Set Thermostat Schedulesd241d623-d596-4b26-9b67-fe390be1e839699b90d0-1b73-4208-869a-c6987afda0daSets zone thermostat schedules to schedules in the same file. If a zone does not have a thermostat this measure will add oneSets zone thermostat schedules to schedules in the same file. If a zone does not have a thermostat this measure will add one.HVAC.HVAC ControlsMeasure FunctionMeasurestringRequires EnergyPlus ResultsfalsebooleanMeasure TypeModelMeasurestringUses SketchUp APIfalsebooleanSetThermostatSchedules_Test.rbrbtest215A22F5OpenStudio1.2.0measure.rbrbscript764BA2C0