/*================================================================= Copyright (C) 2012 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================*/ #include "debuglog.h" #include "btrvProtocol.h" #include "recordsetReader.h" #include "stl_uty.h" namespace bzs { namespace msqlp { static char logfilename[FN_REFLEN]; static boost::mutex g_logMutex; char msg[1024]; void writeDebuglog(ushort_td op, request& req, bool error) { bool write = false; switch(op) { /*case TD_CONNECT: case TD_STOP_ENGINE: break;*/ case TD_RESET_CLIENT: { std::string dbname = getDatabaseName(req); sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_RESET_CLIENT result = %d \tdbname = %s\t cid = %d \n" ,dateTime(), req.result, dbname.c_str(), req.cid); write = true; break; } case TD_CREATETABLE: { std::string dbname = getDatabaseName(req); sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_CREATETABLE result = %d \tdbname = %s\t table=%s\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, dbname.c_str(), getTableName(req).c_str()); write = true; break; } case TD_OPENTABLE: { std::string dbname = getDatabaseName(req); sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_OPENTABLE result = %d \tHandle = %d \tdbname = %s\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle, dbname.c_str()); write = true; break; } case TD_CLOSETABLE: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_CLOSETABLE result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_SEEK: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_SEEK result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_AFTER: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_AFTER result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_OR_AFTER: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_OR_AFTER result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_BEFORE: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_BEFORE result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_OR_BEFORE: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_OR_BEFORE result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_FIRST: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_FIRST result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_PREV: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_PREV result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_LAST: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_LAST result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_NEXT: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_NEXT result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_REC_INSERT: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_REC_INSERT result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_REC_UPDATE: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_REC_UPDATE result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_REC_DELETE: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_REC_DELETE result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_BEGIN_TRANSACTION: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_BEGIN_TRANSACTION cid = %d \n",dateTime(), req.cid); write = true; break; case TD_END_TRANSACTION: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_END_TRANSACTION cid = %d \n",dateTime(), req.cid); write = true; break; case TD_ABORT_TRANSACTION: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_ABORT_TRANSACTION cid = %d \n",dateTime(), req.cid); write = true; break; case TD_BEGIN_SHAPSHOT: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_BEGIN_SHAPSHOT cid = %d \n",dateTime(), req.cid); write = true; break; case TD_END_SNAPSHOT: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_END_SNAPSHOT cid = %d \n",dateTime(), req.cid); write = true; break; case TD_TABLE_INFO: { std::string dbname = getDatabaseName(req); sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_TABLE_INFO result = %d \tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; } case TD_POS_FIRST: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_POS_FIRST result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_POS_LAST: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_POS_LAST result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_POS_NEXT: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_POS_NEXT result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_POS_PREV: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_POS_PREV result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_BOOKMARK: if (req.result==0) sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_BOOKMARK result = %d \tHandle = %d key = %d pos = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle, req.keyNum, *((uint*)req.data)); else sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_BOOKMARK result = %d \tHandle = %d key = %d \n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle, req.keyNum); write = true; break; case TD_MOVE_BOOKMARK: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_MOVE_BOOKMARK result = %d \tHandle = %d key = %d pos = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle, req.keyNum, *((uchar*)req.data)); write = true; break; case TD_GETDIRECTORY: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_GETDIRECTORY cid = %d \n",dateTime(), req.cid); write = true; break; /*case TD_VERSION: break; case TD_CLEAR_OWNERNAME: */ case TD_SET_OWNERNAME: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_SET_OWNERNAME result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_DROP_INDEX: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_DROP_INDEX result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_NEXT_MULTI: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_NEXT_MULTI result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_KEY_PREV_MULTI: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_KEY_PREV_MULTI result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_POS_NEXT_MULTI: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_POS_NEXT_MULTI result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_POS_PREV_MULTI: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_POS_PREV_MULTI result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_MOVE_PER: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_MOVE_PER result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_GET_PER: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_GET_PER result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; case TD_INSERT_BULK: sprintf_s(msg, "%s TD_INSERT_BULK result = %d \tHandle = %d\n",dateTime(), req.result, req.pbk->handle); write = true; break; } if (error) { sprintf_s(msg, "%s ERROR result = %d op=%d\t\tHandle = %d\n" ,dateTime(), req.result, op, req.pbk?req.pbk->handle:0); write = true; } if (write) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_logMutex); FILE* fp = fileOpne(logfilename, "a+"); if (fp) { fputs(msg, fp); fclose(fp); } } } void writeDebuglog(const char* msg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_logMutex); FILE* fp = fileOpne(logfilename, "a+"); if (fp) { fputs(dateTime(), fp); fputs(" ", fp); fputs(msg, fp); fclose(fp); } } void writeDebuglogDump(const char* msg, const char* p, int size) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_logMutex); FILE* fp = fileOpne(logfilename, "a+"); if (fp) { fputs(msg, fp); fputs("\n", fp); dump(fp, p, size, INT_MAX); fclose(fp); } } void fieldDump(table* tb) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lck(g_logMutex); FILE* fp = fileOpne(logfilename, "a+"); if (fp) { for (int j=0;j<(int)tb->m_table->s->fields;j++) { fputs(tb->m_table->s->field[j]->field_name, fp); fputs("=", fp); fputs(tb->valStr(j), fp); fputs("\n", fp); } fclose(fp); } } void initLog() { fn_format(logfilename, "transctd_debug","",".log",MY_REPLACE_EXT|MY_UNPACK_FILENAME); FILE* fp = fileOpne(logfilename, "w"); if (fp) { fputs(dateTime(), fp); fputs("Transctd debug Start", fp); fputs(msg, fp); fclose(fp); } } void endLog() { writeDebuglog("Transctd debug End"); } void dump(FILE* fp, const char* p, int size, int limit) { size = std::min(size, limit); for (int i=0;imaxRows, resultDef->fieldCount); for (int i=0;ifieldCount;i++) { resultField* fd = &resultDef->field[i]; sprintf(tmp2,"RESULTDEF FIELD%d pos =%d len=%d \n",i+1, fd->pos, fd->len); strcat(tmp, tmp2); } sprintf(tmp2, "READS REQ len=%d reject=%d logicalCount=%d\n", req->len, req->rejectCount, req->logicalCount); strcat(tmp, tmp2); logicalField* field = &req->field; while(1) { sprintf(tmp2,"REQUEST FIELD1 type =%d len=%d pos=%d logType=%d opr=%d " , field->type, field->len, field->pos, field->logType, field->opr); strcat(tmp, tmp2); if (field->logType & CMPLOGICAL_FIELD) sprintf(tmp2, "offset=%d\n", field->offset); else { strcat(tmp, "Value="); for (int j=0;jlen;j++) { sprintf(tmp2, "%02X ", *(field->ptr+j)); strcat(tmp, tmp2); } strcat(tmp, "\n"); } if (field->opr == 0) break;//this is last field = field->next(); } writeDebuglog(tmp); } void debugReadRecordsEnd(resultWriter* rw) { writeDebuglogDump("READS RESULT DUMP", rw->resultBuffer()+RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE , rw->resultLen()-RETBUF_EXT_RESERVE_SIZE); } void debugInsert(table* tb, const char* packPtr,int packlen, int row, int errorCount) { char tmp[64]; sprintf(tmp, "INSERT PACKED Row=%d len=%d ErrorRows=%d ", packlen, row, errorCount); writeDebuglogDump(tmp, packPtr + sizeof(ushort_td), packlen); sprintf(tmp, "INSERT UNPACKED Row=%d len=%ld stat=%d", row, tb->recordLen(), tb->stat()); writeDebuglogDump(tmp, (const char*)tb->record(), tb->recordLen()); fieldDump(tb); } }//namespace msqlp }//namespace bzs #ifdef DEBUG_PROFILE unsigned int g_v; #endif