import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import Sortable from "sortablejs"
This Stimulus controller uses sortablejs for drag and drop, it then sends a JSON body with the
following items to the designated URL:
index : the new index
item-id : the item's id (if specified)
parent-id : the parent id (if specified)
Example usages:
The above will send a PATCH request with the new index to the items' data-draggable-url
If you want another request type you can specify it like so:
The above will send PUT requests
You can also use one URL for all your items:
The above will send a PATCH request with the new index and the item-id to the data-draggable-url. If
data-draggable-item-id is true it will not send a request without an item-id
If you want to use a nested structure you can specify a selector to specify which elements
under the controller's element will be activated, specifying the data-draggable-group allows
you to drag items between the different lists:
The above will also require a data-draggable-parent-id to drag an item to another list
export default class extends Controller {
connect() {
const self = this
let selector ="selector")
if (selector) {
self.element.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach((el) => {
} else {
sortable(element) {
const self = this
let options = {
animation: 150,
fallbackOnBody: true,
swapThreshold: 0.65,
onEnd: (evt) => {
let url ="url") || evt.item.getAttribute("data-draggable-url")
let method ="method") || evt.item.getAttribute("data-draggable-method") || "PATCH"
let csrfToken = document.querySelector("meta[name=csrf-token]").content
let itemIdSelector ="item-id-selector")
let itemId = evt.item.getAttribute("data-draggable-item-id")
if (!itemId && itemIdSelector) {
itemId = evt.item.querySelector(itemIdSelector).getAttribute("data-draggable-item-id")
let parentId ="data-draggable-parent-id")
let newIndex = evt.newIndex
if ("item-id") && !itemId) {
if ("parent-id") && !parentId) {
let response = fetch(url, {
method: method,
headers: {
Accept: "application/json, text/javascript",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-CSRF-Token": csrfToken,
body: JSON.stringify({
item_id: itemId,
parent_id: parentId,
index: newIndex,
}).then((response) => {
var event
if (response.ok) {
event = new CustomEvent("draggable.success", { detail: { element: self.element } })
} else if (!response.ok) {
event = new CustomEvent("draggable.error", { detail: { element: self.element } })
window.alert("An unexpected error occured, your drop possibly failed.")
if ("handle")) {
options["handle"] ="handle")
if ("group")) {
options["group"] ="group")
if ("item-selector")) {
options["draggable"] ="item-selector")
Sortable.create(element, options)