module ModelMixins module TableBuilderClassMethods def prepare_settings(logged_user, object, settings, params, per_page = 10) params[:page] = 1 if params[:page].blank? params[:order_by] = settings[:default][:order_by] if params[:order_by].blank? params[:order_by_direction] = settings[:default][:order_by_direction] if params[:order_by_direction].blank? params[:per_page] = per_page not_selected_items = object.filter(settings, params, per_page) items = not_selected_items.selection(settings) if params[:page].to_i > items.total_pages && items.total_pages > 0 params[:page] = 1 not_selected_items = object.filter(settings, params, per_page) items = not_selected_items.selection(settings) end if settings[:template].blank? another_global_formats = [] another_formats = [] column_methods = [] settings[:columns].each do |col| unless col[:global_format_method].blank? # ToDo dodelat moznost predani parametru do formatovaci metody another_global_format = {:global_format_method => col[:global_format_method], :name => col[:name].blank? ? col[:global_format_method] : col[:name], :table => col[:table]} another_global_formats << another_global_format end unless col[:format_method].blank? another_format = {:format_method => col[:format_method], :name => col[:name].blank? ? col[:format_method] : col[:name], :table => col[:table]} another_formats << another_format end unless col[:column_method].blank? column_methods << {:column_method => col[:column_method], :name => col[:name], :table => col[:table], :column_class => col[:column_class], :column_params => col[:column_params] } end end all_items = items.all # maybe can be done more optimal # same as template_items below, loads objects so column method are better to use # todo think about, but I dont need object, because it's making the same query twice, I just need class and with one outer join it return filtered data, and i include includes to it #template_items = object.joins("RIGHT OUTER JOIN (" +[:row][:id] + " AS row_id").to_sql + ") temp_template_query ON #{settings[:row][:id]} = temp_template_query.row_id") if object.respond_to?(:klass) template_items = object.klass.joins("RIGHT OUTER JOIN (" +[:row][:id] + " AS row_id").to_sql + ") temp_template_query ON #{settings[:row][:id]} = temp_template_query.row_id") else template_items = object.joins("RIGHT OUTER JOIN (" +[:row][:id] + " AS row_id").to_sql + ") temp_template_query ON #{settings[:row][:id]} = temp_template_query.row_id") end template_items = template_items.includes(settings[:includes]) #template_items.all # todo dat do knowledge base, kdyz chci aby fungoval include nesmim volat all #template_items.each {|t| t.meeting_registrations.each {|x| puts x.inspect}} another_columns = {} unless column_methods.blank? column_method_settings = {:params => params} column_methods.each do |column_method| column_method_settings[:column_params] = column_method[:column_params] #all items == array of array items #template items == AREL if column_method[:column_class].blank? if object.respond_to?(:klass) another_columns[column_method[:column_method]] = object.klass.send(column_method[:column_method], logged_user, all_items, template_items, column_method_settings) else another_columns[column_method[:column_method]] = object.send(column_method[:column_method], logged_user, all_items, template_items, column_method_settings) end else column_method[:column_class] = column_method[:column_class].constantize if column_method[:column_class].kind_of?(String) another_columns[column_method[:column_method]] = column_method[:column_class].send(column_method[:column_method], logged_user, all_items, template_items, column_method_settings) end end end if another_global_formats.blank? && another_formats.blank? && column_methods.blank? items_array = items else items_array = [] all_items.each do |i| attrs = i.attributes another_global_formats.each do |another_global_format| # todo udelat moznost predani dalsich parametru attrs.merge!({"#{another_global_format[:table]}_#{another_global_format[:name]}" => i.send(another_global_format[:global_format_method].to_sym, attrs["#{another_global_format[:table]}_#{another_global_format[:name]}"])}) end another_formats.each do |another_format| attrs.merge!({"#{another_format[:table]}_#{another_format[:name]}" => i.send(another_format[:format_method].to_sym, attrs["#{another_format[:table]}_#{another_format[:name]}"])}) end column_methods.each do |column_method| another_column_row = "-" another_column_row = another_columns[column_method[:column_method]][attrs['row_id']] if !another_columns.blank? && !another_columns[column_method[:column_method]].blank? && !another_columns[column_method[:column_method]][attrs['row_id']].blank? attrs.merge!({"#{column_method[:table]}_#{column_method[:name]}" => another_column_row}) end items_array << attrs end end settings.merge!({:data => items_array}) else template_items = object.joins("RIGHT OUTER JOIN (" +[:row][:id] + " AS row_id").to_sql + ") temp_template_query ON #{settings[:row][:id]} = temp_template_query.row_id") settings.merge!({:data => template_items}) end settings.merge!({:data_paginate => items}) settings.merge!({:params => params}) settings end def selection(settings) select_string = "" settings[:columns].each do |col| col[:table] = "unknown" if col[:table].blank? if col[:column_method].blank? && col[:row_method].blank? && !col[:name].blank? select_string += ", " unless select_string.blank? select_string += "#{col[:table]}.#{col[:name]} AS #{col[:table]}_#{col[:name]}" end end select_string += ", " unless select_string.blank? select_string += "#{settings[:row][:id]} AS row_id " select(select_string) end def filter(settings, params, per_page = 10) order_by = params[:order_by] +' '+ params[:order_by_direction] cond_str = "" cond_hash = {} if !params.blank? && params['find'] params['find'].each_pair do |i, v| unless v.blank? cond_str += " AND " unless cond_str.blank? cond_id = "find_#{i.gsub(/\./, '_')}" cond_str += "#{i} LIKE :#{cond_id}" #OR guest_email LIKE :find" cond_hash.merge!({cond_id.to_sym => "%#{v}%"}) end end end if !params.blank? && params['multichoice'] params['multichoice'].each_pair do |i, v| unless v.blank? cond_str += " AND " unless cond_str.blank? cond_id = "multichoice_#{i.gsub(/\./, '_')}" cond_str += "#{i} IN (:#{cond_id})" #OR guest_email LIKE :find" cond_hash.merge!({cond_id.to_sym => v}) end end end if !params.blank? && params['date_from'] params['date_from'].each_pair do |i, v| unless v.blank? cond_str += " AND " unless cond_str.blank? cond_id = "date_from_#{i.gsub(/\./, '_')}" cond_str += "#{i} >= :#{cond_id}" #OR guest_email LIKE :find" cond_hash.merge!({cond_id.to_sym => "#{v}"}) end end end if !params.blank? && params['date_to'] params['date_to'].each_pair do |i, v| unless v.blank? cond_str += " AND " unless cond_str.blank? cond_id = "date_to_#{i.gsub(/\./, '_')}" cond_str += "#{i} <= :#{cond_id}" #OR guest_email LIKE :find" cond_hash.merge!({cond_id.to_sym => "#{v}"}) end end end #items = self.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN intranet_text_pages ON resource_id =").where(cond_str, cond_hash).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => per_page).order(order_by).selection(settings) #if params[:page].to_i > items.total_pages && items.total_pages > 0 # params[:page] = 1 # items = self.where(cond_str, cond_hash).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => per_page).order(order_by).selection(settings) #end #items where(cond_str, cond_hash).paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => per_page).order(order_by) end end end