--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification name: amqp version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version prerelease: false segments: - 0 - 7 - 0 version: 0.7.0 platform: ruby authors: - Aman Gupta - Jakub Stastny aka botanicus autorequire: bindir: bin cert_chain: date: 2011-01-18 00:00:00 +00:00 default_executable: dependencies: - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency name: eventmachine prerelease: false requirement: &id001 !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version segments: - 0 - 12 - 4 version: 0.12.4 type: :runtime version_requirements: *id001 description: An implementation of the AMQP protocol in Ruby/EventMachine for writing clients to the RabbitMQ message broker. email: stastny@101ideas.cz executables: [] extensions: [] extra_rdoc_files: - README.md - doc/EXAMPLE_01_PINGPONG - doc/EXAMPLE_02_CLOCK - doc/EXAMPLE_03_STOCKS - doc/EXAMPLE_04_MULTICLOCK - doc/EXAMPLE_05_ACK - doc/EXAMPLE_05_POP - doc/EXAMPLE_06_HASHTABLE files: - .gitignore - .rspec - CHANGELOG - CONTRIBUTORS - Gemfile - README.md - Rakefile - amqp.gemspec - amqp.pre.gemspec - amqp.todo - bin/cleanify.rb - bin/irb - doc/EXAMPLE_01_PINGPONG - doc/EXAMPLE_02_CLOCK - doc/EXAMPLE_03_STOCKS - doc/EXAMPLE_04_MULTICLOCK - doc/EXAMPLE_05_ACK - doc/EXAMPLE_05_POP - doc/EXAMPLE_06_HASHTABLE - examples/amqp/simple.rb - examples/mq/ack.rb - examples/mq/automatic_binding_for_default_direct_exchange.rb - examples/mq/callbacks.rb - examples/mq/clock.rb - examples/mq/hashtable.rb - examples/mq/internal.rb - examples/mq/logger.rb - examples/mq/multiclock.rb - examples/mq/pingpong.rb - examples/mq/pop.rb - examples/mq/primes-simple.rb - examples/mq/primes.rb - examples/mq/stocks.rb - lib/amqp.rb - lib/amqp/buffer.rb - lib/amqp/client.rb - lib/amqp/frame.rb - lib/amqp/protocol.rb - lib/amqp/server.rb - lib/amqp/spec.rb - lib/amqp/version.rb - lib/ext/blankslate.rb - lib/ext/em.rb - lib/ext/emfork.rb - lib/mq.rb - lib/mq/collection.rb - lib/mq/exchange.rb - lib/mq/header.rb - lib/mq/logger.rb - lib/mq/queue.rb - lib/mq/rpc.rb - protocol/amqp-0.8.json - protocol/amqp-0.8.xml - protocol/codegen.rb - protocol/doc.txt - research/api.rb - research/primes-forked.rb - research/primes-processes.rb - research/primes-threaded.rb - spec/integration/automatic_binding_for_default_direct_exchange_spec.rb - spec/mq_helper.rb - spec/spec_helper.rb - spec/unit/amqp/buffer_spec.rb - spec/unit/amqp/client_spec.rb - spec/unit/amqp/frame_spec.rb - spec/unit/amqp/misc_spec.rb - spec/unit/amqp/protocol_spec.rb - spec/unit/mq/channel_close_spec.rb - spec/unit/mq/collection_spec.rb - spec/unit/mq/exchange_declaration_spec.rb - spec/unit/mq/misc_spec.rb - spec/unit/mq/mq_basic_spec.rb - spec/unit/mq/queue_declaration_spec.rb - spec/unit/mq/queue_spec.rb has_rdoc: true homepage: http://github.com/ruby-amqp/amqp licenses: [] post_install_message: "[\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [BUG] Sync API for queues and exchanges, support for server-generated queues & exchange names (via semi-lazy collection).\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [BUG] Sync API for MQ#close (Channel.Close) [issue #34].\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [FEATURE] AMQP URL from majek's fork, with some fixes. Example: AMQP.start(\"amqps://\")\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [DEVELOP] Added some em-spec-based specs, bin/irb, Gemfile.\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [FEATURE] Added MQ::Exchange.default for the default exchange.\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [FEATURE] Raise an exception if we're trying to use Basic.Reject with RabbitMQ.\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [FEATURE] Fail if an entity is re-declared with different options.\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [BUG] Don't reconnect if the credentials are wrong.\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [BUG] Fixed an exception which occurred when Queue#bind was called synchronously with a callback.\n\ [\e[32mVersion 0.7\e[0m] [DEVELOPMENT] Added a lot of specs (Bacon replaced by rSpec 2).\n" rdoc_options: - --include=examples require_paths: - lib required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version segments: - 0 version: "0" required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement none: false requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version segments: - 0 version: "0" requirements: [] rubyforge_project: amqp rubygems_version: 1.3.7 signing_key: specification_version: 3 summary: AMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine. test_files: []