require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper') describe "Mounter" do class ::TestApp < Tennpipes::Application; end def setup $VERBOSE, @_verbose_was = nil, $VERBOSE Tennpipes.clear! end def teardown $VERBOSE = @_verbose_was end describe 'for mounter functionality' do it 'should check methods' do mounter ="test_app", :app_file => "/path/to/test.rb")"/test_app") assert_kind_of Tennpipes::Mounter, mounter assert_respond_to Tennpipes::Mounter, :new assert_respond_to mounter, :to assert_respond_to mounter, :map_onto assert_equal "test_app", assert_equal "TestApp", mounter.app_class assert_equal "/path/to/test.rb", mounter.app_file assert_equal "/test_app", mounter.uri_root assert_equal Tennpipes.root, mounter.app_root end it 'should use app.root if available' do require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/apps/kiq') mounter ="kiq", :app_class => "Kiq")"/test_app") assert_equal '/weird', mounter.app_root end it 'should check locate_app_file with __FILE__' do mounter ="test_app", :app_file => __FILE__)"/test_app") assert_equal "test_app", assert_equal "TestApp", mounter.app_class assert_equal __FILE__, mounter.app_file assert_equal "/test_app", mounter.uri_root assert_equal File.dirname(mounter.app_file), mounter.app_root end it 'should mount an app' do class ::AnApp < Tennpipes::Application; end Tennpipes.mount("an_app").to("/") assert_equal AnApp, Tennpipes.mounted_apps.first.app_obj assert_equal ["an_app"], end it 'should correctly mount an app in a namespace' do module ::SomeNamespace class AnApp < Tennpipes::Application; end end Tennpipes.mount("some_namespace/an_app").to("/") assert_equal SomeNamespace::AnApp, Tennpipes.mounted_apps.first.app_obj assert_equal ["some_namespace/an_app"], end it 'should correctly set a name of a namespaced app' do module ::SomeNamespace2 class AnApp < Tennpipes::Application get(:index) { settings.app_name } end end Tennpipes.mount("SomeNamespace2::AnApp").to("/") res ="/") assert_equal "some_namespace2/an_app", res.body end it 'should mount a primary app to root uri' do mounter = Tennpipes.mount("test_app", :app_file => __FILE__).to("/") assert_equal "test_app", assert_equal "TestApp", mounter.app_class assert_equal TestApp, mounter.app_obj assert_equal __FILE__, mounter.app_file assert_equal "/", mounter.uri_root assert_equal File.dirname(mounter.app_file), mounter.app_root end it 'should mount a primary app to sub_uri' do mounter = Tennpipes.mount("test_app", :app_file => __FILE__).to('/me') assert_equal "test_app", assert_equal "TestApp", mounter.app_class assert_equal TestApp, mounter.app_obj assert_equal __FILE__, mounter.app_file assert_equal "/me", mounter.uri_root assert_equal File.dirname(mounter.app_file), mounter.app_root end it 'should raise error when app has no located file' do # TODO enabling this screws minitest # assert_raises(Tennpipes::Mounter::MounterException) { Tennpipes.mount("tester_app").to('/test') } assert_equal 0, Tennpipes.mounted_apps.size end it 'should raise error when app has no located object' do assert_raises(Tennpipes::Mounter::MounterException) { Tennpipes.mount("tester_app", :app_file => "/path/to/file.rb").to('/test') } assert_equal 0, Tennpipes.mounted_apps.size end it 'should mount multiple apps' do class ::OneApp < Tennpipes::Application; end class ::TwoApp < Tennpipes::Application; end Tennpipes.mount("one_app").to("/one_app") Tennpipes.mount("two_app").to("/two_app") # And testing no duplicates Tennpipes.mount("one_app").to("/one_app") Tennpipes.mount("two_app").to("/two_app") assert_equal OneApp, Tennpipes.mounted_apps[0].app_obj assert_equal TwoApp, Tennpipes.mounted_apps[1].app_obj assert_equal 2, Tennpipes.mounted_apps.size, "should not mount duplicate apps" assert_equal ["one_app", "two_app"], end it 'should mount app with the same name as the module' do Tennpipes.mount("Demo::App", :app_file => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/apps/demo_app.rb')).to("/app") Tennpipes.mount("Demo::Demo", :app_file => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/apps/demo_demo.rb')).to("/") Tennpipes.mounted_apps.each do |app| assert_equal app.app_obj.setup_application!, true end end it 'should change mounted_root' do Tennpipes.mounted_root = "fixtures" assert_equal Tennpipes.root("fixtures", "test", "app.rb"), Tennpipes.mounted_root("test", "app.rb") Tennpipes.mounted_root = "apps" assert_equal Tennpipes.root("apps", "test", "app.rb"), Tennpipes.mounted_root("test", "app.rb") Tennpipes.mounted_root = nil assert_equal Tennpipes.root("test", "app.rb"), Tennpipes.mounted_root("test", "app.rb") end it 'should be able to access routes data for mounted apps' do class ::OneApp < Tennpipes::Application get("/test") { "test" } get(:index, :provides => [:js, :json]) { "index" } get(%r{/foo|/baz}) { "regexp" } controllers :posts do get(:index) { "index" } get(:new, :provides => :js) { "new" } get(:show, :provides => [:js, :html], :with => :id) { "show" } post(:create, :provides => :js, :with => :id) { "create" } get(:regexp, :map => %r{/foo|/baz}) { "regexp" } end end class ::TwoApp < Tennpipes::Application controllers :users do get(:index) { "users" } get(:new) { "users new" } post(:create) { "users create" } put(:update) { "users update" } delete(:destroy) { "users delete" } end controllers :foo_bar do get(:index) { "foo bar index" } get(:new) { "foo bar new" } post(:create) { "foo bar create" } put(:update) { "foo bar update" } delete(:destroy) { "foo bar delete" } end controllers :test, :nested do get(:test1){ "test1" } end end Tennpipes.mount("one_app").to("/") Tennpipes.mount("two_app").to("/two_app") assert_equal 15, Tennpipes.mounted_apps[0].routes.size assert_equal 16, Tennpipes.mounted_apps[1].routes.size assert_equal 6, Tennpipes.mounted_apps[0].named_routes.size assert_equal 11, Tennpipes.mounted_apps[1].named_routes.size first_route = Tennpipes.mounted_apps[0].named_routes[3] assert_equal "posts show", first_route.identifier.to_s assert_equal "(:posts, :show)", assert_equal "GET", first_route.verb assert_equal "/posts/show/:id(.:format)?", first_route.path another_route = Tennpipes.mounted_apps[1].named_routes[2] assert_equal "users create", another_route.identifier.to_s assert_equal "(:users, :create)", assert_equal "POST", another_route.verb assert_equal "/two_app/users/create", another_route.path regexp_route = Tennpipes.mounted_apps[0].named_routes[5] assert_equal "posts regexp", regexp_route.identifier.to_s assert_equal "(:posts, :regexp)", assert_equal "/\\/foo|\\/baz/", regexp_route.path foo_bar_route = Tennpipes.mounted_apps[1].named_routes[5] assert_equal "(:foo_bar, :index)", nested_route = Tennpipes.mounted_apps[1].named_routes[10] assert_equal "(:test_nested, :test1)", end it 'should configure cascade apps' do class ::App1 < Tennpipes::Application get(:index) { halt 404, 'index1' } end class ::App2 < Tennpipes::Application get(:index) { halt 404, 'index2' } end class ::App3 < Tennpipes::Application get(:index) { halt 404, 'index3' } end Tennpipes.mount('app1', :cascade => true).to('/foo') Tennpipes.mount('app2').to('/foo') Tennpipes.mount('app3').to('/foo') res ="/foo") assert_equal 'index2', res.body end it 'should correctly instantiate a new tennpipes application' do mock_app do get("/demo_1"){ "Im Demo 1" } get("/demo_2"){ "Im Demo 2" } end get '/demo_1' assert_equal "Im Demo 1", response.body get '/demo_2' assert_equal "Im Demo 2", response.body end it 'should not clobber the public setting when mounting an app' do class ::PublicApp < Tennpipes::Application set :root, "/root" set :public_folder, File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) end Tennpipes.mount("public_app").to("/public") res ="/public/test_mounter.rb") assert res.ok? assert_equal, res.body end it 'should load apps from gems' do spec_file = Tennpipes.root("fixtures", "app_gem", "app_gem.gemspec") spec = Gem::Specification.load(spec_file) spec.activate def spec.full_gem_path Tennpipes.root("fixtures", "app_gem") end require Tennpipes.root("fixtures", "app_gem", "lib", "app_gem") Tennpipes.mount("AppGem::App").to("/from_gem") mounter = Tennpipes.mounted_apps[0] assert_equal AppGem::App, mounter.app_obj assert_equal Tennpipes.root('public'), mounter.app_obj.public_folder end it 'should support the Rack Application' do path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/apps/mountable_apps/rack_apps') require path Tennpipes.mount('rack_app', :app_class => 'RackApp', :app_file => path).to('/rack_app') Tennpipes.mount('rack_app2', :app_class => 'RackApp2', :app_file => path).to('/rack_app2') Tennpipes.mount('sinatra_app', :app_class => 'SinatraApp', :app_file => path).to('/sinatra_app') app = Tennpipes.application res ="/rack_app") assert_equal "hello rack app", res.body res ="/rack_app2") assert_equal "hello rack app2", res.body res ="/sinatra_app") assert_equal "hello sinatra app", res.body res ="/sinatra_app/static.html") assert_equal "hello static file\n", res.body end it 'should support the Rack Application inside tennpipes project' do path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/apps/demo_project/app') api_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/apps/demo_project/api/app') require path require api_path Tennpipes.mount('api_app', :app_class => 'DemoProject::API', :app_file => api_path).to('/api') Tennpipes.mount('main_app', :app_class => 'DemoProject::App').to('/') app = Tennpipes.application res ="/") assert_equal "tennpipes app", res.body res ="/api/hey") assert_equal "api app", res.body assert defined?(DemoProject::APILib) end it "should not load dependency files if app's root isn't started with Tennpipes.root" do path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/apps/demo_project/app') fake_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/apps/external_apps/fake_root") require path require fake_path Tennpipes.mount("fake_root", :app_class => "FakeRoot").to('/fake_root') Tennpipes.mount('main_app', :app_class => 'DemoProject::App').to('/') Tennpipes.stub(:root, File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/apps/demo_project")) do Tennpipes.application end assert !defined?(FakeLib) end end end