require 'spec_helper' include Listen describe Listener do subject { } let(:options) { {} } let(:registry) { instance_double(Celluloid::Registry) } let(:supervisor) do instance_double(Celluloid::SupervisionGroup, add: true, pool: true) end let(:record) { instance_double(Record, terminate: true, build: true) } let(:silencer) { instance_double(Silencer, configure: nil) } let(:adapter) { instance_double(Adapter::Base, start: nil) } before do allow(Listen::Silencer).to receive(:new) { silencer } allow(Celluloid::Registry).to receive(:new) { registry } allow(Celluloid::SupervisionGroup).to receive(:run!) { supervisor } allow(registry).to receive(:[]).with(:adapter) { adapter } allow(registry).to receive(:[]).with(:record) { record } end describe 'initialize' do it { should_not be_paused } context 'with a block' do describe 'block' do subject {'lib', &(proc {})) } specify { expect(subject.block).to_not be_nil } end end context 'with directories' do describe 'directories' do subject {'lib', 'spec') } expected = %w(lib spec).map { |dir| Pathname.pwd + dir } specify { expect(subject.directories).to eq expected } end end end describe 'options' do context 'default options' do it 'sets default options' do expect(subject.options). to eq( debug: false, latency: nil, wait_for_delay: 0.1, force_polling: false, polling_fallback_message: nil) end end context 'custom options' do subject do'lib', latency: 1.234, wait_for_delay: 0.85) end it 'sets new options on initialize' do expect(subject.options). to eq( debug: false, latency: 1.234, wait_for_delay: 0.85, force_polling: false, polling_fallback_message: nil) end end end describe '#start' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:_start_adapter) allow(silencer).to receive(:silenced?) { false } end it 'supervises change_pool' do expect(supervisor).to receive(:pool). with(Change, as: :change_pool, args: subject) subject.start end it 'supervises adapter' do allow(Adapter).to receive(:select) { Adapter::Polling } options = [mq: subject, directories: []] expect(supervisor).to receive(:add). with(Adapter::Polling, as: :adapter, args: options) subject.start end it 'supervises record' do expect(supervisor).to receive(:add). with(Record, as: :record, args: subject) subject.start end it 'builds record' do expect(record).to receive(:build) subject.start end it 'sets paused to false' do subject.start expect(subject).to_not be_paused end it 'starts adapter' do expect(subject).to receive(:_start_adapter) subject.start end it 'calls block on changes' do foo = instance_double(Pathname, to_s: 'foo', exist?: true) dir = instance_double(Pathname) allow(dir).to receive(:+).with('foo') { foo } block_stub = instance_double(Proc) subject.block = block_stub expect(block_stub).to receive(:call).with(['foo'], [], []) subject.start subject.queue(:file, :modified, dir, 'foo') sleep 0.25 end end describe '#stop' do before do allow(Celluloid::SupervisionGroup).to receive(:run!) { supervisor } subject.start end it 'terminates supervisor' do expect(supervisor).to receive(:terminate) subject.stop end end describe '#pause' do before { subject.start } it 'sets paused to true' do subject.pause expect(subject).to be_paused end end describe '#unpause' do before do subject.start subject.pause end it 'sets paused to false' do subject.unpause expect(subject).to_not be_paused end end describe '#paused?' do before { subject.start } it 'returns true when paused' do subject.paused = true expect(subject).to be_paused end it 'returns false when not paused (nil)' do subject.paused = nil expect(subject).not_to be_paused end it 'returns false when not paused (false)' do subject.paused = false expect(subject).not_to be_paused end end describe '#listen?' do context 'when processing' do before { subject.start } it { should be_processing } end context 'when stopped' do it { should_not be_processing } end context 'when paused' do before do subject.start subject.pause end it { should_not be_processing } end end describe '#ignore' do context 'with existing ignore options' do let(:options) { { ignore: /bar/ } } it 'adds up to existing ignore options' do expect(silencer).to receive(:configure).with(options) subject.ignore(/foo/) expect(subject.options).to include(ignore: [/bar/, /foo/]) end end context 'with existing ignore options (array)' do let(:options) { { ignore: [/bar/] } } it 'adds up to existing ignore options' do expect(silencer).to receive(:configure).with(options) subject.ignore(/foo/) expect(subject.options).to include(ignore: [[/bar/], /foo/]) end end end describe '#ignore!' do context 'with no existing options' do let(:options) { {} } it 'sets options' do expect(silencer).to receive(:configure).with(options) subject end end context 'with existing ignore! options' do let(:options) { { ignore!: /bar/ } } it 'overwrites existing ignore options' do expect(silencer).to receive(:configure).with(options) subject.ignore!([/foo/]) expect(subject.options).to include(ignore!: [/foo/]) end end context 'with existing ignore options' do let(:options) { { ignore: /bar/ } } it 'deletes ignore options' do expect(silencer).to receive(:configure).with(options) subject.ignore!([/foo/]) expect(subject.options).to_not include(ignore: /bar/) end end end describe '#only' do context 'with existing only options' do let(:options) { { only: /bar/ } } it 'overwrites existing ignore options' do expect(silencer).to receive(:configure).with(options) subject.only([/foo/]) expect(subject.options).to include(only: [/foo/]) end end end describe '_wait_for_changes' do it 'gets two changes and calls the block once' do allow(silencer).to receive(:silenced?) { false } subject.block = proc do |modified, added, _| expect(modified).to eql(['foo/bar.txt']) expect(added).to eql(['foo/baz.txt']) end bar = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'foo/bar.txt', exist?: true, directory?: false) baz = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'foo/baz.txt', exist?: true, directory?: false) dir = instance_double(Pathname) expect(dir).to receive(:+).with('bar.txt') { bar } expect(dir).to receive(:+).with('baz.txt') { baz } subject.start subject.queue(:file, :modified, dir, 'bar.txt', {}) subject.queue(:file, :added, dir, 'baz.txt', {}) sleep 0.25 end end describe '_smoosh_changes' do it 'recognizes rename from temp file' do bar = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'bar', exist?: true, directory?: false) foo = instance_double(Pathname, to_s: 'foo') allow(foo).to receive(:+).with('bar') { bar } changes = [ [:file, :modified, foo, 'bar'], [:file, :removed, foo, 'bar'], [:file, :added, foo, 'bar'], [:file, :modified, foo, 'bar'] ] allow(silencer).to receive(:silenced?) { false } smooshed = subject.send :_smoosh_changes, changes expect(smooshed).to eq(modified: ['bar'], added: [], removed: []) end it 'ignores deleted temp file' do bar = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'bar', exist?: false) foo = instance_double(Pathname, to_s: 'foo') allow(foo).to receive(:+).with('bar') { bar } changes = [ [:file, :added, foo, 'bar'], [:file, :modified, foo, 'bar'], [:file, :removed, foo, 'bar'], [:file, :modified, foo, 'bar'] ] allow(silencer).to receive(:silenced?) { false } smooshed = subject.send :_smoosh_changes, changes expect(smooshed).to eq(modified: [], added: [], removed: []) end it 'recognizes double move as modification' do # e.g. "mv foo x && mv x foo" is like "touch foo" bar = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'bar', exist?: true) dir = instance_double(Pathname, to_s: 'foo') allow(dir).to receive(:+).with('bar') { bar } changes = [ [:file, :removed, dir, 'bar'], [:file, :added, dir, 'bar'] ] allow(silencer).to receive(:silenced?) { false } smooshed = subject.send :_smoosh_changes, changes expect(smooshed).to eq(modified: ['bar'], added: [], removed: []) end context 'with cookie' do it 'recognizes single moved_to as add' do foo = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'foo', exist?: true) dir = instance_double(Pathname, to_s: 'foo') allow(dir).to receive(:+).with('foo') { foo } changes = [[:file, :moved_to, dir, 'foo', cookie: 4321]] expect(silencer).to receive(:silenced?). with(Pathname('foo'), :file) { false } smooshed = subject.send :_smoosh_changes, changes expect(smooshed).to eq(modified: [], added: ['foo'], removed: []) end it 'recognizes related moved_to as add' do foo = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'foo', exist?: true, directory?: false) bar = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'bar', exist?: true, directory?: false) dir = instance_double(Pathname) allow(dir).to receive(:+).with('foo') { foo } allow(dir).to receive(:+).with('bar') { bar } changes = [ [:file, :moved_from, dir, 'foo', cookie: 4321], [:file, :moved_to, dir, 'bar', cookie: 4321] ] expect(silencer).to receive(:silenced?). twice.with(Pathname('foo'), :file) { false } expect(silencer).to receive(:silenced?). with(Pathname('bar'), :file) { false } smooshed = subject.send :_smoosh_changes, changes expect(smooshed).to eq(modified: [], added: ['bar'], removed: []) end # Scenario with workaround for editors using rename() it 'recognizes related moved_to with ignored moved_from as modify' do ignored = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'ignored', exist?: true, directory?: false) foo = instance_double( Pathname, to_s: 'foo', exist?: true, directory?: false) dir = instance_double(Pathname) allow(dir).to receive(:+).with('foo') { foo } allow(dir).to receive(:+).with('ignored') { ignored } changes = [ [:file, :moved_from, dir, 'ignored', cookie: 4321], [:file, :moved_to, dir, 'foo', cookie: 4321] ] expect(silencer).to receive(:silenced?). with(Pathname('ignored'), :file) { true } expect(silencer).to receive(:silenced?). with(Pathname('foo'), :file) { false } smooshed = subject.send :_smoosh_changes, changes expect(smooshed).to eq(modified: ['foo'], added: [], removed: []) end end context 'with no cookie' do context 'with ignored file' do let(:dir) { instance_double(Pathname) } let(:ignored) { instance_double(Pathname, to_s: 'foo', exist?: true) } before do expect(silencer).to receive(:silenced?). with(Pathname('ignored'), :file) { true } allow(dir).to receive(:+).with('ignored') { ignored } end it 'recognizes properly ignores files' do changes = [[:file, :modified, dir, 'ignored']] smooshed = subject.send :_smoosh_changes, changes expect(smooshed).to eq(modified: [], added: [], removed: []) end end end end context 'when listener is stopped' do before do allow(registry).to receive(:[]).with(:change_pool) { nil } subject.stop end let(:dir) { instance_double(Pathname) } it 'queuing does not crash when no worker is available' do expect do subject.send(:_queue_raw_change, :dir, dir, 'path', recursive: true) end.to_not raise_error end end end