--- en: activemodel: attributes: consultation: banner_image: Banner image decidim_highlighted_scope_id: Highlighted scope description: Description end_voting_date: End date introductory_image: Introductory image introductory_video_url: Introductory video URL questions: Questions slug: URL slug start_voting_date: Start date subtitle: Subtitle title: Title question: banner_image: Banner image decidim_scope_id: Municipal area hashtag: Hashtag hero_image: Home image i_frame_url: External voting system URL origin_scope: Scope origin_title: Origin origin_url: Origin URL participatory_scope: Participatory scope promoter_group: Promoter group question_context: Context reference: Reference scope: Municipal area slug: URL slug subtitle: Subtitle title: Title vote: External voting system what_is_decided: What is decided errors: vote: decidim_consultations_response_id: not_found: Response not found. activerecord: models: decidim/consultations: one: Consultation other: Consultations decidim/consultations/question: one: Question other: Questions decidim/consultations/response: one: Response other: Responses decidim/consultations/vote: one: Vote other: Votes decidim: admin: actions: publish_results: Publish results unpublish_results: Unpublish results consultation_publications: create: error: There was an error publishing this consultation. success: Consultation published successfully. destroy: error: There was an error unpublishing this consultation. success: Consultation unpublished successfully. consultation_results_publications: create: error: There was an error publishing the results for this consultation. success: Consultation results published successfully. destroy: error: There was an error unpublishing the results for this consultation. success: Consultation results unpublished successfully. consultations: create: error: There was an error creating a new consultation. success: Consultation successfully created. destroy: success: Consultation successfully destroyed. edit: update: Update form: slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this consultation. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' title: General information index: not_published: Not published published: Published new: create: Create title: New consultation update: error: There was an error when updating this consultation. success: Consultation updated successfully. menu: consultations: Consultations consultations_submenu: info: Information questions: Questions questions_submenu: components: Components consultation: Consultation info: Information responses: Responses models: consultation: fields: created_at: Created at published: Published title: Title name: one: Consultation other: Consultations question: fields: created_at: Created at published: Published title: Title name: one: Question other: Questions response: fields: created_at: Created at title: Title name: one: Response other: Responses question_publications: create: error: There was an error publishing this question. success: Question published successfully. destroy: error: There was an error unpublishing this question. success: Question unpublished successfully. questions: create: error: There was an error creating a new question. success: Question successfully created. destroy: success: Question successfully destroyed. edit: update: Update form: title: General information index: not_published: Not published published: Published new: create: Create title: New question update: error: There was an error when updating this question. success: Question updated successfully. responses: create: error: There was an error creating a new response. success: Response successfully created. destroy: error: There was an error when removing the response. success: Response successfully destroyed. edit: update: Update form: title: General information new: create: Create title: New response update: error: There was an error when updating this response. success: Response updated successfully. titles: consultations: Consultations questions: Questions responses: Responses consultations: consultation: start_voting_date: Voting from view_results: View results consultation_card: view_results: View results consultations: orders: label: 'Sort consultations by:' random: Random recent: Most recent count: title: one: "%{count} consultation" other: "%{count} consultations" filters: active: Active all: All finished: Finished search: Search state: State upcoming: Upcoming filters_small_view: close_modal: Close window filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold highlighted_questions: title: Questions from %{scope_name} index: title: Consultations question: take_part: Take part view_results: View results votes_out_of: one: vote out of other: votes out of question_votes: create: error: There have been errors when voting the question regular_questions: title: Questions for this consultation show: badge_name: finished: Finished open: Open open_votes: Open votes published_results: Results published footer_button_text: debate: Debate view: View view_results: View results vote: Vote unspecified: Not specified menu: consultations: Consultations pages: home: statistics: consultations_count: Consultations questions: results: title: Results show: read_more: Read more statistics: assistants_count_title: Assistants comments_count_title: Comments meetings_count_title: Meetings supports_count_title: Adhesions technical_info: technical_data: Technical data vote_button: already_voted: Already voted already_voted_hover: Revoke support starting_from: Starting from %{date} vote: Vote vote_modal: contextual_help: Please, select an option. title: 'Consultation: question support' vote_modal_confirm: change: Change confirm: Confirm contextual_help: Please confirm the selected option. title: 'Consultation: confirm support' layouts: decidim: admin: question: attachments: Attachments categories: Categories consultation_voting_data: start_voting_date: Voting from question_components: question_menu_item: The question unfold: Unfold question_header: back_to_consultation: See all consultations