# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2021, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://nrel.github.io/OpenStudio-user-documentation/measures/measure_writing_guide/ # load OpenStudio measure libraries from openstudio-extension gem require 'openstudio-extension' require 'openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_helper_methods' # start the measure class GetSiteFromBuildingComponentLibrary < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # resource file modules include OsLib_HelperMethods # human readable name def name return 'Get Site from Building Component Library' end # human readable description def description return 'Populate choice list from BCL, then selected site will be brought into model. This will include the weather file, design days, and water main temperatures.' end # human readable description of modeling approach def modeler_description return 'To start with measure will hard code a string to narrow the search. Then a shorter list than all weather files on BCL will be shown. In the future woudl be nice to select region based on climate zone set in building object.' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # Make argument for zipcode zipcode = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeIntegerArgument('zipcode', true) zipcode.setDisplayName('Zip Code for project') zipcode.setDescription('Enter valid us 5 digit zipcode') zipcode.setDefaultValue(80401) args << zipcode # make an argument for use_upstream_args use_upstream_args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('use_upstream_args', true) use_upstream_args.setDisplayName('Use Upstream Argument Values') use_upstream_args.setDescription('When true this will look for arguments or registerValues in upstream measures that match arguments from this measure, and will use the value from the upstream measure in place of what is entered for this measure.') use_upstream_args.setDefaultValue(true) args << use_upstream_args return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # assign the user inputs to variables args = OsLib_HelperMethods.createRunVariables(runner, model, user_arguments, arguments(model)) if !args then return false end # lookup and replace argument values from upstream measures if args['use_upstream_args'] == true args.each do |arg, value| next if arg == 'use_upstream_args' # this argument should not be changed value_from_osw = OsLib_HelperMethods.check_upstream_measure_for_arg(runner, arg) if !value_from_osw.empty? runner.registerInfo("Replacing argument named #{arg} from current measure with a value of #{value_from_osw[:value]} from #{value_from_osw[:measure_name]}.") new_val = value_from_osw[:value] # TODO: - make code to handle non strings more robust. check_upstream_measure_for_arg coudl pass bakc the argument type if arg == 'total_bldg_floor_area' args[arg] = new_val.to_f elsif arg == 'num_stories_above_grade' args[arg] = new_val.to_f elsif arg == 'zipcode' args[arg] = new_val.to_i else args[arg] = new_val end end end end # assign the user inputs to variables zipcode = args['zipcode'] # validate that argument 5 digit number, but that doesn't mean it is valid zip code if zipcode > 100000 runner.registerError('Requested number has too many digits, please just enter a 5 digit number') return false elsif zipcode < 10000 # pad number zipcode = format('%05d', zipcode) else zipcode = zipcode.to_s end puts "zip code is #{zipcode}" # zipcode site lookup and download remote = OpenStudio::RemoteBCL.new # removed openstudio search in place of direct bcl api search. Still use remote to download commont once uuid is identified # responses = remote.searchComponentLibrary("location:#{zipcode}", "Site") # uid = nil # responses.each_with_index do |response,i| # # list results for diagnostic purposes # runner.registerInfo("Response #{i} is #{response.name}") # next if not response.name.include?("TMY3") # next if not uid.nil? # uid = response.uid # end # if uid.nil? then uid = responses.first.uid end # search bcl for site components for target zip code require 'open-uri' require 'json' # dev search string for internal testing # search_string = "http://bcl7.development.nrel.gov/api/search/location:'#{zipcode}'.json?fq[]=bundle:nrel_component&fq[]=sm_vid_Component_Tags:Site&api_version=2.0" # udpated to use https vs. http search_string = "https://bcl.nrel.gov/api/search/location:'#{zipcode}'.json?fq[]=bundle:nrel_component&fq[]=sm_vid_Component_Tags:Site&api_version=2.0" runner.registerInfo(search_string) # briefly I needed ssl_verify_mode:0 but now it seems to work again without it # responses = open(search_string,{ssl_verify_mode:0}).read responses = open(search_string).read responses = JSON.parse(responses) bcl_search_results = [] bcl_search_rejected = [] responses['result'].each do |i| reject = false i.each do |k, v| hash = {} hash['name'] = v['name'] hash['tag'] = v['tags']['tag'] hash['uuid'] = v['uuid'] v['attributes']['attribute'].each do |j| if j['name'] == 'Latitude' hash['Latitude'] = j['value'] elsif j['name'] == 'Longitude' hash['Longitude'] = j['value'] elsif j['name'] == 'OpenStudio Type' hash['OpenStudio Type'] = j['value'] end end # filter out of not expected component type # if not hash['tag'] == ["Location-Dependent Component.Site"] then reject = true end # need extra filter because not all object of Component.Site map to OS:Site objects # if not hash['OpenStudio Type'] == "OS:Site" then reject = true end # filter out if not tmy3 if !hash['name'].upcase.include?('TMY3') then reject = true end # add to array if reject bcl_search_rejected << hash else bcl_search_results << hash end end end if bcl_search_results.empty? # list rejected results for diagnostics bcl_search_rejected.each_with_index do |search_hash, i| runner.registerInfo("Rejected response #{i} is #{search_hash.inspect}") end runner.registerError("Didn't find any valid site components on BCL within search radius that had tmy3 epw, design days, and stat files.") return false end # for now error if results include Aberdeen, which has shown up in past on bad searches if bcl_search_results[0]['name'].include?('Aberdeen') runner.registerError('Confirm that search results are correct, may have picked first alphabetical components') return false end uid = bcl_search_results.first['uuid'] runner.registerInfo("uid is #{uid}") remote.downloadComponent(uid) component = remote.waitForComponentDownload if component.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find local component') return false end component = component.get # get epw file files = component.files('epw') if files.empty? runner.registerError('No epw file found') return false end epw_path = component.files('epw')[0] # parse epw file epw_file = OpenStudio::EpwFile.new(OpenStudio::Path.new(epw_path)) puts epw_file # report initial condition of model if model.weatherFile.is_initialized && model.weatherFile.get.path.is_initialized runner.registerInitialCondition("Current weather file is #{model.weatherFile.get.path.get} km.") else runner.registerInitialCondition("The model doesn't have a weather file assigned.") end # OpenStudio is letting multiple site, waterMain and weatherFile objects in model, delete those if they exist along with design days # todo - add in test of model with site shading surfaces, and see if they are orphaned or associated with new site. model.getSite.remove model.getSiteWaterMainsTemperature.remove if model.weatherFile.is_initialized model.weatherFile.remove end model.getDesignDays.each(&:remove) # get osc file osc_files = component.files('osc') if osc_files.empty? runner.registerError('No osc file found') return false end osc_path = component.files('osc')[0] osc_file = OpenStudio::IdfFile.load(osc_path) vt = OpenStudio::OSVersion::VersionTranslator.new component_object = vt.loadComponent(OpenStudio::Path.new(osc_path)) # load os file if component_object.empty? runner.registerError("Cannot load construction component '#{osc_file}'") return false else object = component_object.get.primaryObject if object.to_Site.empty? runner.registerError("Component '#{osc_file}' does not include a site object") return false else componentData = model.insertComponent(component_object.get) if componentData.empty? runner.registerError("Failed to insert component '#{osc_file}' into model") return false else new_site_object = componentData.get.primaryComponentObject.to_Site.get runner.registerInfo("added site object named #{new_site_object.name}") site_water_main_temp = model.getSiteWaterMainsTemperature if site_water_main_temp.annualAverageOutdoorAirTemperature.is_initialized && site_water_main_temp.maximumDifferenceInMonthlyAverageOutdoorAirTemperatures.is_initialized avg_temp = site_water_main_temp.annualAverageOutdoorAirTemperature.get max_diff_monthly_avg_temp = site_water_main_temp.maximumDifferenceInMonthlyAverageOutdoorAirTemperatures.get avg_temp_ip = OpenStudio.convert(avg_temp, 'C', 'F').get max_diff_monthly_avg_temp_ip = OpenStudio.convert(max_diff_monthly_avg_temp, 'C', 'F').get runner.registerInfo("SiteWaterMainsTemperature object has Annual Avg. Outdoor Air Temp. of #{avg_temp_ip.round(2)} and Max. Diff. in Monthly Avg. Outdoor Air Temp. of #{max_diff_monthly_avg_temp_ip.round(2)}.") else runner.registerWarning('SiteWaterMainsTemperature object is missing Annual Avg. Outdoor Air Temp. or Max. Diff.in Monthly Avg. Outdoor Air Temp. set.') end if !model.getDesignDays.empty? runner.registerInfo("The model has #{model.getDesignDays.size} DesignDay objects") else runner.registerWarning("The model has #{model.getDesignDays.size} DesignDay objects") end end end end # get epw file epw_files = component.files('epw') if files.empty? runner.registerError('No epw file found') return false end epw_path = component.files('epw')[0] # parse epw file epw_file = OpenStudio::EpwFile.new(OpenStudio::Path.new(epw_path)) # set weather file (this sets path to BCL diretory vs. temp zip file without this) OpenStudio::Model::WeatherFile.setWeatherFile(model, epw_file) # get stat file stat_path = OpenStudio::Path.new(component.files('stat')[0]) text = nil File.open(component.files('stat')[0]) do |f| text = f.read.force_encoding('iso-8859-1') end # Get Climate zone. # - Climate type "3B" (ASHRAE Standard 196-2006 Climate Zone)** # - Climate type "6A" (ASHRAE Standards 90.1-2004 and 90.2-2004 Climate Zone)** regex = /Climate type \"(.*?)\" \(ASHRAE Standards?(.*)\)\*\*/ match_data = text.match(regex) if match_data.nil? runner.registerWarning("Can't find ASHRAE climate zone in stat file.") else climate_zone = match_data[1].to_s.strip standard = match_data[2].to_s.strip # could confirm it is 196-2006 Climate Zone model.getClimateZones.clear model.getClimateZones.setClimateZone('ASHRAE', climate_zone) runner.registerInfo("Setting ASHRAE Climate Zone to #{climate_zone}") end # report final condition of model if model.weatherFile.is_initialized && model.weatherFile.get.path.is_initialized runner.registerFinalCondition("Current weather file is #{model.weatherFile.get.path.get}") else runner.registerFinalCondition("The model doesn't have a weather file assigned.") end return true end end # register the measure to be used by the application GetSiteFromBuildingComponentLibrary.new.registerWithApplication