module Workarea module Configuration def self.config Rails.configuration.workarea end def self.define_fields(&block) config.admin_definition.instance_eval(&block) end def self.setup_defaults Rails.configuration.workarea = admin_definition: ) config.configurable_field_types = { string: 'String', symbol: 'Symbol', integer: 'Integer', float: 'Float', boolean: 'Boolean', array: 'Array', hash: 'HashWithIndifferentAccess', duration: 'ActiveSupport::Duration' } config.site_name = 'Workarea' = '' # Config sent to the ImageMagick through Dragonfly for optimizing jpgs # All metadata profiles are removed, comments cleared by comment -set "" # +profile takes a list of profiles to be removed # 8bim: Adobe path information # exif: Camera metadata # iptc: information exchange metadata # xmp: Extensible metadata platform (Adobe Metadata) config.jpg_encode_options = '+profile "8bim,exif,iptc,xmp" -set comment "" -interlace Plane -quality 85' # Stores instances of payment gateways for Workarea::Payment to use config.gateways = config.gateways.shipping = # How to validate whether an address is a PO Box config.po_box_regex = /(?:P(?:ost(?:al)?)?[\.\-\s]*(?:(?:O(?:ffice)?[\.\-\s]*)?B(?:ox|in|\b|\d)|o(?:ffice|\b)(?:[-\s]*\d)|code)|box[-\s\b]*\d)/i # How long the completed order cookie lasts, i.e. how long they have to # sign up for an account after placing the order and have the order # details copied to the account. Be careful changing this. # # TODO deprecated, remove in 3.6 config.completed_order_timeout = 10.minutes # How long the built-in HTTP cache lasts TODO remove in v4 config.page_cache_ttl = 15.minutes # Where to store Dragonfly asset files config.asset_store = :file_system # Different types of available Content::Assets config.asset_types = %w(image pdf flash video audio text) # Product detail page templates config.product_templates = [:option_selects, :option_thumbnails] # Customization classes available to validate product customizations config.customization_types = [] # How many times to retry image importing on failure config.images_import_retries = 2 # How long to lock an order when an attempt to place it is being made # @deprecated as of v3.2 locking is handled via Workarea::Lock config.order_lock_period = 10.seconds # The available tender types for purchase/refund, used in order to # determine purchase precedence and in reverse for refund precedence. config.tender_types = [:store_credit, :credit_card] # How long an account is locked out after making too many # failed login attempts config.lockout_period = 30.minutes # How long an adminstrators password lasts config.password_lifetime = 90.days # How many passwords to keep and validate against config.password_history_length = 4 # Default page size for products config.per_page = 20 # The multiplier used to decay views and sales scores. # This decay is applied weekly. config.score_decay = 0.9 # Default values for search boosts config.default_search_boosts = { name: 3, description: 0.25, category_names: 1, details: 1, facets: 2 } # How many products to consider stale in a reindexing batch for freshness. config.stale_products_size = 100 # Attributes used when copying addresses or comparing them config.address_attributes = [ :first_name, :last_name, :company, :street, :street_2, :city, :region, :postal_code, :country, :phone_number, :phone_extension ] # User activity record length, e.g. the number of recently viewed products # to store. config.max_user_activities = 6 # Map of ActiveMerchant credit card issuer to friendly display name of # issuer. Used to display issuer name and issuer icon in views. Unknown # values will display as titleized version of the ActiveMerchant key passed credit_card_issuers = { |hash, key| key.titleize } config.credit_card_issuers = credit_card_issuers.merge( 'visa' => 'Visa', 'diners_club' => "Diner's Club", 'master' => 'MasterCard', 'discover' => 'Discover', 'american_express' => 'American Express' ) config.credit_card_issuers['bogus'] = 'Test Card' unless Rails.env.production? # Determines the order in which discounts are calculated. config.discount_application_order = %w( Workarea::Pricing::Discount::Product Workarea::Pricing::Discount::ProductAttribute Workarea::Pricing::Discount::Category Workarea::Pricing::Discount::BuySomeGetSome Workarea::Pricing::Discount::QuantityFixedPrice Workarea::Pricing::Discount::FreeGift Workarea::Pricing::Discount::OrderTotal Workarea::Pricing::Discount::Shipping ) # How long a discount can go unused before being considered stale. Stale # discounts will be automatically deactivated, and this will show in the # admin. config.discount_staleness_ttl = 30.days # How many products show in a category summary content block config.category_summary_product_count = 6 # How many products show in product insights content block config.product_insights_count = 6 # Email Widths config.admin_email_width = 600 config.storefront_email_width = 600 # Colors and theming for customer-facing emails # TODO: v4 remove config.email_theme = config.email_theme.background_color = '#ffffff' config.email_theme.layout_link_color = '#000000' config.email_theme.layout_separator_color = '#dddddd' config.email_theme.layout_background_color = '#bbbbbb' config.email_theme.banner_image_width = '277' config.email_theme.banner_image_height = '50' config.email_theme.heading_color = '#333333' config.email_theme.text_color = '#000000' config.email_theme.link_color = '#7a2d82' config.email_theme.table_background_color = '#a9a9a8' config.email_theme.table_border_color = '#999999' # Number of results to show in admin jump to search autocomplete config.default_admin_jump_to_result_count = 15 # Whether or not to enforce the meaning, redirect # to the if the current request host doesn't match. # config.enforce_host = !Rails.env.test? && !Rails.env.development? # An array of the available breakpoints for the storefront, # Also used by admin for content preview and allowing a content block to # conditionally show or hide at a given breakpoint. Workarea.config.storefront_break_points = { small: 320, medium: 760, wide: 960, x_wide: 1160 } # An array of the available breakpoints for the admin Workarea.config.admin_break_points = { small: 320, medium: 760, wide: 960, x_wide: 1160 } # An array of breakpoints to be used in content preview # Can be configured independantly of all site breakpoints config.content_preview_breakpoints = ['small', 'medium', 'wide'] # Global options for calculating shipping costs config.shipping_options = { units: :imperial } # The content block types currently available. Most easily customized by # calling Workarea.define_content_block_types config.content_block_types = # Field mappings for category rules config.product_rule_fields = { search: 'search', category: 'facets.category_id', price: 'numeric.price', on_sale: 'facets.on_sale', available_inventory: 'numeric.inventory', created_at: 'created_at', excluded_products: '_id' } # The number of activity entries to show on the admin dashboard config.activity_size_on_dashboard = 5 # Max amount of words to use for meta description smart defaults config.meta_description_max_words = 30 # Define content areas used by views to render content. These settings are # used to define what areas to allow administration. config.content_areas = { 'category' => %w(above_results below_results), 'checkout' => %w(confirmation confirmation_signup), 'customization' => %w(above_results), 'generic' => %w(default), 'layout' => %w(header_promo footer_navigation), 'search' => %w(results no_results) } # Configuration for what navigation items to show in the admin jump to config.jump_to_navigation = { 'Help' => :help_index_path, 'Activity' => :activity_path, 'Dashboard' => :root_path, 'Products' => :catalog_products_path, 'Assets' => :content_assets_path, 'Categories' => :catalog_categories_path, 'Redirects' => :navigation_redirects_path, 'Orders' => :orders_path, 'Pages' => :content_pages_path, 'People' => :users_path, 'Discounts' => :pricing_discounts_path, 'Releases' => :releases_path, 'Taxonomy' => :navigation_taxons_path, 'Navigation' => :navigation_menus_path, 'Pricing' => :pricing_skus_path, 'Segments' => :segments_path, 'Orders dashboard' => :orders_dashboards_path, 'Catalog dashboard' => :catalog_dashboards_path, 'Store dashboard' => :store_dashboards_path, 'Search settings' => :search_settings_path, 'Shipping services' => :shipping_services_path, 'Search results customization' => :search_customizations_path, 'Transactional email content' => :content_emails_path, 'People dashboard' => :people_dashboards_path, 'Inventory' => :inventory_skus_path, 'Promo code lists' => :pricing_discount_code_lists_path, 'Payment transactions' => :payment_transactions_path, 'Tax categories' => :tax_categories_path, 'Trash' => :trash_index_path, 'Email signups' => :email_signups_path, 'Imports and Exports' => :data_files_path, 'Sales over Time Report' => :sales_over_time_report_path, 'Average Order Value Report' => :average_order_value_report_path, 'Sales by Traffic Referrer Report' => :sales_by_traffic_referrer_report_path, 'Sales by Product Report' => :sales_by_product_report_path, 'Sales by Category Report' => :sales_by_category_report_path, 'Sales by SKU Report' => :sales_by_sku_report_path, 'Sales by Discount Report' => :sales_by_discount_report_path, 'Sales by Country Report' => :sales_by_country_report_path, 'Sales by Tender Report' => :sales_by_tender_report_path, 'Customers Report' => :customers_report_path, 'First-time vs Returning Sales Report' => :first_time_vs_returning_sales_report_path, 'Searches Report' => :searches_report_path, 'Low Inventory Report' => :low_inventory_report_path, 'Configuration' => :configuration_path, 'Fulfillment SKUs' => :fulfillment_skus_path } # Params to permit when creating URLs on browse pages for facet links # and the sorting form. The current facets are appended to this list. config.permitted_facet_params = [ :controller, :action, :id, :utf, :q, :sort ] # For monitoring, threshold for how many sidekiq jobs can be queued before # it is flagged as needing attention. Does not affect the behavior of sidekiq. # config.sidekiq_critical_queue_size = 25_000 # Exclude content related to the list of classes from being index for # search. They will not show up in content search results. # config.exclude_from_content_search_index = %w( Workarea::Catalog::Category Workarea::Search::Customization Workarea::Navigation::Menu ) # Fields to be skipped when storing changesets for releases config.untracked_release_changes_fields = %w(created_at updated_at slug) # Maximum number of most visited to show for admin shortcuts config.admin_max_most_visited = 3 # Maximum number of recently visited to show for admin shortcuts # TODO unused, remove in v4 config.admin_max_recently_visited = 5 # Encoding for CSV files imported through the admin # TODO unused, remove in v4 config.import_csv_file_encoding = 'r:ISO-8859-1' # Number of displayable bookmarks in the admin config.max_admin_bookmarks = 10 # What classes get run as part of # Plugins and implementations should add to this list. config.seeds = %w( Workarea::SearchSettingsSeeds Workarea::EmailContentSeeds Workarea::TaxSeeds Workarea::ShippingServicesSeeds Workarea::AssetsSeeds Workarea::CategoriesSeeds Workarea::ProductsSeeds Workarea::CustomerServicePagesSeeds Workarea::BrowsingPagesSeeds Workarea::DiscountsSeeds Workarea::DynamicContentSeeds Workarea::BrowseNavigationSeeds Workarea::CustomerServiceNavigationSeeds Workarea::SystemContentSeeds Workarea::SegmentsSeeds Workarea::AdminsSeeds Workarea::CustomersSeeds Workarea::OrdersSeeds Workarea::InquiriesSeeds Workarea::HelpSeeds Workarea::InsightsSeeds ) ) # How many searches to index in the storefront for suggestions config.max_searches_to_index = 1000 # The name of the asset placeholder image file # TODO v3.5 remove # @deprecated will be removed in v3.5, use `image_placeholder_image_name` config.placeholder_asset_name = 'placeholder.png' # The name of the asset placeholder image file config.image_placeholder_image_name = 'placeholder.png' # The name of the product placeholder image file config.product_placeholder_image_name = 'product_placeholder.jpg' # The name of the OpenGraph placeholder image file config.open_graph_placeholder_image_name = 'open_graph_placeholder.png' # The name of the OpenGraph placeholder image file config.favicon_placeholder_image_name = 'favicon_placeholder.png' # Additional search option types to include in query building # query, post_filter, and aggregations are always included. config.search_query_options = %w(sort size from suggest) # Define how facet values should be sorted when displayed on the # storefront. You can provide a symbol for elasticsearch supported order # options - :count, :alphabetical_asc, or :alphabetical_desc. You can also # provide a proc or the name of a class that responds to `call`. The proc # or class will be handed the hash of facets values with count along with # the name of the facet and should return the sorted hash. # # Providing a proc # color: -> (name, result) { # reorder results here } # config.search_facet_sorts = { category: :alphabetical_asc, color: :count, size: 'Workarea::Search::FacetSorting::Size' } # The default sorting for search facets types that do not have an # explicitly defined sort in `search_facet_sorts` config.search_facet_default_sort = :count # The size to use for a facet aggregation when being ordered dynamically # through a proc or class. We do this to return all values so the facets # returned can be sorted before being narrowed to the size defined # in Workarea.config.search_facet_result_sizes config.search_facet_dynamic_sorting_size = 100 # Countries available for use config.countries = [Country['US'], Country['CA']] # Classes to use when trying to find a name for a content block based on # its fields. Must be a Mongoid::Document and instances must respond to # #name config.content_block_name_search_classes = %w( Workarea::Content::Asset Workarea::Navigation::Taxon Workarea::Catalog::Category Workarea::Content::Page ) ) # Mappings used for the various Elasticsearch indexes config.elasticsearch_mappings = config.elasticsearch_mappings.admin = { admin: { dynamic_templates: [ { facet_values: { path_match: 'facets.*', mapping: { type: 'keyword', analyzer: 'keyword' } } } ], properties: { id: { type: 'keyword' }, name: { type: 'keyword' }, model_class: { type: 'keyword' }, type: { type: 'keyword' }, status: { type: 'keyword' }, keywords: { type: 'keyword' }, search_text: { type: 'text', analyzer: 'text_analyzer' }, jump_to_text: { type: 'text', analyzer: 'autocomplete_analyzer' }, jump_to_search_text: { type: 'text', analyzer: 'autocomplete_analyzer' }, jump_to_position: { type: 'integer' }, jump_to_param: { type: 'keyword' }, updated_at: { type: 'date' }, releasable: { type: 'boolean' }, placed_at: { type: 'date' } } } } config.elasticsearch_mappings.storefront = { category: { properties: { query: { type: 'percolator' } } }, storefront: { dynamic_templates: [ { facets: { path_match: 'facets.*', mapping: { type: 'keyword' } } }, { numeric: { path_match: 'numeric.*', mapping: { type: 'float' } } }, { keywords: { path_match: 'keywords.*', mapping: { type: 'keyword' } } }, { sorts: { path_match: 'sorts.*', mapping: { type: 'float' } } }, { content: { path_match: 'content.*', mapping: { type: 'text', analyzer: 'text_analyzer' } } }, { cache: { path_match: 'cache.*', mapping: { index: false } } } ], properties: { id: { type: 'keyword' }, type: { type: 'keyword' }, slug: { type: 'keyword' }, suggestion_content: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'suggestion_analyzer' }, # This would be covered by the facets dynamic mapping but to reduce # the likelihood of no-field-mapping errors, including # out-of-the-box mappings here. '' => { type: 'keyword' }, 'keywords.catalog_id' => { type: 'keyword' }, 'keywords.sku' => { type: 'keyword' }, 'facets.category_id' => { type: 'keyword' }, 'facets.on_sale' => { type: 'keyword' } } } } = { help: { dynamic_templates: [ { facet_values: { path_match: 'facets.*', mapping: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'keyword' } } } ], properties: { id: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed' }, name: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'text_analyzer' }, body: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'text_analyzer' }, created_at: { type: 'date' } } } } config.elasticsearch_mappings.order = { order: { properties: { id: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed' }, email: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'}, user_id: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'}, status: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'}, placed: { type: 'boolean' }, placed_at: { type: 'date' }, placed_in: { type: 'integer' }, guest_checkout: { type: 'boolean' }, returning_customer: { type: 'boolean' }, total_value: { type: 'double' }, total_price: { type: 'double' }, total_revenue: { type: 'double' }, shipping_services: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'}, regions: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'}, payment_methods: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'}, discounts: { type: 'string', index: 'not_analyzed'}, discounts_redeemed: { type: 'integer' }, created_at: { type: 'date' }, expires_at: { type: 'date' } } } } # The Elasticsearch settings used for all indexes. Invalid if used as # defined here because the synonym filter isn't defined. If you want to # use these, use Workarea::Search::Settings.current.elasticsearch_settings # instead. That method will add the synonyms for the current locale, as # defined by the admin. # # Feel free to customize these to achieve the best possible search # results. Read the documentation here: # # # config.elasticsearch_settings = { analysis: { filter: { snowball: { type: 'snowball', language: 'English' } }, analyzer: { text_analyzer: { type: 'custom', tokenizer: 'standard', char_filter: %w(html_strip), filter: %w(lowercase synonym snowball) }, autocomplete_analyzer: { type: 'custom', tokenizer: 'standard', filter: %w(lowercase stop) }, suggestion_analyzer: { type: 'custom', tokenizer: 'standard', char_filter: %w(html_strip), filter: %w(lowercase) } } } } # In test env, only use a single shard. This is for consistency when # scoring documents in testing. Elasticsearch scores can vary based on # number of shards. # # # if Rails.env.test? config.elasticsearch_settings.merge!( number_of_shards: 1, number_of_replicas: 0 ) end # Used in the logarithm to smooth out the effect views has on product # scoring in search. A factor greater than 1 increases the effect, and a # factor less than 1 decreases the effect config.default_search_views_factor = 1 # Used to add in scores from fields that didn't win the dismax. Setting it # to 1 makes it an even boolean OR between fields. config.search_dismax_tie_breaker = 0.5 # The minimum number of documents a term should appear in before being # considered a relevant term to suggest in search. config.search_suggestion_min_doc_freq = 2 # Used in the admin ChangesetsHelper to map types of releasables to icons # Icons are displayed on planned changes view config.releasable_icons = { block: 'workarea/admin/icons/content.svg', customization: 'workarea/admin/icons/search.svg', discount: 'workarea/admin/icons/pricing_discount.svg', menu: 'workarea/admin/icons/menu.svg', price: 'workarea/admin/icons/pricing_sku.svg', product: 'workarea/admin/icons/products.svg', sku: 'workarea/admin/icons/variants.svg' } # Classes run as middleware for storefront site searches config.storefront_search_middleware = %w( Workarea::Search::StorefrontSearch::Redirect Workarea::Search::StorefrontSearch::ExactMatches Workarea::Search::StorefrontSearch::ProductMultipass Workarea::Search::StorefrontSearch::SpellingCorrection Workarea::Search::StorefrontSearch::Template ) ) # Release session timeout - how long a release is worked on before a # reminder is shown. config.release_session_timeout = 30.minutes # The number of pages viewed before an admin is reminded that they have a # release in their session. config.release_session_max_page_views = 30 # The document types to exclude from activity feed config.activity_excluded_types = %w(Workarea::Release::Changeset) ) # The regexes, names, and links used to show tracking links in order history. # Used in ShippingCarrierViewModel config.shipping_service_tracking_links = { /^1Z/i => ['UPS', ''], /^[0-9]{12,15}$/ => ['FedEx', ''], /^[0-9]{4,4}\s?[0-9]{4,4}\s?[0-9]{4,4}\s?[0-9]{4,4}\s?[0-9]{4,4}\s?[0-9]{2,2}$/ => ['USPS', ''] } # The paths to exclude from logged admin page visits config.admin_visit_excluded_paths = %w(root_path toolbar_path) # Maximum number of similar products to store with each product. # See config.max_recommendation_similarities = 64 # How long an order or session contents contribute to recommendations. # Adjust this for performance depending on volume. config.recommendation_expiration = 90.days # Default sources for product-based recommendations. This OOB order is # based on conversion rate. config.product_based_recommendation_default_sources = %w(custom similar purchased) # Number of recommendations to show on the detail page config.detail_page_recommendations_count = 6 # Number of recommendations to show in the personalized recommendations # content block config.personalized_recommendations_count = 6 # Number of recommendations to show in transactional emails config.email_recommendations_count = 4 # Number of recommendations to show on the cart config.cart_recommendations_count = 6 # Maximum number of admin related help articles to return config.max_admin_related_help = 3 # The TTL of bulk action records config.bulk_action_expiration = 6.months # Classes used to update checkout data and determine checkout status. # Used in Workarea::Checkout config.checkout_steps = %w( Workarea::Checkout::Steps::Addresses Workarea::Checkout::Steps::Shipping Workarea::Checkout::Steps::Payment ) ) # Classes used to determine the status of a Workarea::Fulfillment config.fulfillment_status_calculators = %w( Workarea::Fulfillment::Status::NotAvailable Workarea::Fulfillment::Status::Open Workarea::Fulfillment::Status::Canceled Workarea::Fulfillment::Status::Shipped Workarea::Fulfillment::Status::PartiallyShipped Workarea::Fulfillment::Status::PartiallyCanceled ) ) # Classes used to determine the status of a Workarea::Order config.order_status_calculators = %w( Workarea::Order::Status::Cart Workarea::Order::Status::Canceled Workarea::Order::Status::Placed Workarea::Order::Status::SuspectedFraud Workarea::Order::Status::Checkout Workarea::Order::Status::Abandoned ) ) # Classes used to determine the status of a Workarea::Payment config.payment_status_calculators = %w( Workarea::Payment::Status::NotApplicable Workarea::Payment::Status::Pending Workarea::Payment::Status::Authorized Workarea::Payment::Status::Captured Workarea::Payment::Status::Refunded Workarea::Payment::Status::PartiallyCaptured Workarea::Payment::Status::PartiallyRefunded ) ) # Classes used to determine the status of a Workarea::Inventory::Collection config.inventory_status_calculators = %w( Workarea::Inventory::CollectionStatus::Backordered Workarea::Inventory::CollectionStatus::LowInventory Workarea::Inventory::CollectionStatus::OutOfStock Workarea::Inventory::CollectionStatus::Available ) ) # Defines the state level for payment and fulfillment statuses. config.status_state_indicators = { open: 'pending', canceled: 'done', shipped: 'done', partially_shipped: 'danger', partially_canceled: 'danger', not_applicable: 'done', pending: 'danger', # payment pending authorized: 'pending', captured: 'done', refunded: 'done', partially_captured: 'danger', partially_refunded: 'done', not_available: 'pending' } # Classes used to determine the status of a Workarea::Release config.release_status_calculators = %w( Workarea::Release::Status::Unscheduled Workarea::Release::Status::Scheduled Workarea::Release::Status::Published ) ) # How many recent views to show config.user_activity_display_size = 4 # Classes used to manage inventory. Must inherit from # Workarea::Inventory::Policies::Base. The first in this list will be used # as the default (Ignore is highly recommended default). config.inventory_policies = %w( Workarea::Inventory::Policies::Ignore Workarea::Inventory::Policies::Standard Workarea::Inventory::Policies::DisplayableWhenOutOfStock Workarea::Inventory::Policies::AllowBackorder ) ) # Classes used to dictate how an item is fulfilled. Must inherit from # Workarea::Fulfillment::Policies::Base. The first in this list will be # used as the default. Ship is a no op, but requires shipping, and highly # recommended as the default policy. config.fulfillment_policies = %w( Workarea::Fulfillment::Policies::Shipping Workarea::Fulfillment::Policies::Download ) ) # Classes used to calculate pricing. They are run in this order. config.pricing_calculators = %w( Workarea::Pricing::Calculators::ItemCalculator Workarea::Pricing::Calculators::CustomizationsCalculator Workarea::Pricing::Calculators::OverridesCalculator Workarea::Pricing::Calculators::DiscountCalculator Workarea::Pricing::Calculators::TaxCalculator ) ) # values changed on a product when copied via CopyProduct config.product_copy_default_attributes = { active: false, slug: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil } # Fields that do not get copied to the new order when cloning an order. config.copy_order_ignored_fields = %i( token checkout_started_at placed_at canceled_at created_at updated_at ) # Options to pass to gravatar when looking up an image for an admin avatar # See more info at config.gravatar_options = { s: 80, default: 'identicon' } # Length of time that Rails' caches exist # # WARNING - changing these values will affect your application's performance # config.cache_expirations = config.cache_expirations.http_cache = 15.minutes config.cache_expirations.content_blocks = 1.hour config.cache_expirations.discount_application_groups = 15.minutes config.cache_expirations.shipping_services = 1.hour config.cache_expirations.tax_rate_by_code = 5.minutes config.cache_expirations.products_default_category = config.cache_expirations.render_content_blocks = 1.hour config.cache_expirations.cart_recommendations_fragment_cache = 3.hours config.cache_expirations.categories_fragment_cache = 1.hour config.cache_expirations.pages_fragment_cache = 1.hour config.cache_expirations.product_pricing_fragment_cache = 1.week config.cache_expirations.product_summary_fragment_cache = 75.minutes config.cache_expirations.product_show_fragment_cache = 1.hour config.cache_expirations.left_navigation_fragment_cache = config.cache_expirations.sitemap_fragment_cache = config.cache_expirations.free_gift_attributes = 1.hour config.cache_expirations.reports = 1.hour config.cache_expirations.order_item_details = 15.minutes # Send transactional emails. Allows default transaction emails to be # disabled when using third-party email services. config.send_transactional_emails = true # How much to boost an exact match in a search result. Result scores are # then checked against this value, and if a result has at least this score # the response will redirect to that result. It should be sufficiently # high as to not be accidentally triggered by a normal matching score. config.search_exact_match_score = 9_999 # How much boost is given to search results where there is a phrase match # with the product name. People associate a lot of weight with name # matching so it makes sense to dramatically boost these matches. This # should be less than search_exact_match_score so it doesn't accidentally # trigger an exact match. config.search_name_phrase_match_boost = 999 # Allow skipping enforcing host config.skip_enforce_host = ->(request) { request.user_agent =~ /ELB-Health/ } # Determines the time a lock is held before it automatically releases config.default_lock_expiration = 30.seconds # How many items per-page to use when performing a bulk action from the # admin. If you find your bulk action Sidekiq workers are using too much # memory, lower this value. config.bulk_action_per_page = 500 # location to store results of performance tests config.performance_test_output_path = 'tmp/performance' # Maximum percentage increase in time between performance test runs config.performance_test_max_percentage_of_change = 0.25 # Number of previous result times to compare a performance test # time against config.performance_test_comparisons = 3 # Limit outgoing email in qa / staging environments to admin users # If the below lambda evaluates to true then the message will be sent # A boolean value can also be used - the test environment sets this to false config.send_email = lambda { |message| return true if development production)) recipients = (Array( + Array( + Array(message.bcc)).compact recipients.any? do |email| end } # The number of orders to load per query when generating # product recommendations config.product_recommendation_index_page_size = 500 # The number of user_activity documents to load per query when generating # search recommendations config.search_recommendation_index_page_size = 500 # Capybara window dimensions config.capybara_browser_width = 1400 config.capybara_browser_height = 768 # Whether the app should skip connecting to external services on boot, # such as Mongo, Elasticsearch, or Redis. # # @deprecated Use `Workarea.skip_services?` instead # config.skip_service_connections = Workarea.skip_services? # This is a feature flag, which enables localized active fields. If you're # upgrading, you can set this to false to avoid having to do a MongoDB # migration. config.localized_active_fields = true # Options passed to the Selenium driver's capabilities config.headless_chrome_options = { w3c: false } # Arguments passed to headless Chrome for running system tests config.headless_chrome_args = [ 'headless', 'disable-gpu', 'disable-popup-blocking', '--enable-features=NetworkService,NetworkServiceInProcess', "--window-size=#{config.capybara_browser_width},#{config.capybara_browser_width}" ] # HTTP caching headers can mess up system tests so we disable HTTP caching in tests. # Certain tests (for instance, AB testing plugin) want to be able to test caching # headers correctly, so we offer disabling this. But it should only be done on a test # by test basis, turning this off will break system tests completely. config.strip_http_caching_in_tests = true # Determines the sort order for the option selections for those product detail # templates. Return the options passed in the order you'd like them to # appear in the template. We pass the product in case there are other # factors to base sorting on. config.option_selections_sort = ->(product, options) { options.sort_by(&:name) } # Maximum character length of the :return_to URL, so a cookie # overflow error won't get thrown. config.return_to_url_max_length = 800 # All fields on the User model which related to permissions. Used to # determine which fields to grant to super admin. config.permissions_fields = %i(admin releases_access store_access catalog_access search_access orders_access people_access reports_access settings_access marketing_access help_admin permissions_manager can_publish_now can_restore orders_manager) # Whitelist of sizes that will be processed with AssetEndpoints::Favicons # Used for favicons_path(size) config.favicon_allowed_sizes = %w(32x32 16x16 150x150 180x180 192x192 512x512) # Data used for generating .webmanifest content and related meta tags # See for options. config.web_manifest = # Used for the Windows Metro tile background color. # Default matches Metro's blue. config.web_manifest.tile_color = '#2d89ef' # Used to define a background color within the site.webmanifest. Useful # when the manifest is available before the application styles. # Default is white. config.web_manifest.background_color = '#ffffff' # Used to customize elements of the browser for various platforms. # Default is Workarea blue. config.web_manifest.theme_color = '#0060ff' # Preferred display mode for the web application when loaded from a # smartphone homescreen. config.web_manifest.display_mode = 'standalone' # Fields ignored in the generated import samples config.data_file_ignored_fields = %w( subscribed_user_ids last_indexed_at pricing_cache_key lock_expires_at product_attributes password_digest super_admin user_activity_id checkout_by_id price_adjustments purchased ) # Supported file formats for generic data file management. The first will be the default. config.data_file_formats = %w(json csv) # How many examples to show in the import sample file produced in the admin config.data_file_sample_size = 2 # How long to keep records of import/export around config.data_file_operation_ttl = 3.months # Define files used for asset manifests config.asset_manifests = config.asset_manifests.storefront_stylesheet = 'workarea/storefront/application.css' config.asset_manifests.storefront_email_stylesheet = 'workarea/storefront/email.css' config.asset_manifests.storefront_javascript = 'workarea/storefront/application.js' config.asset_manifests.storefront_javascript_head = 'workarea/storefront/head.js' # An admin selecting more items than this threshold will be taken # to a second page to confirm their deletion. Otherwise a basic # confirmation dialog will be used. This is to minimize the risk of # accidentally deleting a large number of items. config.bulk_action_deletion_confirmation_threshold = 10 config.product_rule_preview_search_classes = { 'Workarea::Search::Customization' => 'Workarea::Search::ProductSearch', 'Workarea::Catalog::Category' => 'Workarea::Search::CategoryBrowse' } # The percentage of products/categories/discounts to be displayed within # the admin as top and/or trending based on revenue of the last 4 weeks. config.top_or_trending_threshold = { product: 0.03, category: 0.03, discount: 0.03 } # Regular Expression for HTML5 Pattern Validation of filters in # the admin. Filters can be added through the UI, but they cannot # be named "Type" or "type", otherwise the attribute could cause # mapping issues within Elasticsearch. This pattern also validates # a lack of trailing or preceding spaces, as these are typical # typing errors that are difficult to see within the admin. # # It is not generally recommended that you change this setting. config.product_filter_input_validation_pattern = '\b(?!type|Type)\b\S+$|^(\S+\s\S+)*$' # How long direct-to-s3 upload URLs last - they are signed and expire after # this amount of time. config.product_bulk_image_upload_access_time = 5.minutes # How product bulk image upload image naming conventios get validated config.direct_upload_product_image_filename_regex = /[^.]*\.\d+\..+/ # How product bulk image upload image naming conventions get processed into # attributes for the image. This default provides the convention: # `product_id.position.option.jpg`. So for example, `` would # create an image for the `00A` product with position of 1 and option of green. config.direct_upload_product_image_filename_processor = lambda do |filename| pieces = filename.split('.') { product_id: pieces[0], position: pieces[1].to_i, option: pieces.length > 3 ? pieces[2] : nil } end # Provide some dummy credentials for testing. These get passed to Fog # which will be mocked in the test env. if Rails.env.test? config.s3 = { region: 'us-east-1', bucket_name: 'workarea', access_key_id: '{ACCESS_KEY_ID}', secret_access_key: '{SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}', } end # The default amount of time over which to report when generating reports # in the admin. config.reports_default_starts_at = -> { 3.months.ago } # The maximum number of results to display in the admin for a report. # Additional results can be retrieved with an export. config.reports_max_results = 500 # How long to keep records of reports exports around config.reports_export_ttl = 3.months # Skip the appending of partials or assets by using a mix of strings, # regular expressions, or Procs. config.skip_partials = [] config.skip_stylesheets = [] config.skip_javascripts = [] # The maximum number of products a category can have featured before # IndexCategoryChanges will queue individual workers for batches of # products rather than indexing the products inline. This change prevents # memory issues with storing a large elasticsearch request in memory. config.category_inline_index_product_max_count = 100 # The number of documents to move at a time when generating insights # aggregation data. config.insights_aggregation_per_page = 1000 # How many products to include in product-list insights, like promising # products, star products, etc. config.insights_products_list_max_results = 4 # How many users to include in user-list insights, like best customers, # customers at risk, etc. config.insights_users_list_max_results = 5 # How many users to include in category-list insights, like top categories, # hot categories, etc. config.insights_categories_list_max_results = 5 # How many searches to include in search-list insights, like popular # searches, searches without results, etc. config.insights_searches_list_max_results = 5 # How many searches to include in release-list insights, like upcoming # releases and release reminder. config.insights_releases_list_max_results = 3 # How many searches to include in discount-list insights, like top # discounts and most discount given. config.insights_discounts_list_max_results = 3 # Models that are represented in insights. Used to dynamically # fetch documents associated to generated insights. config.insights_model_classes = %w( Workarea::Catalog::Category Workarea::Catalog::Product Workarea::Release Workarea::Pricing::Discount Workarea::Navigation::Menu ) # Options passed to Chartkick gem for rendering graphs. config.default_chartkick_options = { width: '90%', height: '150px', colors: %w(#0060ff #ff8100), thousands: ',' } # Configuration keys to hide from Settings Dashboard config.hide_from_settings = %i( hide_from_settings gateways admin_definition email_theme ) # The default length of time to tell elasticsearch to keep the scroll # context alive. config.elasticsearch_default_scroll = '3m' # This is how long data will count towards sorting scores. Sorting scores # drive top sellers and most popular sorts. config.sorting_score_ttl = 1.year # The number of data points in an admin sparkline. These are shown on # index pages, in cards, and in autocompletes. config.admin_sparkline_size = 10 # The maximum number of categories that are returned by # +Search::Storefront::CategoryQuery.find!+ when # a user attempts to view all categories by rules for a given # product in the admin. config.product_categories_by_rules_max_count = 100 # Parameters to ignore when rendering breadcrumbs for search results config.exclude_from_search_results_breadcrumbs = %i( action controller authenticity_token utf terms_facets range_facets rules pass ) # The maximum amount of time an order might be expected to be in transit # to a customer. For use in JSON-LD entry of the Fulfillment # Shipped mailer. Setting this to `nil` will effectively render the entry # invalid, so it should be defined for the app by using ActiveShipping and # set to an accurate value via the carrier's API. config.order_expected_arrival = ->(order, package) { nil } # How long release publish events show as in the calendar feed. config.release_publish_calendar_event_size = 15.minutes # How many documents to bulk index in a batch. config.bulk_index_batch_size = 1000 # How many orders someone has to have to fall into the "Loyal Customer" # life cycle segment. config.loyal_customers_min_orders = 3 # How recently someone needs to have purchased to be in the "Loyal Customer" # life cycle segment. config.loyal_customers_last_order_days_ago = 180 # The list of types of rules for setting up custom segments in the admin config.segment_rule_types = %w( Workarea::Segment::Rules::BrowserInfo Workarea::Segment::Rules::Geolocation Workarea::Segment::Rules::Orders Workarea::Segment::Rules::Revenue Workarea::Segment::Rules::TrafficReferrer Workarea::Segment::Rules::Sessions Workarea::Segment::Rules::LastOrder Workarea::Segment::Rules::LoggedIn Workarea::Segment::Rules::Tags ) # Taxonomy for default seeds config.default_seeds_taxonomy = { 'Clothing' => ['T-Shirts', 'Shoes', 'Loungewear'], 'Tech' => ['Phone Cases', 'Headphones', 'Gaming'], 'Books' => ['Fiction', 'Non-Fiction', "Children's"], 'Toys' => ['Puzzles', 'Board Games', 'Outdoor'] } # How many products/categories/searches to return by default in {Metrics::Affinity} config.affinity_default_recent_size = 3 # Options for reading and decoding CSV import data. Use this # setting to configure the `:encoding` options for `CSV.foreach` # if your CSV files are failing to import with a UTF-8 encoding # error. config.csv_import_options = { encoding: 'bom|utf-8' } # Determines what payment action happens when "place order" is submitted. # These correspond to methods on the {Checkout}'s instance of {Payment} config.checkout_payment_action = { shipping: 'authorize!', partial_shipping: 'purchase!', no_shipping: 'purchase!' } # Class used to determine if an order is fraudlent config.fraud_analyzer = 'Workarea::Checkout::Fraud::NoDecisionAnalyzer' # Max number of non-unique affinity items that will be stored, older items # will be evicted first. config.max_affinity_items = 50 # How long a password reset URL stays valid config.password_reset_timeout = 2.hours # Define the priority order that releasable models' changesets get # published in. Workarea::Navigation::Menu should always be last. Any # model without a defined position will automatically set as 999. config.release_changeset_ordering = { 'Workarea::Pricing::Price' => 0, 'Workarea::Pricing::Sku' => 1, 'Workarea::Catalog::Variant' => 2, 'Workarea::Catalog::Product' => 3, 'Workarea::Content::Block' => 4, 'Workarea::Content' => 5, 'Workarea::Content::Page' => 6, 'Workarea::Catalog::Category' => 7, 'Workarea::Navigation::Menu' => 1_000 } # The max number of types of results that will show in the admin jump to config.jump_to_type_limit = 5 # The number of results that will show per-type in the admin jump to config.jump_to_results_per_type = 5 # Attributes that will be sliced out of params and persisted on # the credit card tender during checkout. config.credit_card_attributes = %i[ month year saved_card_id number cvv amount ] end end end