:toc: macro :toclevels: 5 :figure-caption!: = Caliber This gem provides global link:https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop[RuboCop] configurations for ensuring high quality _and_ consistent software development practices. toc::[] == Features * Provides a global configuration for the following code quality gems: ** link:https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop[RuboCop] ** link:https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-performance[RuboCop Performance] ** link:https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-rake[RuboCop Rake] ** link:https://github.com/rubocop/rubocop-rspec[RuboCop RSpec] == Requirements * link:https://www.ruby-lang.org[Ruby] * link:https://github.com/ruby/rake[Rake] * link:https://rspec.info[RSpec] == Setup To install, run: [source,bash] ---- gem install caliber ---- == Usage This gem is designed to replace all of your RuboCop setup with only a single reference to this gem. You'll want to start with your `Gemfile` by adding the following: [source,ruby] ---- group :code_quality do gem "caliber" end ---- Then, in your `.rubocop.yml`, add the following to the top of the file: [source,yaml] ---- inherit_gem: caliber: config/all.yml ---- That's it! == Customization Should you not want everything that this gem offers, you can customize the gem further by specifiying what you need: [source,yaml] ---- inherit_gem: caliber: - config/ruby.yml - config/performance.yml - config/rake.yml - config/rspec.yml ---- The above is what `config/all.yml` expands to but now you can mix and match how you like for your needs. == Auto-Requires When Caliber is added to your `Gemfile`, you don't have to require RuboCop because Caliber does that for you by default. All RuboCop dependencies are also auto-required because they are defined in each configuration. Here's a full breakdown of how this works: [source,yaml] ---- inherit_gem: caliber: - config/all.yml ---- The above will auto-require and load the configurations for following gems: * RuboCop Performance * RuboCop Rake * RuboCop RSpec When you don't use the default `all.yml` configuration then behavior changes as follows: [source,yaml] ---- inherit_gem: caliber: - config/ruby.yml ---- The above will only load the RuboCop Ruby configuration. Nothing is required since Caliber already requires the RuboCop gem by default. [source,yaml] ---- inherit_gem: caliber: - config/peformance.yml ---- The above will only require the RuboCop Performance gem _and_ load the associated configuration. [source,yaml] ---- inherit_gem: caliber: - config/rake.yml ---- The above will only require the RuboCop Rake gem _and_ load the associated configuration. [source,yaml] ---- inherit_gem: caliber: - config/rspec.yml ---- The above will only require the RuboCop RSpec gem _and_ load the associated configuration. == Development To contribute, run: [source,bash] ---- git clone https://github.com/bkuhlmann/caliber.git cd caliber bin/setup ---- You can also use the IRB console for direct access to all objects: [source,bash] ---- bin/console ---- == Tests To test, run: [source,bash] ---- bundle exec rake ---- == link:https://www.alchemists.io/policies/license[License] == link:https://www.alchemists.io/policies/security[Security] == link:https://www.alchemists.io/policies/code_of_conduct[Code of Conduct] == link:https://www.alchemists.io/policies/contributions[Contributions] == link:https://www.alchemists.io/projects/caliber/versions[Versions] == link:https://www.alchemists.io/community[Community] == Credits * Built with link:https://www.alchemists.io/projects/gemsmith[Gemsmith]. * Engineered by link:https://www.alchemists.io/team/brooke_kuhlmann[Brooke Kuhlmann].