# XML::Mixup: A mixin for XML markup
require 'xml-mixup'
class Anything
include XML::Mixup
something = Anything.new
# generate a structure
node = something.markup spec: [
{ '#pi' => 'xml-stylesheet', type: 'text/xsl', href: '/transform' },
{ '#dtd' => :html },
{ '#html' => [
{ '#head' => [
{ '#title' => 'look ma, title' },
{ '#elem' => :base, href: 'http://the.base/url' },
] },
{ '#body' => [
{ '#h1' => 'Illustrious Heading' },
{ '#p' => :lolwut },
] },
], xmlns: 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' }
# `node` will correspond to the last thing generated. In this
# case, it will be a text node containing 'lolwut'.
doc = node.document
puts doc.to_xml
## Yet another XML markup generator?
Some time ago, [I](https://doriantaylor.com/) wrote a Perl module called
[Role::Markup::XML](https://metacpan.org/pod/Role::Markup::XML). I did this
because I had a lot of XML to generate, and was dissatisfied with what
was currently on offer. Now I have a lot of XML to generate using
Ruby, and found a lot of the same things:
### Structure is generated by procedure calls
Granted it's a lot nicer to do this sort of thing in Ruby, but at the
end of the day, the thing generating the XML is a nested list of
method calls---_not_ a declarative data structure.
### Document has to be generated all in one shot
It's not super-easy to generate a piece of the target document and
then go back and generate some more (although
{Nokogiri::XML::Builder.with} is a nice start). This plus the last
point leads to all sorts of cockamamy constructs which are almost as
life-sucking as writing raw DOM routines.
### Hard to do surgery on existing documents
This comes up a lot: you have an existing document and you want to add
even just a single node to it---say, in between two nodes just for
fun. Good luck with that.
### Enter `XML::Mixup`
* __The input consists of ordinary Ruby data objects__ so you can
build them up ahead of time, in bulk, transform them, etc.,
* __Sprinkle pre-built XML subtrees anywhere into the spec__ so you
can memoize repeating elements, or otherwise compile a document
* __Attach new generated content anywhere:__ underneath a parent node,
or before, after, or _instead of_ a node at the sibling level.
## The spec format
At the heart of this module is a single method called `markup`, which,
among other things, takes a `:spec`. The spec can be any composite
### Hashes
The principal construct in `XML::Mixup` is the {Hash}. You can
generate pretty much any node with it:
#### Elements
{ '#tag' => 'foo' } # =>
# or
{ '#elem' => 'foo' } # =>
# or, with the element name as a symbol
{ '#element' => :foo } # =>
# or, with nil as a key
{ nil => :foo } # =>
# or, with attributes
{ nil => :foo, bar: :hi } # =>
# or, with namespaces
{ nil => :foo, xmlns: 'urn:x-bar' } # =>
# or, with more namespaces
{ nil => :foo, xmlns: 'urn:x-bar', 'xmlns:hurr' => 'urn:x-durr' }
# =>
# or, with content
{ nil => [:foo, :hi] } # => hi
# or, shove your child nodes into an otherwise content-less key
{ [:hi] => :foo, bar: :hurr } # => hi
Attributes are sorted lexically. Composite attribute values get
flattened like this:
{ nil => :foo, array: [:a :b], hash: { e: :f, c: :d } }
# =>
#### Processing instructions
{ '#pi' => 'xml-stylesheet', type: 'text/xsl', href: '/transform' }
# =>
# or, if you like typing
{ '#processing-instruction' => :hurr } # =>
#### `DOCTYPE` declarations
{ '#dtd' => :html } # =>
# or (note either :public or :system can be nil)
{ '#dtd' => [:html, :public, :system] }
# =>
# or, same thing
{ '#doctype' => :html, public: :public, system: :system }
#### Comments and `CDATA` sections
Comments and `CDATA` are flattened into string literals:
{ '#comment' => :whatever } # =>
{ '#cdata' => '' } # => ]]>
Pretty straight forward?
### Arrays
Parts of a spec that are arrays (or really anything that can be turned
into one) are attached at the same level of the document in the
sequence given, as you might expect.
### `Nokogiri::XML::Node` objects
These are automatically cloned, but otherwise passed in as-is.
### `Proc`s, lambdas etc.
These are executed with any supplied `:args`, and then `markup` is run
again over the result. (Take care not to supply a `Proc` that produces
another `Proc`.)
### Everything else
Turned into a text node.
## Installation
Come on, you know how to do this:
$ gem install xml-mixup
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at
## License
This software is provided under
the [Apache License, 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).