require 'rubygems' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'hpricot' require 'andand' require 'cgi' require 'yaml' require 'ftools' require 'time' require 'date' require 'json' require 'htmlentities' require 'gmail' require 'commercebank/monkey.rb' require 'commercebank/appconfig.rb' class Array def binary map {|e| yield(e) ? [e, nil] : [nil, e]} {|a| a.compact} end end class Object def to_cents (to_s.gsub(/[^-.0-9]/, '').to_f * 100).to_i end end class Date def days_in_month (Date.parse("12/31/#{strftime("%Y")}") << (12 - month)).day end def last_sunday d = self d -= 1 until d.wday == 0 d end end class Hash def to_url map {|key, value| "#{CGI.escape key.to_s}=#{CGI.escape value.to_s}"}.join "&" end def to_cookie map {|key, value| "#{key}=#{value}"}.join('; ') end end class WebClient attr_reader :fields, :cookies def initialize @cookies = @http ='', 443) @http.use_ssl = true @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end def get(path, form = nil) response = @http.get(path, header) add_cookies(response) @fields = (form && get_form(response.body, form)) || response end def post(path, form = nil) response =, @fields.to_url, header) add_cookies(response) @fields = (form && get_form(response.body, form)) || response end private def header { 'Cookie' => @cookies.to_cookie } end def get_form(body, name) Hpricot.buffer_size = 262144 doc = Hpricot.parse(body) form = (doc/"##{name}").first fields = Hash[*((form/"input").map {|e| [ e.attributes['name'], e.attributes['value'] ]}.flatten)] fields['TestJavaScript'] = 'OK' fields end def add_cookies(response) CGI::Cookie.parse(response.header['set-cookie']).each do |key, value| @cookies[key] = value.first end @cookies.delete 'path' @cookies.delete 'expires' self end end class CommerceBank attr_reader :register, :current, :available def initialize @config ='~/.commerce.yaml') client = client.get('/') client.get('/CBI/login.aspx', 'MAINFORM') client.fields['txtUserID'] = @config[:username] response ='/CBI/login.aspx', 'MAINFORM') # If a question was asked, answer it then get the password page. question = response.body.scan(/Your security question: (.*?)<\/td>/i).first.andand.first if question client.fields['txtChallengeAnswer'] = @config[question] client.fields['saveComputer'] = 'rdoBindDeviceNo' response ='/CBI/login.aspx', 'MAINFORM') end raise "could not reach the password page" unless client.fields['__EVENTTARGET'] == 'btnLogin' client.fields['txtPassword'] = @config[:password] response ='/CBI/login.aspx') response = client.get('/CBI/Accounts/CBI/Activity.aspx', 'MAINFORM') (@current, @available) = parse_balance(response.body) @pending = parse_pending(response.body) client.fields['Anthem_UpdatePage'] = 'true' client.fields['txtFilterFromDate:textBox'] = Time.parse('1/1/2000').strftime('%m/%d/%Y') client.fields['txtFilterToDate:textBox'] ='%m/%d/%Y') response ='/CBI/Accounts/CBI/Activity.aspx?Anthem_CallBack=true') raw_data = JSON.parse(response.body) @register = parse_register(raw_data['controls']['pnlPosted']) end def daily_summary today, yesterday, this_week, last_week = [], [], [], [] register.each do |entry| if entry[:date] == then today << entry elsif entry[:date] == ( - 1) then yesterday << entry elsif entry[:date] >= then this_week << entry elsif entry[:date] >= ( - 1).last_sunday then last_week << entry end end { 'Pending' => @pending, 'Today' => today, 'Yesterday' => yesterday, 'This Week' => this_week, 'Last Week' => last_week, :order => [ 'Pending', 'Today', 'Yesterday', 'This Week', 'Last Week' ] } end def monthly_summary(day_in_month = ( - first_of_month = day_in_month - + 1 last_of_month = first_of_month + day_in_month.days_in_month - 1 entries = register.find_all {|entry| entry[:date] >= first_of_month && entry[:date] <= last_of_month} { day_in_month.strftime('%B') => entries } end def print_all summarize 'All' => register end def print_daily_summary print(summarize(daily_summary)) end def gmail_daily_summary subject = "Daily Summary" summary = summarize_html(daily_summary) username = @config['GMail Username'] password = @config['GMail Password'], password).send(username, subject, summary, 'text/html') end def gmail_monthly_summary last_month = - subject = "#{last_month.strftime('%B')} Summary" summary = summarize_html(monthly_summary(last_month)) username = @config['GMail Username'] password = @config['GMail Password'], password).send(username, subject, summary, 'text/html') end private def summarize(entries) (entries[:order] || entries.keys).map do |label| next if entries[label].length == 0 label.to_s + ":\n" + entries[label].map do |e| [ e[:date].strftime('%02m/%02d/%04Y '), "%-100s " % e[:destination], "%10s " % e[:delta].to_dollars(:show_plus), e[:total] && ("%10s " % e[:total].to_dollars), "\n" ].compact.join end.join end.compact.join("\n") end def summarize_html(entries) html = '' (entries[:order] || entries.keys).each do |label| next if entries[label].length == 0 use_total = entries[label].find {|e| e[:total]} html += '<h2 style="font-family: garamond, georgia, serif">' + label + '</h2>' html += '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" style="font-size: 12px; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color: #DDDDDD" width="100%">' html += '<tr style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #DDDDDD">' html += '<th style="text-align: left" width="75">Date</th>' html += '<th style="text-align: left">Destination</th>' html += '<th style="text-align: right" width="75">Amount</th>' html += '<th style="text-align: right" width="75">Total</th>' if use_total html += '</tr>' even = true entries[label].each do |e| even = !even delta = "%s%0.2f" % [ (e[:delta] >= 0 ? '+' : '-'), e[:delta].abs/100.0 ] total = "%0.2f" % (e[:total].to_i/100.0) row_style = { 'font-weight' => 'normal', 'background-color' => even ? '#DDDDDD' : '#FFFFFF' }.map {|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join('; ') html += sprintf '<tr style="%s">', row_style html += '<td style="text-align: left">' + e[:date].strftime('%m/%d/%Y') + '</td>' html += '<td style="text-align: left">' + e[:destination] + '</td>' html += '<td style="text-align: right">' + delta + '</td>' html += '<td style="text-align: right">' + total + '</td>' if use_total html += '</tr>' end html += '</table>' end html end def parse_balance(body) Hpricot.buffer_size = 262144 doc = Hpricot.parse(body) summaryRows = doc/"table.summaryTable"/"tr" current = (summaryRows[3]/"td")[1].inner_html.to_cents available = (summaryRows[4]/"td")[1].inner_html.to_cents [current, available] end def parse_pending(body) Hpricot.buffer_size = 262144 doc = Hpricot.parse(body) coder = (doc/"#grdMemoPosted"/"tr").map do |e| next nil unless (e['class'] == 'item' || e['class'] == 'alternatingItem') values = (e/"td").map {|e1| coder.decode(e1.inner_html.strip)} debit = values[2].to_cents credit = values[3].to_cents delta = credit - debit { :date => Date.parse(values[0]), :destination => values[1], :delta => delta, :debit => debit, :credit => credit } end.compact end def parse_register(body) Hpricot.buffer_size = 262144 doc = Hpricot.parse(body) coder = (doc/"#grdHistory"/"tr").map do |e| next nil unless [ 'item', 'alternatingitem' ].include? e['class'].to_s.downcase anchor ="a") values = (e/"td").map {|e1| e1.inner_html} date = Date.parse(values[0]) check = values[1].strip debit = values[3].to_cents credit = values[4].to_cents delta = credit - debit total = values[5].to_cents images = (e/"a").find_all do |e1| e1['target'].to_s.downcase == 'checkimage' do |e1| { :url => e1['href'], :title => e1.inner_html.strip } end { :destination => coder.decode(anchor.inner_html.strip), :url => anchor['href'], :date => date, :check => check, :images => images, :delta => delta, :debit => debit, :credit => credit, :total => total } end.compact end end if $0 == __FILE__ cb = cb.gmail_daily_summary end