module RDF::Turtle ## # Turtle format specification. # # @example Obtaining an Turtle format class # RDF::Format.for("etc/foaf.ttl") # RDF::Format.for(:file_name => "etc/foaf.ttl") # RDF::Format.for(:file_extension => "ttl") # RDF::Format.for(:content_type => "text/turtle") # # @example Obtaining serialization format MIME types # RDF::Format.content_types #=> {"text/turtle" => [RDF::Turtle::Format]} # # @example Obtaining serialization format file extension mappings # RDF::Format.file_extensions #=> {:ttl => "text/turtle"} # # @see class Format < RDF::Format content_type 'text/turtle', :extension => :ttl, :aliases => %w( text/rdf+turtle application/turtle application/x-turtle ) content_encoding 'utf-8' reader { RDF::Turtle::Reader } writer { RDF::Turtle::Writer } ## # Sample detection to see if it matches Turtle (or N-Triples) # # Use a text sample to detect the format of an input file. Sub-classes implement # a matcher sufficient to detect probably format matches, including disambiguating # between other similar formats. # # @param [String] sample Beginning several bytes (~ 1K) of input. # @return [Boolean] def self.detect(sample) !!sample.match(%r( (?:@(base|prefix)) | # Turtle keywords ["']{3} | # STRING_LITERAL_LONG1/2 "[^"]*"^^ | "[^"]*"@ | # Typed/Language literals (?: (?:\s*(?:(?:<[^>]*>) | (?:\w*:\w+) | (?:"[^"]*"))\s*[,;]) || (?:\s*(?:(?:<[^>]*>) | (?:\w*:\w+) | (?:"[^"]*"))){3} ) )mx) && !( sample.match(%r([{}])) || # TriG sample.match(%r(@keywords|=>|\{)) || # N3 sample.match(%r(<(?:\/|html|rdf))i) || # HTML, RDF/XML sample.match(%r(^(?:\s*<[^>]*>){4}.*\.\s*$)) || # N-Quads sample.match(%r("@(context|subject|iri)")) # JSON-LD ) end end # Alias for TTL format # # This allows the following: # # @example Obtaining an TTL format class # RDF::Format.for(:ttl) # RDF::Turtle::TTL # RDF::Format.for(:ttl).reader # RDF::Turtle::Reader # RDF::Format.for(:ttl).writer # RDF::Turtle::Writer class TTL < RDF::Format content_type 'text/turtle', :extension => :ttl, :aliases => %w( text/rdf+turtle application/turtle application/x-turtle ) content_encoding 'utf-8' reader { RDF::Turtle::Reader } writer { RDF::Turtle::Writer } end end