== Class Element
Class Element has methods from its superclasses and included modules;
- {Tasks for Parent}[parent_rdoc.html].
- {Tasks for Child}[child_rdoc.html].
- {Tasks for Node}[node_rdoc.html].
- {Module Enumerable}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/Enumerable.html].
:include: ../tocs/element_toc.rdoc
=== New Element
==== Task: Create a Default Element
Use method
with no arguments to create a default element:
e = REXML::Element.new
e.name # => "UNDEFINED"
e.parent # => nil
e.context # => nil
==== Task: Create a Named Element
Use method
with a string name argument
to create a named element:
e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e.name # => "foo"
e.parent # => nil
e.context # => nil
==== Task: Create an Element with Name and Parent
Use method
with name and parent arguments
to create an element with name and parent:
p = REXML::Parent.new
e = REXML::Element.new('foo', p)
e.name # => "foo"
e.parent # => #]>
e.context # => nil
==== Task: Create an Element with Name, Parent, and Context
Use method
with name, parent, and context arguments
to create an element with name, parent, and context:
p = REXML::Parent.new
e = REXML::Element.new('foo', p, {compress_whitespace: :all})
e.name # => "foo"
e.parent # => #]>
e.context # => {:compress_whitespace=>:all}
==== Task: Create a Shallow Clone
Use method
to create a shallow clone of an element,
copying only the name, attributes, and context:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo', nil, {compress_whitespace: :all})
e0.add_attribute(REXML::Attribute.new('bar', 'baz'))
e0.context = {compress_whitespace: :all}
e1 = e0.clone # =>
e1.name # => "foo"
e1.context # => {:compress_whitespace=>:all}
=== Attributes
==== Task: Create and Add an Attribute
Use method
to create and add an attribute:
e = REXML::Element.new
e.add_attribute('attr', 'value') # => "value"
e['attr'] # => "value"
e.add_attribute('attr', 'VALUE') # => "VALUE"
e['attr'] # => "VALUE"
==== Task: Add an Existing Attribute
Use method
to add an existing attribute:
e = REXML::Element.new
a = REXML::Attribute.new('attr', 'value')
e['attr'] # => "value"
a = REXML::Attribute.new('attr', 'VALUE')
e['attr'] # => "VALUE"
==== Task: Add Multiple Attributes from a Hash
Use method
to add multiple attributes from a hash:
e = REXML::Element.new
h = {'foo' => 0, 'bar' => 1}
e['foo'] # => "0"
e['bar'] # => "1"
==== Task: Add Multiple Attributes from an Array
Use method
to add multiple attributes from an array:
e = REXML::Element.new
a = [['foo', 0], ['bar', 1]]
e['foo'] # => "0"
e['bar'] # => "1"
==== Task: Retrieve the Value for an Attribute Name
Use method
to retrieve the value for an attribute name:
e = REXML::Element.new
e.add_attribute('attr', 'value') # => "value"
e['attr'] # => "value"
==== Task: Retrieve the Attribute Value for a Name and Namespace
Use method
to retrieve the value for an attribute name:
xml_string = ""
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
e = d.root
e.attribute("x") # => x='x'
e.attribute("x", "a") # => a:x='a:x'
==== Task: Delete an Attribute
Use method
to remove an attribute:
e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e.add_attribute('bar', 'baz')
e['bar'] # => nil
==== Task: Determine Whether the Element Has Attributes
Use method
to determine whether the element has attributes:
e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e.has_attributes? # => false
e.add_attribute('bar', 'baz')
e.has_attributes? # => true
=== Children
Element Children
==== Task: Create and Add an Element
Use method
to create a new element and add it to this element:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e0.children # => []
==== Task: Add an Existing Element
Use method
to add an element to this element:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar')
e0.children # => []
==== Task: Create and Add an Element with Attributes
Use method
to create a new element with attributes, and add it to this element:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e0.add_element('bar', {'name' => 'value'})
e0.children # => []
==== Task: Add an Existing Element with Added Attributes
Use method
to add an element to this element:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar')
e0.add_element(e1, {'name' => 'value'})
e0.children # => []
==== Task: Delete a Specified Element
Use method
to remove a specified element from this element:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar')
e0.children # => []
e0.children # => []
==== Task: Delete an Element by Index
Use method
to remove an element from this element by index:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar')
e0.children # => []
e0.children # => []
==== Task: Delete an Element by XPath
Use method
to remove an element from this element by XPath:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e1 = REXML::Element.new('bar')
e0.children # => []
e0.children # => []
==== Task: Determine Whether Element Children
Use method
to determine whether the element has element children:
e0 = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e0.has_elements? # => false
e0.has_elements? # => true
==== Task: Get Element Descendants by XPath
Use method
to fetch all element descendant children by XPath:
xml_string = <<-EOT
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
d.root.get_elements('//a') # => [ ... >, ]
==== Task: Get Next Element Sibling
Use method
to retrieve the next element sibling:
d = REXML::Document.new 'text'
d.root.elements['b'].next_element #->
d.root.elements['c'].next_element #-> nil
==== Task: Get Previous Element Sibling
Use method
to retrieve the previous element sibling:
d = REXML::Document.new 'text'
d.root.elements['c'].previous_element #->
d.root.elements['b'].previous_element #-> nil
Text Children
==== Task: Add a Text Node
Use method
to add a text node to the element:
d = REXML::Document.new('foobar')
e = d.root
e.to_a # => ["foo", , "bar", "baz"]
e.to_a # => ["foo", , "bar", "baz", "baz"]
==== Task: Replace the First Text Node
Use method
to replace the first text node in the element:
d = REXML::Document.new('textmore')
e = d.root
e.to_a # => [, "text", , "more", ]
e.text = 'oops'
e.to_a # => [, "oops", , "more", ]
==== Task: Remove the First Text Node
Use method
to remove the first text node in the element:
d = REXML::Document.new('textmore')
e = d.root
e.to_a # => [, "text", , "more", ]
e.text = nil
e.to_a # => [, , "more", ]
==== Task: Retrieve the First Text Node
Use method
to retrieve the first text node in the element:
d = REXML::Document.new('textmore')
e = d.root
e.to_a # => [, "text", , "more", ]
e.get_text # => "text"
==== Task: Retrieve a Specific Text Node
Use method
to retrieve the first text node in a specified element:
d = REXML::Document.new "some text this is bold! more text"
e = d.root
e.get_text('//root') # => "some text "
e.get_text('//b') # => "this is bold!"
==== Task: Determine Whether the Element has Text Nodes
Use method
to determine whethe the element has text:
e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e.has_text? # => false
e.has_text? # => true
Other Children
==== Task: Get the Child at a Given Index
Use method
to retrieve the child at a given index:
d = REXML::Document.new '>textmore'
e = d.root
e[0] # =>
e[1] # => "text"
e[2] # =>
==== Task: Get All CDATA Children
Use method
to retrieve all CDATA children:
xml_string = <<-EOT
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
d.root.cdatas # => ["foo", "bar"]
==== Task: Get All Comment Children
Use method
to retrieve all comment children:
xml_string = <<-EOT
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
d.root.comments.map {|comment| comment.to_s } # => ["foo", "bar"]
==== Task: Get All Processing Instruction Children
Use method
to retrieve all processing instruction children:
xml_string = <<-EOT
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
instructions = d.root.instructions.map {|instruction| instruction.to_s }
instructions # => ["", ""]
==== Task: Get All Text Children
Use method
to retrieve all text children:
xml_string = 'textmore'
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
d.root.texts # => ["text", "more"]
=== Namespaces
==== Task: Add a Namespace
Use method
to add a namespace to the element:
e = REXML::Element.new('foo')
e.namespaces # => {"xmlns"=>"bar"}
==== Task: Delete the Default Namespace
Use method
to remove the default namespace from the element:
d = REXML::Document.new ""
d.to_s # => ""
d.root.delete_namespace # =>
d.to_s # => ""
==== Task: Delete a Specific Namespace
Use method
to remove a specific namespace from the element:
d = REXML::Document.new ""
d.to_s # => ""
d.root.delete_namespace # =>
d.to_s # => ""
d.to_s # => ""
==== Task: Get a Namespace URI
Use method
to retrieve a speficic namespace URI for the element:
xml_string = <<-EOT
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
b = d.elements['//b']
b.namespace # => "1"
b.namespace('y') # => "2"
==== Task: Retrieve Namespaces
Use method
to retrieve all namespaces for the element:
xml_string = ''
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string)
d.root.attributes.namespaces # => {"xmlns"=>"foo", "x"=>"bar", "y"=>"twee"}
==== Task: Retrieve Namespace Prefixes
Use method
to retrieve all prefixes (namespace names) for the element:
xml_string = <<-EOT
d = REXML::Document.new(xml_string, {compress_whitespace: :all})
d.elements['//a'].prefixes # => ["x", "y"]
d.elements['//b'].prefixes # => ["x", "y"]
d.elements['//c'].prefixes # => ["x", "y", "z"]
=== Iteration
==== Task: Iterate Over Elements
Use method
to iterate over element children:
d = REXML::Document.new 'bbd'
d.root.each_element {|e| p e }
... >
... >
... >
==== Task: Iterate Over Elements Having a Specified Attribute
Use method
to iterate over element children that have a specified attribute:
d = REXML::Document.new ''
a = d.root
a.each_element_with_attribute('id') {|e| p e }
==== Task: Iterate Over Elements Having a Specified Attribute and Value
Use method
to iterate over element children that have a specified attribute and value:
d = REXML::Document.new ''
a = d.root
a.each_element_with_attribute('id', '1') {|e| p e }
==== Task: Iterate Over Elements Having Specified Text
Use method
to iterate over element children that have specified text:
=== Context
=== Other Getters