module Apache # Options that aren't specific to a particular purpose go here. Once enough like methods for a # particular purpose exist, break them out into a separate module. module Master # Build a module list. # Wraps around def modules(*modules, &block) @config +=*modules, &block) end # Listen on network interfaces and ports # # Each provided parameter generates a new Listen line: # listen "", "" #=> # Listen "" # Listen "" def listen(*opt) opt.each { |adapter| self << "Listen #{adapter.quoteize}" } end alias :listen! :listen # Add a User/Group block # runner('www', 'www-data') #=> # User www # Group www-data def runner(user, group) user! user group! group end # Enable Passenger on this server # # This assumes that Passenger was installed via the gem. This may or may not work for you, but it works for me. def passenger(ruby_root, ruby_version, passenger_version) load_module 'passenger_module', "#{ruby_root}/lib/ruby/gems/#{ruby_version}/gems/passenger-#{passenger_version}/ext/apache2/" passenger_root "#{ruby_root}/lib/ruby/gems/#{ruby_version}/gems/passenger-#{passenger_version}" passenger_ruby "#{ruby_root}/bin/ruby" end # Enable gzip compression server-wide on pretty much everything that can be gzip compressed def enable_gzip! directory '/' do add_output_filter_by_type! :DEFLATE, 'text/html', 'text/plain', 'text/css', 'text/javascript', 'application/javascript' browser_match! '^Mozilla/4', "gzip-only-text/html" browser_match! '^Mozilla/4\.0[678]', "no-gzip" browser_match! '\bMSIE', '!no-gzip', '!gzip-only-text/html' end end # Set the TCP timeout. Defined here to get around various other timeout methods. def timeout(time) self << "Timeout #{time}" end # Add a comment to the Apache config. Can pass in either a String or Array of comment lines. def comment(what) self + [ '', what.commentize, '' ].flatten.collect { |line| "# #{line.strip}".strip } end # Create a ScriptAlias, checking to make sure the filesystem path exists. def script_alias(uri, path) directory? path self << %{ScriptAlias #{[ uri, path ].quoteize * ' '}} end alias :script_alias! :script_alias # Add a MIME type, potentially also adding handlers and encodings # add_type! 'text/html', '.shtml', :handler => 'server-parsed' # add_type! 'text/html', '.gz', :encoding => 'gzip' def add_type!(mime, extension, options = {}) self << "AddType #{mime} #{extension}" options.each do |type, value| self << "Add#{type.to_s.capitalize} #{value} #{extension}" end end # Include other config files or directories. # Used to get around reserved Ruby keyword. def apache_include(*opts) self << "Include #{opts * " "}" end # Alias a URL to a directory in the filesystem. # Used to get around reserved Ruby keyword. def apache_alias(*opts) self << "Alias #{opts.quoteize * " "}" end # Set multiple headers to be delivered for a particular section # set_header 'Content-type' => 'application/octet-stream', # 'Content-disposition' => [ 'attachment', 'env=only-for-downloads' ] #=> # Header set "Content-type" "application/octet-stream" # Header set "Content-dispoaition" "attachment" env=only-for-downloads def set_header(hash) hash.each do |key, value| self << "Header set #{key.quoteize} #{value.headerize}" end end def server_name(*opts) if first = opts.shift self << "ServerName #{first.quoteize}" opts.each { |name| server_alias name } if !opts.empty? end end def document_root(*opts) dir = opts.first directory? dir self << "DocumentRoot #{dir.quoteize}" end alias :document_root! :document_root end end