warnings received", "tooltip":"The number of flooding attempts detected from this user (the flood filter must be enabled, otherwise it will always show zero)", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"NumericStepper", "value":{$BasicValue=user.floodWarnings}, "edit":false }, // LAST REQUEST TIME { "name":"lastRequestTime", "label":"Elapsed time since last request", "tooltip":"The time of the last request sent by the client", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=helper.lastRequestTime}", "edit":false }, // RECONNECTION SECONDS { "name":"reconnectionSeconds", "label":"Reconnection seconds", "tooltip":"The number of seconds allowed for this user to reconnect to the server in case of abrupt disconnection", "category":"Runtime user settings", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=user.reconnectionSeconds}", "edit":false }, //------------------------------------------- // USER ROOMS //------------------------------------------- // LAST JOINED ROOM { "name":"lastJoinedRoom", "label":"Last joined Room", "tooltip":"The name of the last joined Room", "category":"Rooms and Groups", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=user.lastJoinedRoom}", "edit":false }, // JOINED ROOMS { "name":"joinedRoom", "label":"Joined Rooms", "tooltip":"The list of Rooms currently joined by the user", "category":"Rooms and Groups", "type":"DataGrid", "componentParams": { "height":100 }, "defaultListItem": [ { "name":"id", "label":"ID", "tooltip":"The Room identification number", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" }, { "name":"name", "label":"Name", "tooltip":"The Room name", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" }, { "name":"groupId", "label":"Group ID", "tooltip":"The Group to which the room belongs", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" }, { "name":"game", "label":"Is game", "tooltip":"Room is of type 'Game'", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false } ], "listValues":{$List=joinedRooms, instance=user, fields=id;name;groupId;game}, "edit":false }, // CREATED ROOMS { "name":"createdRoom", "label":"Created Rooms", "tooltip":"The list of Rooms created by the user", "category":"Rooms and Groups", "componentParams": { "height":100 }, "type":"DataGrid", "defaultListItem": [ { "name":"id", "label":"ID", "tooltip":"The Room identification number", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" }, { "name":"name", "label":"Name", "tooltip":"The Room name", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" }, { "name":"groupId", "label":"Group ID", "tooltip":"The Group to which the Room belongs", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" }, { "name":"game", "label":"Is game", "tooltip":"Room is of type 'Game'", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false } ], "listValues":{$List=createdRooms, instance=user, fields=id;name;groupId;game}, "edit":false }, // SUBSCRIBED GROUPS { "name":"subscribedGroups", "label":"Subscribed Groups", "tooltip":"The list of Room Groups subscribed by the user. For each Group the client will receive updates about its Rooms", "category":"Rooms and Groups", "type":"DataGrid", "componentParams": { "height":100 }, "defaultListItem": [ { "name":"groupId", "label":"Group ID", "tooltip":"The unique name of the Group", "type":"TextInput", "value":"" } ], "listValues":{$List=subscribedGroups, instance=user, createField=groupId}, "edit":false }, //------------------------------------------- // RUNTIME USER VARIABLES //------------------------------------------- // USER VARIABLES { "name":"userVariables", "label":"User Variables", "tooltip":"List of current User Variables", "category":"Runtime User Variables", "type":"DataGrid", "componentParams": { "height":200 }, "defaultListItem": [ { "name":"name", "label":"Name", "tooltip":"Name", "type":"TextInput", "value":"", "validator":"notNull" }, { "name":"type", "label":"Type", "tooltip":"The type of the variable", "type":"ComboBox", "value":"STRING", "componentParams": { "dataProvider":"BOOLEAN,INT,DOUBLE,STRING,OBJECT,ARRAY" } }, { "name":"hidden", "label":"Hidden", "tooltip":"Hidden variables are not updated on the client side", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false }, { "name":"value", "label":"Value", "tooltip":"Primitive value or JSON block", "type":"TextInput", "value":"", "validator":"notNull" } ], "listValues":{$List=variables, instance=user, fields=name;type;hidden;value}, "edit":false }, //------------------------------------------- // BUDDY PROPERTIES //------------------------------------------- // IS INITED { "name":"buddyInited", "label":"Buddy List initialized", "tooltip":"The client initializes the Buddy List before doing any other operation; if it is not initialized, the user is not currently using it", "category":"Buddy properties", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=buddyProps.inited}, "edit":false }, // NICKNAME { "name":"buddyNickName", "label":"User nickname", "tooltip":"An alternative (and optional) nickname to use in the Buddy List", "category":"Buddy properties", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=buddyProps.nickName}", "edit":false }, // IS ONLINE { "name":"buddyOnline", "label":"User is online as buddy", "tooltip":"The user can decide to go online or offline in the buddy system at any time during his session", "category":"Buddy properties", "type":"CheckBox", "value":{$BasicValue=buddyProps.online}, "edit":false }, // CUSTOM STATE { "name":"buddyState", "label":"Custom state", "tooltip":"A custom string showing the user state (e.g. Available, Busy, etc.)", "category":"Buddy properties", "type":"TextInput", "value":"{$BasicValue=buddyProps.state}", "edit":false }, // BUDDY VARIABLES { "name":"buddyVariables", "label":"User Buddy Variables", "tooltip":"The list of Buddy Variables created by the user", "category":"Buddy properties", "type":"DataGrid", "componentParams": { "height":200 }, "defaultListItem": [ { "name":"name", "label":"Name", "tooltip":"Name", "type":"TextInput", "value":"", "validator":"notNull" }, { "name":"type", "label":"Type", "tooltip":"The type of the variable", "type":"ComboBox", "value":"STRING", "componentParams": { "dataProvider":"BOOLEAN,INT,DOUBLE,STRING,OBJECT,ARRAY" } }, { "name":"offline", "label":"Offline", "tooltip":"An offline Buddy Variable is available to other users even when the client is not logged in the system", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false }, { "name":"value", "label":"Value", "tooltip":"Primitive value or JSON block", "type":"TextInput", "value":"", "validator":"notNull" } ], "listValues":{$List=variables, instance=buddyProps, fields=name;type;offline;value}, "edit":false }, // USER BUDDIES { "name":"buddyList", "label":"User buddies", "tooltip":"List of the user buddies; this list is populated only if the user has requested its initialization", "category":"Buddy properties", "type":"DataGrid", "componentParams": { "height":200 }, "defaultListItem": [ { "name":"name", "label":"Name", "tooltip":"Name", "type":"TextInput", "value":"", "validator":"notNull" }, { "name":"blocked", "label":"Blocked", "tooltip":"If the buddy is blocked the user won't receive any messages from him/her", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false }, { "name":"temp", "label":"Temp", "tooltip":"A temporary buddy will be lost as soon as the user disconnects, unless he decides to add such user to his Buddy List. Check the docs for more details on this", "type":"CheckBox", "value":false } ], "listValues":{$List=buddyList, instance=helper, fields=name;blocked;temp}, "edit":false }