# frozen_string_literal: true module JabberAdmin module Commands # Get content from a vCard. # # Examples: # # JabberAdmin.get_vcard!( # :fn, 'n.given', 'org.orgunit[]', 'u.known[]', # user: 'ac865680-9681-45da-8fee-8584053dde5b@jabber.local' # ) # # => {:fn=>"Max Mustermann", # # "n.given"=>"Max", # # "org.orgunit"=>["Marketing", "Production"], # # "u.known"=>nil} # # **Heads up!** ejabberd version 18.01 has a bug at the +get_vcard2_multi+ # command, which just returns the first element of possible multiple # values. (in an array) # # @see https://bit.ly/2SLkEWi # @see https://bit.ly/34T71dm # @see https://bit.ly/3nKqiGL class GetVcard # Pass the correct data to the given callable. # # @param callable [Proc, #call] the callable to call # @param keys [Array, String, Symbol] name of the # vCard field (+n.family+ for multiple levels) # @param user [String] user JID wo/ resource (eg. +tom@localhost+) # @return [Hash] the vCard details # # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength because the ejabberd REST API is # hard to use in complex scenarios, so we have to work around it # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize dito # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity dito # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity dito def self.call(callable, *keys, user:) uid, host = user.split('@') val = proc do |key| parts = key.to_s.upcase.split('.') args = { name: parts.shift } meth = 'get_vcard' unless parts.empty? args[:subname] = parts.shift meth = 'get_vcard2' if args[:subname].end_with? '[]' meth += '_multi' args[:subname].delete_suffix!('[]') end end res = callable.call(meth, check_res_body: false, user: uid, host: host, **args) body = (200..299).cover?(res.code) ? JSON.parse(res.body) : nil body.is_a?(Hash) ? body['content'] : body rescue JabberAdmin::Error => e # When ejabberd tells us there was no value, it does this the hard way next if e.response.body.include? 'error_no_value_found_in_vcard' # Same for the case when there is no vCard at all next if e.response.body.include? 'error_no_vcard_found' raise e end # When just one key is requested, we return the value directly return val[keys.first] if keys.count == 1 # When multiple keys are requested, we assemble a hash keys.map do |key| res_key = key.is_a?(String) ? key.delete_suffix('[]') : key [res_key, val[key]] end.to_h end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity end end end