/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //! A simple event-driven library for parsing WebAssembly binary files //! (or streams). //! //! The parser library reports events as they happen and only stores //! parsing information for a brief period of time, making it very fast //! and memory-efficient. The event-driven model, however, has some drawbacks. //! If you need random access to the entire WebAssembly data-structure, //! this is not the right library for you. You could however, build such //! a data-structure using this library. //! //! To get started, create a [`Parser`] using [`Parser::new`] and then follow //! the examples documented for [`Parser::parse`] or [`Parser::parse_all`]. #![deny(missing_docs)] #![no_std] #![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))] extern crate alloc; #[cfg(feature = "std")] #[macro_use] extern crate std; /// A small "prelude" to use throughout this crate. /// /// This crate is tagged with `#![no_std]` meaning that we get libcore's prelude /// by default. This crate also uses `alloc`, however, and common types there /// like `String`. This custom prelude helps bring those types into scope to /// avoid having to import each of them manually. mod prelude { pub use alloc::borrow::ToOwned; pub use alloc::boxed::Box; pub use alloc::format; pub use alloc::string::{String, ToString}; pub use alloc::vec; pub use alloc::vec::Vec; #[cfg(all(feature = "validate", feature = "component-model"))] pub use crate::collections::IndexSet; #[cfg(feature = "validate")] pub use crate::collections::{IndexMap, Map, Set}; } /// A helper macro which is used to itself define further macros below. /// /// This is a little complicated, so first off sorry about that. The idea here /// though is that there's one source of truth for the listing of instructions /// in `wasmparser` and this is the one location. All other locations should be /// derivative from this. As this one source of truth it has all instructions /// from all proposals all grouped together. Down below though, for compile /// time, currently the simd instructions are split out into their own macro. /// The structure/syntax of this macro is to facilitate easily splitting out /// entire groups of instructions. /// /// This is used below to define more macros. macro_rules! _for_each_operator_group { ($mac:ident) => { $mac! { @mvp { Unreachable => visit_unreachable (arity 0 -> 0) Nop => visit_nop (arity 0 -> 0) Block { blockty: $crate::BlockType } => visit_block (arity block -> ~block) Loop { blockty: $crate::BlockType } => visit_loop (arity block -> ~block) If { blockty: $crate::BlockType } => visit_if (arity 1 block -> ~block) Else => visit_else (arity ~end -> ~end) End => visit_end (arity implicit_else ~end -> implicit_else end) Br { relative_depth: u32 } => visit_br (arity br -> 0) BrIf { relative_depth: u32 } => visit_br_if (arity 1 br -> br) BrTable { targets: $crate::BrTable<'a> } => visit_br_table (arity 1 br_table -> 0) Return => visit_return (arity ~ret -> 0) Call { function_index: u32 } => visit_call (arity func -> func) CallIndirect { type_index: u32, table_index: u32 } => visit_call_indirect (arity 1 type -> type) Drop => visit_drop (arity 1 -> 0) Select => visit_select (arity 3 -> 1) LocalGet { local_index: u32 } => visit_local_get (arity 0 -> 1) LocalSet { local_index: u32 } => visit_local_set (arity 1 -> 0) LocalTee { local_index: u32 } => visit_local_tee (arity 1 -> 1) GlobalGet { global_index: u32 } => visit_global_get (arity 0 -> 1) GlobalSet { global_index: u32 } => visit_global_set (arity 1 -> 0) I32Load { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_load (load i32) I64Load { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_load (load i64) F32Load { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_f32_load (load f32) F64Load { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_f64_load (load f64) I32Load8S { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_load8_s (load i32) I32Load8U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_load8_u (load i32) I32Load16S { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_load16_s (load i32) I32Load16U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_load16_u (load i32) I64Load8S { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_load8_s (load i64) I64Load8U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_load8_u (load i64) I64Load16S { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_load16_s (load i64) I64Load16U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_load16_u (load i64) I64Load32S { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_load32_s (load i64) I64Load32U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_load32_u (load i64) I32Store { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_store (store i32) I64Store { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_store (store i64) F32Store { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_f32_store (store f32) F64Store { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_f64_store (store f64) I32Store8 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_store8 (store i32) I32Store16 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_store16 (store i32) I64Store8 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_store8 (store i64) I64Store16 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_store16 (store i64) I64Store32 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_store32 (store i64) MemorySize { mem: u32 } => visit_memory_size (arity 0 -> 1) MemoryGrow { mem: u32 } => visit_memory_grow (arity 1 -> 1) I32Const { value: i32 } => visit_i32_const (push i32) I64Const { value: i64 } => visit_i64_const (push i64) F32Const { value: $crate::Ieee32 } => visit_f32_const (push f32) F64Const { value: $crate::Ieee64 } => visit_f64_const (push f64) I32Eqz => visit_i32_eqz (test i32) I32Eq => visit_i32_eq (cmp i32) I32Ne => visit_i32_ne (cmp i32) I32LtS => visit_i32_lt_s (cmp i32) I32LtU => visit_i32_lt_u (cmp i32) I32GtS => visit_i32_gt_s (cmp i32) I32GtU => visit_i32_gt_u (cmp i32) I32LeS => visit_i32_le_s (cmp i32) I32LeU => visit_i32_le_u (cmp i32) I32GeS => visit_i32_ge_s (cmp i32) I32GeU => visit_i32_ge_u (cmp i32) I64Eqz => visit_i64_eqz (test i64) I64Eq => visit_i64_eq (cmp i64) I64Ne => visit_i64_ne (cmp i64) I64LtS => visit_i64_lt_s (cmp i64) I64LtU => visit_i64_lt_u (cmp i64) I64GtS => visit_i64_gt_s (cmp i64) I64GtU => visit_i64_gt_u (cmp i64) I64LeS => visit_i64_le_s (cmp i64) I64LeU => visit_i64_le_u (cmp i64) I64GeS => visit_i64_ge_s (cmp i64) I64GeU => visit_i64_ge_u (cmp i64) F32Eq => visit_f32_eq (cmp f32) F32Ne => visit_f32_ne (cmp f32) F32Lt => visit_f32_lt (cmp f32) F32Gt => visit_f32_gt (cmp f32) F32Le => visit_f32_le (cmp f32) F32Ge => visit_f32_ge (cmp f32) F64Eq => visit_f64_eq (cmp f64) F64Ne => visit_f64_ne (cmp f64) F64Lt => visit_f64_lt (cmp f64) F64Gt => visit_f64_gt (cmp f64) F64Le => visit_f64_le (cmp f64) F64Ge => visit_f64_ge (cmp f64) I32Clz => visit_i32_clz (unary i32) I32Ctz => visit_i32_ctz (unary i32) I32Popcnt => visit_i32_popcnt (unary i32) I32Add => visit_i32_add (binary i32) I32Sub => visit_i32_sub (binary i32) I32Mul => visit_i32_mul (binary i32) I32DivS => visit_i32_div_s (binary i32) I32DivU => visit_i32_div_u (binary i32) I32RemS => visit_i32_rem_s (binary i32) I32RemU => visit_i32_rem_u (binary i32) I32And => visit_i32_and (binary i32) I32Or => visit_i32_or (binary i32) I32Xor => visit_i32_xor (binary i32) I32Shl => visit_i32_shl (binary i32) I32ShrS => visit_i32_shr_s (binary i32) I32ShrU => visit_i32_shr_u (binary i32) I32Rotl => visit_i32_rotl (binary i32) I32Rotr => visit_i32_rotr (binary i32) I64Clz => visit_i64_clz (unary i64) I64Ctz => visit_i64_ctz (unary i64) I64Popcnt => visit_i64_popcnt (unary i64) I64Add => visit_i64_add (binary i64) I64Sub => visit_i64_sub (binary i64) I64Mul => visit_i64_mul (binary i64) I64DivS => visit_i64_div_s (binary i64) I64DivU => visit_i64_div_u (binary i64) I64RemS => visit_i64_rem_s (binary i64) I64RemU => visit_i64_rem_u (binary i64) I64And => visit_i64_and (binary i64) I64Or => visit_i64_or (binary i64) I64Xor => visit_i64_xor (binary i64) I64Shl => visit_i64_shl (binary i64) I64ShrS => visit_i64_shr_s (binary i64) I64ShrU => visit_i64_shr_u (binary i64) I64Rotl => visit_i64_rotl (binary i64) I64Rotr => visit_i64_rotr (binary i64) F32Abs => visit_f32_abs (unary f32) F32Neg => visit_f32_neg (unary f32) F32Ceil => visit_f32_ceil (unary f32) F32Floor => visit_f32_floor (unary f32) F32Trunc => visit_f32_trunc (unary f32) F32Nearest => visit_f32_nearest (unary f32) F32Sqrt => visit_f32_sqrt (unary f32) F32Add => visit_f32_add (binary f32) F32Sub => visit_f32_sub (binary f32) F32Mul => visit_f32_mul (binary f32) F32Div => visit_f32_div (binary f32) F32Min => visit_f32_min (binary f32) F32Max => visit_f32_max (binary f32) F32Copysign => visit_f32_copysign (binary f32) F64Abs => visit_f64_abs (unary f64) F64Neg => visit_f64_neg (unary f64) F64Ceil => visit_f64_ceil (unary f64) F64Floor => visit_f64_floor (unary f64) F64Trunc => visit_f64_trunc (unary f64) F64Nearest => visit_f64_nearest (unary f64) F64Sqrt => visit_f64_sqrt (unary f64) F64Add => visit_f64_add (binary f64) F64Sub => visit_f64_sub (binary f64) F64Mul => visit_f64_mul (binary f64) F64Div => visit_f64_div (binary f64) F64Min => visit_f64_min (binary f64) F64Max => visit_f64_max (binary f64) F64Copysign => visit_f64_copysign (binary f64) I32WrapI64 => visit_i32_wrap_i64 (conversion i32 i64) I32TruncF32S => visit_i32_trunc_f32_s (conversion i32 f32) I32TruncF32U => visit_i32_trunc_f32_u (conversion i32 f32) I32TruncF64S => visit_i32_trunc_f64_s (conversion i32 f64) I32TruncF64U => visit_i32_trunc_f64_u (conversion i32 f64) I64ExtendI32S => visit_i64_extend_i32_s (conversion i64 i32) I64ExtendI32U => visit_i64_extend_i32_u (conversion i64 i32) I64TruncF32S => visit_i64_trunc_f32_s (conversion i64 f32) I64TruncF32U => visit_i64_trunc_f32_u (conversion i64 f32) I64TruncF64S => visit_i64_trunc_f64_s (conversion i64 f64) I64TruncF64U => visit_i64_trunc_f64_u (conversion i64 f64) F32ConvertI32S => visit_f32_convert_i32_s (conversion f32 i32) F32ConvertI32U => visit_f32_convert_i32_u (conversion f32 i32) F32ConvertI64S => visit_f32_convert_i64_s (conversion f32 i64) F32ConvertI64U => visit_f32_convert_i64_u (conversion f32 i64) F32DemoteF64 => visit_f32_demote_f64 (conversion f32 f64) F64ConvertI32S => visit_f64_convert_i32_s (conversion f64 i32) F64ConvertI32U => visit_f64_convert_i32_u (conversion f64 i32) F64ConvertI64S => visit_f64_convert_i64_s (conversion f64 i64) F64ConvertI64U => visit_f64_convert_i64_u (conversion f64 i64) F64PromoteF32 => visit_f64_promote_f32 (conversion f64 f32) I32ReinterpretF32 => visit_i32_reinterpret_f32 (conversion i32 f32) I64ReinterpretF64 => visit_i64_reinterpret_f64 (conversion i64 f64) F32ReinterpretI32 => visit_f32_reinterpret_i32 (conversion f32 i32) F64ReinterpretI64 => visit_f64_reinterpret_i64 (conversion f64 i64) } @sign_extension { I32Extend8S => visit_i32_extend8_s (unary i32) I32Extend16S => visit_i32_extend16_s (unary i32) I64Extend8S => visit_i64_extend8_s (unary i64) I64Extend16S => visit_i64_extend16_s (unary i64) I64Extend32S => visit_i64_extend32_s (unary i64) } // 0xFB prefixed operators // Garbage Collection // http://github.com/WebAssembly/gc @gc { RefEq => visit_ref_eq (arity 2 -> 1) StructNew { struct_type_index: u32 } => visit_struct_new (arity type -> 1) StructNewDefault { struct_type_index: u32 } => visit_struct_new_default (arity 0 -> 1) StructGet { struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_get (arity 1 -> 1) StructGetS { struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_get_s (arity 1 -> 1) StructGetU { struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_get_u (arity 1 -> 1) StructSet { struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_set (arity 2 -> 0) ArrayNew { array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_new (arity 2 -> 1) ArrayNewDefault { array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_new_default (arity 1 -> 1) ArrayNewFixed { array_type_index: u32, array_size: u32 } => visit_array_new_fixed (arity size -> 1) ArrayNewData { array_type_index: u32, array_data_index: u32 } => visit_array_new_data (arity 2 -> 1) ArrayNewElem { array_type_index: u32, array_elem_index: u32 } => visit_array_new_elem (arity 2 -> 1) ArrayGet { array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_get (arity 2 -> 1) ArrayGetS { array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_get_s (arity 2 -> 1) ArrayGetU { array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_get_u (arity 2 -> 1) ArraySet { array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_set (arity 3 -> 0) ArrayLen => visit_array_len (arity 1 -> 1) ArrayFill { array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_fill (arity 4 -> 0) ArrayCopy { array_type_index_dst: u32, array_type_index_src: u32 } => visit_array_copy (arity 5 -> 0) ArrayInitData { array_type_index: u32, array_data_index: u32 } => visit_array_init_data (arity 4 -> 0) ArrayInitElem { array_type_index: u32, array_elem_index: u32 } => visit_array_init_elem (arity 4 -> 0) RefTestNonNull { hty: $crate::HeapType } => visit_ref_test_non_null (arity 1 -> 1) RefTestNullable { hty: $crate::HeapType } => visit_ref_test_nullable (arity 1 -> 1) RefCastNonNull { hty: $crate::HeapType } => visit_ref_cast_non_null (arity 1 -> 1) RefCastNullable { hty: $crate::HeapType } => visit_ref_cast_nullable (arity 1 -> 1) BrOnCast { relative_depth: u32, from_ref_type: $crate::RefType, to_ref_type: $crate::RefType } => visit_br_on_cast (arity br -> br) BrOnCastFail { relative_depth: u32, from_ref_type: $crate::RefType, to_ref_type: $crate::RefType } => visit_br_on_cast_fail (arity br -> br) AnyConvertExtern => visit_any_convert_extern (arity 1 -> 1) ExternConvertAny => visit_extern_convert_any (arity 1 -> 1) RefI31 => visit_ref_i31 (arity 1 -> 1) I31GetS => visit_i31_get_s (arity 1 -> 1) I31GetU => visit_i31_get_u (arity 1 -> 1) } // 0xFC operators // Non-trapping Float-to-int Conversions // https://github.com/WebAssembly/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversions @saturating_float_to_int { I32TruncSatF32S => visit_i32_trunc_sat_f32_s (conversion i32 f32) I32TruncSatF32U => visit_i32_trunc_sat_f32_u (conversion i32 f32) I32TruncSatF64S => visit_i32_trunc_sat_f64_s (conversion i32 f64) I32TruncSatF64U => visit_i32_trunc_sat_f64_u (conversion i32 f64) I64TruncSatF32S => visit_i64_trunc_sat_f32_s (conversion i64 f32) I64TruncSatF32U => visit_i64_trunc_sat_f32_u (conversion i64 f32) I64TruncSatF64S => visit_i64_trunc_sat_f64_s (conversion i64 f64) I64TruncSatF64U => visit_i64_trunc_sat_f64_u (conversion i64 f64) } // 0xFC prefixed operators // bulk memory operations // https://github.com/WebAssembly/bulk-memory-operations @bulk_memory { MemoryInit { data_index: u32, mem: u32 } => visit_memory_init (arity 3 -> 0) DataDrop { data_index: u32 } => visit_data_drop (arity 0 -> 0) MemoryCopy { dst_mem: u32, src_mem: u32 } => visit_memory_copy (arity 3 -> 0) MemoryFill { mem: u32 } => visit_memory_fill (arity 3 -> 0) TableInit { elem_index: u32, table: u32 } => visit_table_init (arity 3 -> 0) ElemDrop { elem_index: u32 } => visit_elem_drop (arity 0 -> 0) TableCopy { dst_table: u32, src_table: u32 } => visit_table_copy (arity 3 -> 0) } // 0xFC prefixed operators // reference-types // https://github.com/WebAssembly/reference-types @reference_types { TypedSelect { ty: $crate::ValType } => visit_typed_select (arity 3 -> 1) RefNull { hty: $crate::HeapType } => visit_ref_null (arity 0 -> 1) RefIsNull => visit_ref_is_null (arity 1 -> 1) RefFunc { function_index: u32 } => visit_ref_func (arity 0 -> 1) TableFill { table: u32 } => visit_table_fill (arity 3 -> 0) TableGet { table: u32 } => visit_table_get (arity 1 -> 1) TableSet { table: u32 } => visit_table_set (arity 2 -> 0) TableGrow { table: u32 } => visit_table_grow (arity 2 -> 1) TableSize { table: u32 } => visit_table_size (arity 0 -> 1) } // Wasm tail-call proposal // https://github.com/WebAssembly/tail-call @tail_call { ReturnCall { function_index: u32 } => visit_return_call (arity func -> 0) ReturnCallIndirect { type_index: u32, table_index: u32 } => visit_return_call_indirect (arity 1 type -> 0) } // OxFC prefixed operators // memory control (experimental) // https://github.com/WebAssembly/design/issues/1439 @memory_control { MemoryDiscard { mem: u32 } => visit_memory_discard (arity 2 -> 0) } // 0xFE prefixed operators // threads // https://github.com/WebAssembly/threads @threads { MemoryAtomicNotify { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_memory_atomic_notify (atomic rmw i32) MemoryAtomicWait32 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_memory_atomic_wait32 (arity 3 -> 1) MemoryAtomicWait64 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_memory_atomic_wait64 (arity 3 -> 1) AtomicFence => visit_atomic_fence (arity 0 -> 0) I32AtomicLoad { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_load (load atomic i32) I64AtomicLoad { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_load (load atomic i64) I32AtomicLoad8U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_load8_u (load atomic i32) I32AtomicLoad16U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_load16_u (load atomic i32) I64AtomicLoad8U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_load8_u (load atomic i64) I64AtomicLoad16U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_load16_u (load atomic i64) I64AtomicLoad32U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_load32_u (load atomic i64) I32AtomicStore { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_store (store atomic i32) I64AtomicStore { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_store (store atomic i64) I32AtomicStore8 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_store8 (store atomic i32) I32AtomicStore16 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_store16 (store atomic i32) I64AtomicStore8 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_store8 (store atomic i64) I64AtomicStore16 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_store16 (store atomic i64) I64AtomicStore32 { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_store32 (store atomic i64) I32AtomicRmwAdd { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw_add (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmwAdd { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw_add (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmw8AddU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw8_add_u (atomic rmw i32) I32AtomicRmw16AddU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw16_add_u (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmw8AddU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw8_add_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw16AddU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw16_add_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw32AddU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw32_add_u (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmwSub { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw_sub (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmwSub { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw_sub (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmw8SubU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw8_sub_u (atomic rmw i32) I32AtomicRmw16SubU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw16_sub_u (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmw8SubU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw8_sub_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw16SubU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw16_sub_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw32SubU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw32_sub_u (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmwAnd { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw_and (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmwAnd { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw_and (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmw8AndU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw8_and_u (atomic rmw i32) I32AtomicRmw16AndU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw16_and_u (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmw8AndU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw8_and_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw16AndU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw16_and_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw32AndU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw32_and_u (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmwOr { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw_or (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmwOr { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw_or (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmw8OrU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw8_or_u (atomic rmw i32) I32AtomicRmw16OrU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw16_or_u (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmw8OrU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw8_or_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw16OrU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw16_or_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw32OrU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw32_or_u (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmwXor { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw_xor (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmwXor { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw_xor (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmw8XorU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw8_xor_u (atomic rmw i32) I32AtomicRmw16XorU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw16_xor_u (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmw8XorU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw8_xor_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw16XorU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw16_xor_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw32XorU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw32_xor_u (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmwXchg { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw_xchg (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmwXchg { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw_xchg (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmw8XchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw8_xchg_u (atomic rmw i32) I32AtomicRmw16XchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw16_xchg_u (atomic rmw i32) I64AtomicRmw8XchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw8_xchg_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw16XchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw16_xchg_u (atomic rmw i64) I64AtomicRmw32XchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw32_xchg_u (atomic rmw i64) I32AtomicRmwCmpxchg { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg (atomic cmpxchg i32) I64AtomicRmwCmpxchg { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg (atomic cmpxchg i64) I32AtomicRmw8CmpxchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw8_cmpxchg_u (atomic cmpxchg i32) I32AtomicRmw16CmpxchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i32_atomic_rmw16_cmpxchg_u (atomic cmpxchg i32) I64AtomicRmw8CmpxchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw8_cmpxchg_u (atomic cmpxchg i64) I64AtomicRmw16CmpxchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw16_cmpxchg_u (atomic cmpxchg i64) I64AtomicRmw32CmpxchgU { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_i64_atomic_rmw32_cmpxchg_u (atomic cmpxchg i64) } // 0xFD operators // 128-bit SIMD // - https://github.com/webassembly/simd // - https://webassembly.github.io/simd/core/binary/instructions.html @simd { V128Load { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load (load v128) V128Load8x8S { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load8x8_s (load v128) V128Load8x8U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load8x8_u (load v128) V128Load16x4S { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load16x4_s (load v128) V128Load16x4U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load16x4_u (load v128) V128Load32x2S { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load32x2_s (load v128) V128Load32x2U { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load32x2_u (load v128) V128Load8Splat { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load8_splat (load v128) V128Load16Splat { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load16_splat (load v128) V128Load32Splat { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load32_splat (load v128) V128Load64Splat { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load64_splat (load v128) V128Load32Zero { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load32_zero (load v128) V128Load64Zero { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_load64_zero (load v128) V128Store { memarg: $crate::MemArg } => visit_v128_store (store v128) V128Load8Lane { memarg: $crate::MemArg, lane: u8 } => visit_v128_load8_lane (load lane 16) V128Load16Lane { memarg: $crate::MemArg, lane: u8 } => visit_v128_load16_lane (load lane 8) V128Load32Lane { memarg: $crate::MemArg, lane: u8 } => visit_v128_load32_lane (load lane 4) V128Load64Lane { memarg: $crate::MemArg, lane: u8 } => visit_v128_load64_lane (load lane 2) V128Store8Lane { memarg: $crate::MemArg, lane: u8 } => visit_v128_store8_lane (store lane 16) V128Store16Lane { memarg: $crate::MemArg, lane: u8 } => visit_v128_store16_lane (store lane 8) V128Store32Lane { memarg: $crate::MemArg, lane: u8 } => visit_v128_store32_lane (store lane 4) V128Store64Lane { memarg: $crate::MemArg, lane: u8 } => visit_v128_store64_lane (store lane 2) V128Const { value: $crate::V128 } => visit_v128_const (push v128) I8x16Shuffle { lanes: [u8; 16] } => visit_i8x16_shuffle (arity 2 -> 1) I8x16ExtractLaneS { lane: u8 } => visit_i8x16_extract_lane_s (extract i32 16) I8x16ExtractLaneU { lane: u8 } => visit_i8x16_extract_lane_u (extract i32 16) I8x16ReplaceLane { lane: u8 } => visit_i8x16_replace_lane (replace i32 16) I16x8ExtractLaneS { lane: u8 } => visit_i16x8_extract_lane_s (extract i32 8) I16x8ExtractLaneU { lane: u8 } => visit_i16x8_extract_lane_u (extract i32 8) I16x8ReplaceLane { lane: u8 } => visit_i16x8_replace_lane (replace i32 8) I32x4ExtractLane { lane: u8 } => visit_i32x4_extract_lane (extract i32 4) I32x4ReplaceLane { lane: u8 } => visit_i32x4_replace_lane (replace i32 4) I64x2ExtractLane { lane: u8 } => visit_i64x2_extract_lane (extract i64 2) I64x2ReplaceLane { lane: u8 } => visit_i64x2_replace_lane (replace i64 2) F32x4ExtractLane { lane: u8 } => visit_f32x4_extract_lane (extract f32 4) F32x4ReplaceLane { lane: u8 } => visit_f32x4_replace_lane (replace f32 4) F64x2ExtractLane { lane: u8 } => visit_f64x2_extract_lane (extract f64 2) F64x2ReplaceLane { lane: u8 } => visit_f64x2_replace_lane (replace f64 2) I8x16Swizzle => visit_i8x16_swizzle (binary v128) I8x16Splat => visit_i8x16_splat (splat i32) I16x8Splat => visit_i16x8_splat (splat i32) I32x4Splat => visit_i32x4_splat (splat i32) I64x2Splat => visit_i64x2_splat (splat i64) F32x4Splat => visit_f32x4_splat (splat f32) F64x2Splat => visit_f64x2_splat (splat f64) I8x16Eq => visit_i8x16_eq (binary v128) I8x16Ne => visit_i8x16_ne (binary v128) I8x16LtS => visit_i8x16_lt_s (binary v128) I8x16LtU => visit_i8x16_lt_u (binary v128) I8x16GtS => visit_i8x16_gt_s (binary v128) I8x16GtU => visit_i8x16_gt_u (binary v128) I8x16LeS => visit_i8x16_le_s (binary v128) I8x16LeU => visit_i8x16_le_u (binary v128) I8x16GeS => visit_i8x16_ge_s (binary v128) I8x16GeU => visit_i8x16_ge_u (binary v128) I16x8Eq => visit_i16x8_eq (binary v128) I16x8Ne => visit_i16x8_ne (binary v128) I16x8LtS => visit_i16x8_lt_s (binary v128) I16x8LtU => visit_i16x8_lt_u (binary v128) I16x8GtS => visit_i16x8_gt_s (binary v128) I16x8GtU => visit_i16x8_gt_u (binary v128) I16x8LeS => visit_i16x8_le_s (binary v128) I16x8LeU => visit_i16x8_le_u (binary v128) I16x8GeS => visit_i16x8_ge_s (binary v128) I16x8GeU => visit_i16x8_ge_u (binary v128) I32x4Eq => visit_i32x4_eq (binary v128) I32x4Ne => visit_i32x4_ne (binary v128) I32x4LtS => visit_i32x4_lt_s (binary v128) I32x4LtU => visit_i32x4_lt_u (binary v128) I32x4GtS => visit_i32x4_gt_s (binary v128) I32x4GtU => visit_i32x4_gt_u (binary v128) I32x4LeS => visit_i32x4_le_s (binary v128) I32x4LeU => visit_i32x4_le_u (binary v128) I32x4GeS => visit_i32x4_ge_s (binary v128) I32x4GeU => visit_i32x4_ge_u (binary v128) I64x2Eq => visit_i64x2_eq (binary v128) I64x2Ne => visit_i64x2_ne (binary v128) I64x2LtS => visit_i64x2_lt_s (binary v128) I64x2GtS => visit_i64x2_gt_s (binary v128) I64x2LeS => visit_i64x2_le_s (binary v128) I64x2GeS => visit_i64x2_ge_s (binary v128) F32x4Eq => visit_f32x4_eq (binary v128f) F32x4Ne => visit_f32x4_ne (binary v128f) F32x4Lt => visit_f32x4_lt (binary v128f) F32x4Gt => visit_f32x4_gt (binary v128f) F32x4Le => visit_f32x4_le (binary v128f) F32x4Ge => visit_f32x4_ge (binary v128f) F64x2Eq => visit_f64x2_eq (binary v128f) F64x2Ne => visit_f64x2_ne (binary v128f) F64x2Lt => visit_f64x2_lt (binary v128f) F64x2Gt => visit_f64x2_gt (binary v128f) F64x2Le => visit_f64x2_le (binary v128f) F64x2Ge => visit_f64x2_ge (binary v128f) V128Not => visit_v128_not (unary v128) V128And => visit_v128_and (binary v128) V128AndNot => visit_v128_andnot (binary v128) V128Or => visit_v128_or (binary v128) V128Xor => visit_v128_xor (binary v128) V128Bitselect => visit_v128_bitselect (ternary v128) V128AnyTrue => visit_v128_any_true (test v128) I8x16Abs => visit_i8x16_abs (unary v128) I8x16Neg => visit_i8x16_neg (unary v128) I8x16Popcnt => visit_i8x16_popcnt (unary v128) I8x16AllTrue => visit_i8x16_all_true (test v128) I8x16Bitmask => visit_i8x16_bitmask (test v128) I8x16NarrowI16x8S => visit_i8x16_narrow_i16x8_s (binary v128) I8x16NarrowI16x8U => visit_i8x16_narrow_i16x8_u (binary v128) I8x16Shl => visit_i8x16_shl (shift v128) I8x16ShrS => visit_i8x16_shr_s (shift v128) I8x16ShrU => visit_i8x16_shr_u (shift v128) I8x16Add => visit_i8x16_add (binary v128) I8x16AddSatS => visit_i8x16_add_sat_s (binary v128) I8x16AddSatU => visit_i8x16_add_sat_u (binary v128) I8x16Sub => visit_i8x16_sub (binary v128) I8x16SubSatS => visit_i8x16_sub_sat_s (binary v128) I8x16SubSatU => visit_i8x16_sub_sat_u (binary v128) I8x16MinS => visit_i8x16_min_s (binary v128) I8x16MinU => visit_i8x16_min_u (binary v128) I8x16MaxS => visit_i8x16_max_s (binary v128) I8x16MaxU => visit_i8x16_max_u (binary v128) I8x16AvgrU => visit_i8x16_avgr_u (binary v128) I16x8ExtAddPairwiseI8x16S => visit_i16x8_extadd_pairwise_i8x16_s (unary v128) I16x8ExtAddPairwiseI8x16U => visit_i16x8_extadd_pairwise_i8x16_u (unary v128) I16x8Abs => visit_i16x8_abs (unary v128) I16x8Neg => visit_i16x8_neg (unary v128) I16x8Q15MulrSatS => visit_i16x8_q15mulr_sat_s (binary v128) I16x8AllTrue => visit_i16x8_all_true (test v128) I16x8Bitmask => visit_i16x8_bitmask (test v128) I16x8NarrowI32x4S => visit_i16x8_narrow_i32x4_s (binary v128) I16x8NarrowI32x4U => visit_i16x8_narrow_i32x4_u (binary v128) I16x8ExtendLowI8x16S => visit_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16_s (unary v128) I16x8ExtendHighI8x16S => visit_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16_s (unary v128) I16x8ExtendLowI8x16U => visit_i16x8_extend_low_i8x16_u (unary v128) I16x8ExtendHighI8x16U => visit_i16x8_extend_high_i8x16_u (unary v128) I16x8Shl => visit_i16x8_shl (shift v128) I16x8ShrS => visit_i16x8_shr_s (shift v128) I16x8ShrU => visit_i16x8_shr_u (shift v128) I16x8Add => visit_i16x8_add (binary v128) I16x8AddSatS => visit_i16x8_add_sat_s (binary v128) I16x8AddSatU => visit_i16x8_add_sat_u (binary v128) I16x8Sub => visit_i16x8_sub (binary v128) I16x8SubSatS => visit_i16x8_sub_sat_s (binary v128) I16x8SubSatU => visit_i16x8_sub_sat_u (binary v128) I16x8Mul => visit_i16x8_mul (binary v128) I16x8MinS => visit_i16x8_min_s (binary v128) I16x8MinU => visit_i16x8_min_u (binary v128) I16x8MaxS => visit_i16x8_max_s (binary v128) I16x8MaxU => visit_i16x8_max_u (binary v128) I16x8AvgrU => visit_i16x8_avgr_u (binary v128) I16x8ExtMulLowI8x16S => visit_i16x8_extmul_low_i8x16_s (binary v128) I16x8ExtMulHighI8x16S => visit_i16x8_extmul_high_i8x16_s (binary v128) I16x8ExtMulLowI8x16U => visit_i16x8_extmul_low_i8x16_u (binary v128) I16x8ExtMulHighI8x16U => visit_i16x8_extmul_high_i8x16_u (binary v128) I32x4ExtAddPairwiseI16x8S => visit_i32x4_extadd_pairwise_i16x8_s (unary v128) I32x4ExtAddPairwiseI16x8U => visit_i32x4_extadd_pairwise_i16x8_u (unary v128) I32x4Abs => visit_i32x4_abs (unary v128) I32x4Neg => visit_i32x4_neg (unary v128) I32x4AllTrue => visit_i32x4_all_true (test v128) I32x4Bitmask => visit_i32x4_bitmask (test v128) I32x4ExtendLowI16x8S => visit_i32x4_extend_low_i16x8_s (unary v128) I32x4ExtendHighI16x8S => visit_i32x4_extend_high_i16x8_s (unary v128) I32x4ExtendLowI16x8U => visit_i32x4_extend_low_i16x8_u (unary v128) I32x4ExtendHighI16x8U => visit_i32x4_extend_high_i16x8_u (unary v128) I32x4Shl => visit_i32x4_shl (shift v128) I32x4ShrS => visit_i32x4_shr_s (shift v128) I32x4ShrU => visit_i32x4_shr_u (shift v128) I32x4Add => visit_i32x4_add (binary v128) I32x4Sub => visit_i32x4_sub (binary v128) I32x4Mul => visit_i32x4_mul (binary v128) I32x4MinS => visit_i32x4_min_s (binary v128) I32x4MinU => visit_i32x4_min_u (binary v128) I32x4MaxS => visit_i32x4_max_s (binary v128) I32x4MaxU => visit_i32x4_max_u (binary v128) I32x4DotI16x8S => visit_i32x4_dot_i16x8_s (binary v128) I32x4ExtMulLowI16x8S => visit_i32x4_extmul_low_i16x8_s (binary v128) I32x4ExtMulHighI16x8S => visit_i32x4_extmul_high_i16x8_s (binary v128) I32x4ExtMulLowI16x8U => visit_i32x4_extmul_low_i16x8_u (binary v128) I32x4ExtMulHighI16x8U => visit_i32x4_extmul_high_i16x8_u (binary v128) I64x2Abs => visit_i64x2_abs (unary v128) I64x2Neg => visit_i64x2_neg (unary v128) I64x2AllTrue => visit_i64x2_all_true (test v128) I64x2Bitmask => visit_i64x2_bitmask (test v128) I64x2ExtendLowI32x4S => visit_i64x2_extend_low_i32x4_s (unary v128) I64x2ExtendHighI32x4S => visit_i64x2_extend_high_i32x4_s (unary v128) I64x2ExtendLowI32x4U => visit_i64x2_extend_low_i32x4_u (unary v128) I64x2ExtendHighI32x4U => visit_i64x2_extend_high_i32x4_u (unary v128) I64x2Shl => visit_i64x2_shl (shift v128) I64x2ShrS => visit_i64x2_shr_s (shift v128) I64x2ShrU => visit_i64x2_shr_u (shift v128) I64x2Add => visit_i64x2_add (binary v128) I64x2Sub => visit_i64x2_sub (binary v128) I64x2Mul => visit_i64x2_mul (binary v128) I64x2ExtMulLowI32x4S => visit_i64x2_extmul_low_i32x4_s (binary v128) I64x2ExtMulHighI32x4S => visit_i64x2_extmul_high_i32x4_s (binary v128) I64x2ExtMulLowI32x4U => visit_i64x2_extmul_low_i32x4_u (binary v128) I64x2ExtMulHighI32x4U => visit_i64x2_extmul_high_i32x4_u (binary v128) F32x4Ceil => visit_f32x4_ceil (unary v128f) F32x4Floor => visit_f32x4_floor (unary v128f) F32x4Trunc => visit_f32x4_trunc (unary v128f) F32x4Nearest => visit_f32x4_nearest (unary v128f) F32x4Abs => visit_f32x4_abs (unary v128f) F32x4Neg => visit_f32x4_neg (unary v128f) F32x4Sqrt => visit_f32x4_sqrt (unary v128f) F32x4Add => visit_f32x4_add (binary v128f) F32x4Sub => visit_f32x4_sub (binary v128f) F32x4Mul => visit_f32x4_mul (binary v128f) F32x4Div => visit_f32x4_div (binary v128f) F32x4Min => visit_f32x4_min (binary v128f) F32x4Max => visit_f32x4_max (binary v128f) F32x4PMin => visit_f32x4_pmin (binary v128f) F32x4PMax => visit_f32x4_pmax (binary v128f) F64x2Ceil => visit_f64x2_ceil (unary v128f) F64x2Floor => visit_f64x2_floor (unary v128f) F64x2Trunc => visit_f64x2_trunc (unary v128f) F64x2Nearest => visit_f64x2_nearest (unary v128f) F64x2Abs => visit_f64x2_abs (unary v128f) F64x2Neg => visit_f64x2_neg (unary v128f) F64x2Sqrt => visit_f64x2_sqrt (unary v128f) F64x2Add => visit_f64x2_add (binary v128f) F64x2Sub => visit_f64x2_sub (binary v128f) F64x2Mul => visit_f64x2_mul (binary v128f) F64x2Div => visit_f64x2_div (binary v128f) F64x2Min => visit_f64x2_min (binary v128f) F64x2Max => visit_f64x2_max (binary v128f) F64x2PMin => visit_f64x2_pmin (binary v128f) F64x2PMax => visit_f64x2_pmax (binary v128f) I32x4TruncSatF32x4S => visit_i32x4_trunc_sat_f32x4_s (unary v128f) I32x4TruncSatF32x4U => visit_i32x4_trunc_sat_f32x4_u (unary v128f) F32x4ConvertI32x4S => visit_f32x4_convert_i32x4_s (unary v128f) F32x4ConvertI32x4U => visit_f32x4_convert_i32x4_u (unary v128f) I32x4TruncSatF64x2SZero => visit_i32x4_trunc_sat_f64x2_s_zero (unary v128f) I32x4TruncSatF64x2UZero => visit_i32x4_trunc_sat_f64x2_u_zero (unary v128f) F64x2ConvertLowI32x4S => visit_f64x2_convert_low_i32x4_s (unary v128f) F64x2ConvertLowI32x4U => visit_f64x2_convert_low_i32x4_u (unary v128f) F32x4DemoteF64x2Zero => visit_f32x4_demote_f64x2_zero (unary v128f) F64x2PromoteLowF32x4 => visit_f64x2_promote_low_f32x4 (unary v128f) } // Relaxed SIMD operators // https://github.com/WebAssembly/relaxed-simd @relaxed_simd { I8x16RelaxedSwizzle => visit_i8x16_relaxed_swizzle (binary v128) I32x4RelaxedTruncF32x4S => visit_i32x4_relaxed_trunc_f32x4_s (unary v128) I32x4RelaxedTruncF32x4U => visit_i32x4_relaxed_trunc_f32x4_u (unary v128) I32x4RelaxedTruncF64x2SZero => visit_i32x4_relaxed_trunc_f64x2_s_zero (unary v128) I32x4RelaxedTruncF64x2UZero => visit_i32x4_relaxed_trunc_f64x2_u_zero (unary v128) F32x4RelaxedMadd => visit_f32x4_relaxed_madd (ternary v128) F32x4RelaxedNmadd => visit_f32x4_relaxed_nmadd (ternary v128) F64x2RelaxedMadd => visit_f64x2_relaxed_madd (ternary v128) F64x2RelaxedNmadd => visit_f64x2_relaxed_nmadd (ternary v128) I8x16RelaxedLaneselect => visit_i8x16_relaxed_laneselect (ternary v128) I16x8RelaxedLaneselect => visit_i16x8_relaxed_laneselect (ternary v128) I32x4RelaxedLaneselect => visit_i32x4_relaxed_laneselect (ternary v128) I64x2RelaxedLaneselect => visit_i64x2_relaxed_laneselect (ternary v128) F32x4RelaxedMin => visit_f32x4_relaxed_min (binary v128) F32x4RelaxedMax => visit_f32x4_relaxed_max (binary v128) F64x2RelaxedMin => visit_f64x2_relaxed_min (binary v128) F64x2RelaxedMax => visit_f64x2_relaxed_max (binary v128) I16x8RelaxedQ15mulrS => visit_i16x8_relaxed_q15mulr_s (binary v128) I16x8RelaxedDotI8x16I7x16S => visit_i16x8_relaxed_dot_i8x16_i7x16_s (binary v128) I32x4RelaxedDotI8x16I7x16AddS => visit_i32x4_relaxed_dot_i8x16_i7x16_add_s (ternary v128) } @exceptions { TryTable { try_table: $crate::TryTable } => visit_try_table (arity try_table -> ~try_table) Throw { tag_index: u32 } => visit_throw (arity tag -> 0) ThrowRef => visit_throw_ref (arity 1 -> 0) } // Deprecated old instructions from the exceptions proposal @legacy_exceptions { Try { blockty: $crate::BlockType } => visit_try (arity block -> ~block) Catch { tag_index: u32 } => visit_catch (arity ~end -> ~tag) Rethrow { relative_depth: u32 } => visit_rethrow (arity 0 -> 0) Delegate { relative_depth: u32 } => visit_delegate (arity ~end -> end) CatchAll => visit_catch_all (arity ~end -> 0) } // Also 0xFE prefixed operators // shared-everything threads // https://github.com/WebAssembly/shared-everything-threads @shared_everything_threads { GlobalAtomicGet { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_get (arity 0 -> 1) GlobalAtomicSet { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_set (arity 1 -> 0) GlobalAtomicRmwAdd { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_rmw_add (unary atomic global) GlobalAtomicRmwSub { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_rmw_sub (unary atomic global) GlobalAtomicRmwAnd { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_rmw_and (unary atomic global) GlobalAtomicRmwOr { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_rmw_or (unary atomic global) GlobalAtomicRmwXor { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_rmw_xor (unary atomic global) GlobalAtomicRmwXchg { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_rmw_xchg (arity 1 -> 1) GlobalAtomicRmwCmpxchg { ordering: $crate::Ordering, global_index: u32 } => visit_global_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg (arity 2 -> 1) TableAtomicGet { ordering: $crate::Ordering, table_index: u32 } => visit_table_atomic_get (arity 1 -> 1) TableAtomicSet { ordering: $crate::Ordering, table_index: u32 } => visit_table_atomic_set (arity 2 -> 0) TableAtomicRmwXchg { ordering: $crate::Ordering, table_index: u32 } => visit_table_atomic_rmw_xchg (arity 2 -> 1) TableAtomicRmwCmpxchg { ordering: $crate::Ordering, table_index: u32 } => visit_table_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg (arity 3 -> 1) StructAtomicGet { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_get (arity 1 -> 1) StructAtomicGetS { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_get_s (arity 1 -> 1) StructAtomicGetU { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_get_u (arity 1 -> 1) StructAtomicSet { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_set (arity 2 -> 0) StructAtomicRmwAdd { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_rmw_add (atomic rmw struct add) StructAtomicRmwSub { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_rmw_sub (atomic rmw struct sub) StructAtomicRmwAnd { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_rmw_and (atomic rmw struct and) StructAtomicRmwOr { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_rmw_or (atomic rmw struct or) StructAtomicRmwXor { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_rmw_xor (atomic rmw struct xor) StructAtomicRmwXchg { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_rmw_xchg (arity 2 -> 1) StructAtomicRmwCmpxchg { ordering: $crate::Ordering, struct_type_index: u32, field_index: u32 } => visit_struct_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg (arity 3 -> 1) ArrayAtomicGet { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_get (arity 2 -> 1) ArrayAtomicGetS { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_get_s (arity 2 -> 1) ArrayAtomicGetU { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_get_u (arity 2 -> 1) ArrayAtomicSet { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_set (arity 3 -> 0) ArrayAtomicRmwAdd { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_rmw_add (atomic rmw array add) ArrayAtomicRmwSub { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_rmw_sub (atomic rmw array sub) ArrayAtomicRmwAnd { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_rmw_and (atomic rmw array and) ArrayAtomicRmwOr { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_rmw_or (atomic rmw array or) ArrayAtomicRmwXor { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_rmw_xor (atomic rmw array xor) ArrayAtomicRmwXchg { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_rmw_xchg (arity 3 -> 1) ArrayAtomicRmwCmpxchg { ordering: $crate::Ordering, array_type_index: u32 } => visit_array_atomic_rmw_cmpxchg (arity 4 -> 1) RefI31Shared => visit_ref_i31_shared (arity 1 -> 1) } // Typed Function references @function_references { CallRef { type_index: u32 } => visit_call_ref (arity 1 type -> type) ReturnCallRef { type_index: u32 } => visit_return_call_ref (arity 1 type -> 0) RefAsNonNull => visit_ref_as_non_null (arity 1 -> 1) BrOnNull { relative_depth: u32 } => visit_br_on_null (arity 1 br -> 1 br) BrOnNonNull { relative_depth: u32 } => visit_br_on_non_null (arity br -> br -1) } // Stack switching @stack_switching { ContNew { cont_type_index: u32 } => visit_cont_new (arity 1 -> 1) ContBind { argument_index: u32, result_index: u32 } => visit_cont_bind (arity type_diff 1 -> 1) Suspend { tag_index: u32 } => visit_suspend (arity tag -> tag) Resume { cont_type_index: u32, resume_table: $crate::ResumeTable } => visit_resume (arity 1 type -> type) ResumeThrow { cont_type_index: u32, tag_index: u32, resume_table: $crate::ResumeTable } => visit_resume_throw (arity 1 tag -> type) Switch { cont_type_index: u32, tag_index: u32 } => visit_switch (arity type -> ~switch) } @wide_arithmetic { I64Add128 => visit_i64_add128 (arity 4 -> 2) I64Sub128 => visit_i64_sub128 (arity 4 -> 2) I64MulWideS => visit_i64_mul_wide_s (arity 2 -> 2) I64MulWideU => visit_i64_mul_wide_u (arity 2 -> 2) } } }; } /// Helper macro to define a `_for_each_non_simd_operator` which receives /// the syntax of each instruction individually, but only the non-simd /// operators. macro_rules! define_for_each_non_simd_operator { // Switch from `_for_each_operator_group` syntax to this macro's syntax to // be a "tt muncher macro" (@ $($t:tt)*) => {define_for_each_non_simd_operator!(filter [] @ $($t)*);}; // filter out simd/relaxed-simd proposals (filter $filter:tt @simd $simd:tt $($rest:tt)*) => { define_for_each_non_simd_operator!(filter $filter $($rest)*); }; (filter $filter:tt @relaxed_simd $simd:tt $($rest:tt)*) => { define_for_each_non_simd_operator!(filter $filter $($rest)*); }; // For all other proposals add in tokens where the `@proposal` is prepended // before each instruction. ( filter [$($t:tt)*] @$proposal:ident { $( $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*) )* } $($rest:tt)* ) => { define_for_each_non_simd_operator!( filter [ $($t)* $( @$proposal $op $({ $($arg: $argty),* })? => $visit ($($ann)*) )* ] $($rest)* ); }; // At the end the `$t` list here is how we want to define // `_for_each_non_simd_operator`, so define the macro with these tokens. (filter [$($t:tt)*]) => { #[macro_export] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! _for_each_visit_operator_impl { ($m:ident) => { $m! { $($t)* } } } // When simd is disabled then this macro is additionally the // `for_each_operator!` macro implementation #[cfg(not(feature = "simd"))] #[doc(hidden)] pub use _for_each_visit_operator_impl as _for_each_operator_impl; }; } _for_each_operator_group!(define_for_each_non_simd_operator); /// When the simd feature is enabled then `_for_each_operator_impl` is defined /// to be the same as the above `define_for_each_non_simd_operator` macro except /// with all proposals thrown in. #[cfg(feature = "simd")] macro_rules! define_for_each_operator_impl_with_simd { ( $( @$proposal:ident { $( $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*) )* } )* ) => { #[macro_export] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! _for_each_operator_impl { ($m:ident) => { $m! { $( $( @$proposal $op $({$($arg: $argty),*})? => $visit ($($ann)*) )* )* } } } }; } #[cfg(feature = "simd")] _for_each_operator_group!(define_for_each_operator_impl_with_simd); /// Helper macro to define the `_for_each_simd_operator_impl` macro. /// /// This is basically the same as `define_for_each_non_simd_operator` above /// except that it's filtering on different proposals. #[cfg(feature = "simd")] macro_rules! define_for_each_simd_operator { // Switch to "tt muncher" mode (@ $($t:tt)*) => {define_for_each_simd_operator!(filter [] @ $($t)*);}; // Collect the `@simd` and `@relaxed_simd` proposals. ( filter [$($t:tt)*] @simd { $( $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*) )* } $($rest:tt)* ) => { define_for_each_simd_operator!( filter [ $($t)* $( @simd $op $({ $($arg: $argty),* })? => $visit ($($ann)*) )* ] $($rest)* ); }; ( filter [$($t:tt)*] @relaxed_simd { $( $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*) )* } $($rest:tt)* ) => { define_for_each_simd_operator!( filter [ $($t)* $( @relaxed_simd $op $({ $($arg: $argty),* })? => $visit ($($ann)*) )* ] $($rest)* ); }; // Skip all other proposals. (filter $filter:tt @$proposal:ident $instrs:tt $($rest:tt)*) => { define_for_each_simd_operator!(filter $filter $($rest)*); }; // Base case to define the base macro. (filter [$($t:tt)*]) => { #[macro_export] #[doc(hidden)] macro_rules! _for_each_visit_simd_operator_impl { ($m:ident) => { $m! { $($t)* } } } }; } #[cfg(feature = "simd")] _for_each_operator_group!(define_for_each_simd_operator); /// Used to implement routines for the [`Operator`] enum. /// /// A helper macro to conveniently iterate over all opcodes recognized by this /// crate. This can be used to work with either the [`Operator`] enumeration or /// the [`VisitOperator`] trait if your use case uniformly handles all operators /// the same way. /// /// It is also possible to specialize handling of operators depending on the /// Wasm proposal from which they are originating. /// /// This is an "iterator macro" where this macro is invoked with the name of /// another macro, and then that macro is invoked with the list of all /// operators. /// /// The list of specializable Wasm proposals is as follows: /// /// - `@mvp`: Denoting a Wasm operator from the initial Wasm MVP version. /// - `@exceptions`: [Wasm `exception-handling` proposal] /// - `@tail_call`: [Wasm `tail-calls` proposal] /// - `@reference_types`: [Wasm `reference-types` proposal] /// - `@sign_extension`: [Wasm `sign-extension-ops` proposal] /// - `@saturating_float_to_int`: [Wasm `non_trapping_float-to-int-conversions` proposal] /// - `@bulk_memory `:[Wasm `bulk-memory` proposal] /// - `@simd`: [Wasm `simd` proposal] /// - `@relaxed_simd`: [Wasm `relaxed-simd` proposal] /// - `@threads`: [Wasm `threads` proposal] /// - `@gc`: [Wasm `gc` proposal] /// - `@stack_switching`: [Wasm `stack-switching` proposal] /// - `@wide_arithmetic`: [Wasm `wide-arithmetic` proposal] /// /// [Wasm `exception-handling` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/exception-handling /// /// [Wasm `tail-calls` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/tail-call /// /// [Wasm `reference-types` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/reference-types /// /// [Wasm `sign-extension-ops` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/sign-extension-ops /// /// [Wasm `non_trapping_float-to-int-conversions` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversions /// /// [Wasm `bulk-memory` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/bulk-memory-operations /// /// [Wasm `simd` proposal]: /// https://github.com/webassembly/simd /// /// [Wasm `relaxed-simd` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/relaxed-simd /// /// [Wasm `threads` proposal]: /// https://github.com/webassembly/threads /// /// [Wasm `gc` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/gc /// /// [Wasm `stack-switching` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/stack-switching /// /// [Wasm `wide-arithmetic` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/wide-arithmetic /// /// ``` /// fn do_nothing(op: &wasmparser::Operator) { /// macro_rules! define_match_operator { /// // The outer layer of repetition represents how all operators are /// // provided to the macro at the same time. /// // /// // The `$proposal` identifier indicates the Wasm proposals from which /// // the Wasm operator is originating. /// // For example to specialize the macro match arm for Wasm SIMD proposal /// // operators you could write `@simd` instead of `@$proposal:ident` to /// // only catch those operators. /// // /// // The `$op` name is bound to the `Operator` variant name. The /// // payload of the operator is optionally specified (the `$(...)?` /// // clause) since not all instructions have payloads. Within the payload /// // each argument is named and has its type specified. /// // /// // The `$visit` name is bound to the corresponding name in the /// // `VisitOperator` trait that this corresponds to. /// // /// // The `$ann` annotations give information about the operator's type (e.g. binary i32 or arity 2 -> 1). /// ($( @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*))*) => { /// match op { /// $( /// wasmparser::Operator::$op $( { $($arg),* } )? => { /// // do nothing for this example /// } /// )* /// _ => unreachable!(), // required because `Operator` enum is non-exhaustive /// } /// } /// } /// wasmparser::for_each_operator!(define_match_operator); /// } /// ``` /// /// If you only wanted to visit the initial base set of wasm instructions, for /// example, you could do: /// /// ``` /// fn is_mvp_operator(op: &wasmparser::Operator) -> bool { /// macro_rules! define_match_operator { /// // delegate the macro invocation to sub-invocations of this macro to /// // deal with each instruction on a case-by-case basis. /// ($( @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*))*) => { /// match op { /// $( /// wasmparser::Operator::$op $( { $($arg),* } )? => { /// define_match_operator!(impl_one @$proposal) /// } /// )* /// _ => unreachable!(), // required because `Operator` enum is non-exhaustive /// } /// }; /// /// (impl_one @mvp) => { true }; /// (impl_one @$proposal:ident) => { false }; /// } /// wasmparser::for_each_operator!(define_match_operator) /// } /// ``` #[doc(inline)] pub use _for_each_operator_impl as for_each_operator; /// Used to implement the [`VisitOperator`] trait. /// /// A helper macro to conveniently iterate over all opcodes recognized by this /// crate. This can be used to work with either the [`Operator`] enumeration or /// the [`VisitOperator`] trait if your use case uniformly handles all operators /// the same way. /// /// It is also possible to specialize handling of operators depending on the /// Wasm proposal from which they are originating. /// /// This is an "iterator macro" where this macro is invoked with the name of /// another macro, and then that macro is invoked with the list of all /// operators. /// /// The list of specializable Wasm proposals is as follows: /// /// - `@mvp`: Denoting a Wasm operator from the initial Wasm MVP version. /// - `@exceptions`: [Wasm `exception-handling` proposal] /// - `@tail_call`: [Wasm `tail-calls` proposal] /// - `@reference_types`: [Wasm `reference-types` proposal] /// - `@sign_extension`: [Wasm `sign-extension-ops` proposal] /// - `@saturating_float_to_int`: [Wasm `non_trapping_float-to-int-conversions` proposal] /// - `@bulk_memory `:[Wasm `bulk-memory` proposal] /// - `@threads`: [Wasm `threads` proposal] /// - `@gc`: [Wasm `gc` proposal] /// - `@stack_switching`: [Wasm `stack-switching` proposal] /// - `@wide_arithmetic`: [Wasm `wide-arithmetic` proposal] /// /// Note that this macro does not iterate over the SIMD-related proposals. Those /// are provided in [`VisitSimdOperator`] and [`for_each_visit_simd_operator`]. /// This macro only handles non-SIMD related operators and so users wanting to /// handle the SIMD-class of operators need to use that trait/macro as well. /// /// [Wasm `exception-handling` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/exception-handling /// /// [Wasm `tail-calls` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/tail-call /// /// [Wasm `reference-types` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/reference-types /// /// [Wasm `sign-extension-ops` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/sign-extension-ops /// /// [Wasm `non_trapping_float-to-int-conversions` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/nontrapping-float-to-int-conversions /// /// [Wasm `bulk-memory` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/bulk-memory-operations /// [Wasm `simd` proposal]: /// https://github.com/webassembly/simd /// /// [Wasm `relaxed-simd` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/relaxed-simd /// /// [Wasm `threads` proposal]: /// https://github.com/webassembly/threads /// /// [Wasm `gc` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/gc /// /// [Wasm `stack-switching` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/stack-switching /// /// [Wasm `wide-arithmetic` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/wide-arithmetic /// /// ``` /// macro_rules! define_visit_operator { /// // The outer layer of repetition represents how all operators are /// // provided to the macro at the same time. /// // /// // The `$proposal` identifier indicates the Wasm proposals from which /// // the Wasm operator is originating. /// // For example to specialize the macro match arm for Wasm `gc` proposal /// // operators you could write `@gc` instead of `@$proposal:ident` to /// // only catch those operators. /// // /// // The `$op` name is bound to the `Operator` variant name. The /// // payload of the operator is optionally specified (the `$(...)?` /// // clause) since not all instructions have payloads. Within the payload /// // each argument is named and has its type specified. /// // /// // The `$visit` name is bound to the corresponding name in the /// // `VisitOperator` trait that this corresponds to. /// // /// // The `$ann` annotations give information about the operator's type (e.g. binary i32 or arity 2 -> 1). /// ($( @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*))*) => { /// $( /// fn $visit(&mut self $($(,$arg: $argty)*)?) { /// // do nothing for this example /// } /// )* /// } /// } /// /// pub struct VisitAndDoNothing; /// /// impl<'a> wasmparser::VisitOperator<'a> for VisitAndDoNothing { /// type Output = (); /// /// wasmparser::for_each_visit_operator!(define_visit_operator); /// } /// ``` /// /// If you only wanted to visit the initial base set of wasm instructions, for /// example, you could do: /// /// ``` /// macro_rules! visit_only_mvp { /// // delegate the macro invocation to sub-invocations of this macro to /// // deal with each instruction on a case-by-case basis. /// ($( @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*))*) => { /// $( /// visit_only_mvp!(visit_one @$proposal $op $({ $($arg: $argty),* })? => $visit); /// )* /// }; /// /// // MVP instructions are defined manually, so do nothing. /// (visit_one @mvp $($rest:tt)*) => {}; /// /// // Non-MVP instructions all return `false` here. The exact type depends /// // on `type Output` in the trait implementation below. You could change /// // it to `Result<()>` for example and return an error here too. /// (visit_one @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident) => { /// fn $visit(&mut self $($(,$arg: $argty)*)?) -> bool { /// false /// } /// } /// } /// # // to get this example to compile another macro is used here to define /// # // visit methods for all mvp oeprators. /// # macro_rules! visit_mvp { /// # ($( @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*))*) => { /// # $( /// # visit_mvp!(visit_one @$proposal $op $({ $($arg: $argty),* })? => $visit); /// # )* /// # }; /// # (visit_one @mvp $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident) => { /// # fn $visit(&mut self $($(,$arg: $argty)*)?) -> bool { /// # true /// # } /// # }; /// # (visit_one @$proposal:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {}; /// # } /// /// pub struct VisitOnlyMvp; /// /// impl<'a> wasmparser::VisitOperator<'a> for VisitOnlyMvp { /// type Output = bool; /// /// wasmparser::for_each_visit_operator!(visit_only_mvp); /// # wasmparser::for_each_visit_operator!(visit_mvp); /// /// // manually define `visit_*` for all MVP operators here /// } /// ``` #[doc(inline)] pub use _for_each_visit_operator_impl as for_each_visit_operator; /// Used to implement the [`VisitSimdOperator`] trait. /// /// The list of specializable Wasm proposals is as follows: /// /// - `@simd`: [Wasm `simd` proposal] /// - `@relaxed_simd`: [Wasm `relaxed-simd` proposal] /// /// For more information about the structure and use of this macro please /// refer to the documentation of the [`for_each_operator`] macro. /// /// [Wasm `simd` proposal]: /// https://github.com/webassembly/simd /// /// [Wasm `relaxed-simd` proposal]: /// https://github.com/WebAssembly/relaxed-simd /// /// [`VisitSimdOperator`]: crate::VisitSimdOperator /// /// ``` /// # macro_rules! define_visit_operator { /// # ($( @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*))*) => { /// # $( fn $visit(&mut self $($(,$arg: $argty)*)?) {} )* /// # } /// # } /// pub struct VisitAndDoNothing; /// /// impl<'a> wasmparser::VisitOperator<'a> for VisitAndDoNothing { /// type Output = (); /// /// // implement all the visit methods .. /// # wasmparser::for_each_visit_operator!(define_visit_operator); /// } /// /// macro_rules! define_visit_simd_operator { /// // The outer layer of repetition represents how all operators are /// // provided to the macro at the same time. /// // /// // The `$proposal` identifier is either `@simd` or `@relaxed_simd`. /// // /// // The shape of this macro is identical to [`for_each_visit_operator`]. /// // Please refer to its documentation if you want to learn more. /// ($( @$proposal:ident $op:ident $({ $($arg:ident: $argty:ty),* })? => $visit:ident ($($ann:tt)*))*) => { /// $( /// fn $visit(&mut self $($(,$arg: $argty)*)?) { /// // do nothing for this example /// } /// )* /// } /// } /// /// impl<'a> wasmparser::VisitSimdOperator<'a> for VisitAndDoNothing { /// wasmparser::for_each_visit_simd_operator!(define_visit_simd_operator); /// } /// ``` #[cfg(feature = "simd")] #[doc(inline)] pub use _for_each_visit_simd_operator_impl as for_each_visit_simd_operator; macro_rules! format_err { ($offset:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => { crate::BinaryReaderError::fmt(format_args!($($arg)*), $offset) } } macro_rules! bail { ($($arg:tt)*) => {return Err(format_err!($($arg)*))} } pub use crate::arity::*; pub use crate::binary_reader::{BinaryReader, BinaryReaderError, Result}; pub use crate::features::*; pub use crate::parser::*; pub use crate::readers::*; mod arity; mod binary_reader; mod features; mod limits; mod parser; mod readers; #[cfg(feature = "validate")] mod resources; #[cfg(feature = "validate")] mod validator; #[cfg(feature = "validate")] pub use crate::resources::*; #[cfg(feature = "validate")] pub use crate::validator::*; #[cfg(feature = "validate")] pub mod collections;