require 'spec_helper' # FIXME: This spec needs to be structured better! describe Mutant::Mutator, 'send' do context 'send without arguments' do context 'with self as receiver' do context 'implicit' do let(:source) { 'foo' } it_should_behave_like 'a noop mutator' end context 'explict' do let(:source) { '' } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] # with implicit receiver (send privately) mutations << 'foo' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end context 'explicit with keyword message name' do Mutant::KEYWORDS.each do |keyword| context "with keyword: #{keyword}" do let(:source) { "self.#{keyword}" } it_should_behave_like 'a noop mutator' end end end end context 'to some object' do let(:source) { '' } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << 'foo' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end context 'to' do let(:source) { '' } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << 'self.class' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end end context 'with block' do let(:source) { 'foo() { a; b }' } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << 'foo() { a }' mutations << 'foo() { b }' mutations << 'foo() { }' mutations << 'foo' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end context 'with block args' do let(:source) { 'foo { |a, b| }' } before do Mutant::Random.stub(:hex_string => :random) end let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << 'foo' mutations << 'foo { |a, b| }' mutations << 'foo { |a, srandom| }' mutations << 'foo { |srandom, b| }' mutations << 'foo { |a| }' mutations << 'foo { |b| }' mutations << 'foo { || }' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end context 'with block pattern args' do before do Mutant::Random.stub(:hex_string => :random) end let(:source) { 'foo { |(a, b), c| }' } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << 'foo { || }' mutations << 'foo { |a, b, c| }' mutations << 'foo { |(a, b), c| }' mutations << 'foo { |(a, b)| }' mutations << 'foo { |c| }' mutations << 'foo { |(srandom, b), c| }' mutations << 'foo { |(a, srandom), c| }' mutations << 'foo { |(a, b), srandom| }' mutations << 'foo' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end context 'send with arguments' do context 'one argument' do let(:source) { 'foo(nil)' } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << 'foo' mutations << 'nil' mutations << 'foo(' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end context 'with explicit self as receiver' do let(:source) { '' } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << '' mutations << 'foo(nil)' mutations << 'nil' mutations << '' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end context 'to some object with keyword in method name' do Mutant::KEYWORDS.each do |keyword| context "with keyword #{keyword}" do let(:source) { "foo.#{keyword}(nil)" } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << "foo.#{keyword}" mutations << "foo" mutations << 'nil' mutations << "foo.#{keyword}(" end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end end end context 'binary operator methods' do Mutant::BINARY_METHOD_OPERATORS.each do |operator| let(:source) { "true #{operator} false" } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << "((false) #{operator} (false))" mutations << "((nil) #{operator} (false))" mutations << "((true) #{operator} (true))" mutations << "((true) #{operator} (nil))" mutations << 'true' mutations << 'false' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end end context 'two arguments' do let(:source) { 'foo(nil, nil)' } let(:mutations) do mutations = [] mutations << 'foo()' mutations << 'foo(nil)' mutations << 'foo(, nil)' mutations << 'foo(nil,' end it_should_behave_like 'a mutator' end end end