Feature: Step Dialect for BDD Steps with Given/When/Then Keywords In order to execute a sequence of steps with BDD keywords (Given/When/Then) As a test/story writer I want to have the possibility to express myself. . NOTE: . * More details are provided in other features. Scenario: Simple example Normally preferred style with BDD keywords. Note that BDD keywords are dependent on language settings. Given a step passes When a step passes And a step passes Then a step passes And a step passes But a step passes Scenario: Simple example (with lower-case keywords) Alternative style with lower-case BDD keywords. given a step passes when a step passes and a step passes then a step passes and a step passes but a step passes Scenario: Step usage example with details by running behave Given a new working directory And a file named "features/steps/steps.py" with: """ from behave import given, when, then, step @given('a step passes') def given_step_passes(context): pass @when('a step passes') def when_step_passes(context): pass @then('a step passes') def then_step_passes(context): pass @step('a step passes with "{param}"') def step_passes_with_param(context, param): pass @step('another step passes') def step_passes(context): pass @step('another step passes with "{param}"') def step_passes(context, param): pass """ And a file named "features/basic_steps.feature" with: """ Feature: Scenario: Given a step passes And another step passes When a step passes with "Alice" Then another step passes with "Bob" """ When I run "behave -f plain -T features/basic_steps.feature" Then it should pass with: """ 1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped 4 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped """ And the command output should contain: """ Feature: Scenario: Given a step passes ... passed And another step passes ... passed When a step passes with "Alice" ... passed Then another step passes with "Bob" ... passed """