module Slideshow module TextileEngines def redcloth_java_fix_escape_nonascii( txt ){ |x| x.size > 1 ? "&##{x.unpack("U*")};" : x }.join end def redcloth_java_fix_escape_nonascii_exclude_pre( txt ) buf = "" from = 0 while (pos = txt.index( /.*?<\/pre>/m, from )) # add text before pre block escaped buf << redcloth_java_fix_escape_nonascii( txt[ from, pos-from] ) # add pre block unescaped (otherwise html entities get escaped twice) from = Regexp.last_match.end(0) buf << txt[pos, from-pos] end buf << redcloth_java_fix_escape_nonascii( txt[from, txt.length-from] ) buf end def textile_to_html( content ) puts " Converting Textile-text (#{content.length} bytes) to HTML..." # JRuby workaround for RedCloth 4 multi-byte character bug # see # basically convert non-ascii chars (>127) to html entities if RedCloth::EXTENSION_LANGUAGE == "Java" puts " Patching RedCloth for Java; converting non-Ascii/multi-byte chars to HTML-entities..." content = redcloth_java_fix_escape_nonascii_exclude_pre( content ) end # turn off hard line breaks # turn off span caps (see red = content, [:no_span_caps] ) red.hard_breaks = false content = red.to_html end end # module TextileEngines end # module Slideshow class Slideshow::Gen include Slideshow::TextileEngines end