# Demonstrates that sequence IDs may not be inserted linearly with concurrent # writers. # # This script writes events in parallel from a number of forked processes, # writing events in a continious loop until the program is interrupted. # The parent process detects gaps in sequence IDs by selecting the last 2 # events based on sequence ID. A gap is detected when the 2 IDs returned from # that query aren't sequential. The script will proceed to execute 2 subsequent # queries to see if they show up in the time it takes to complete those before # moving on. # # An easier way to demonstrate this is by using 2 psql consoles: # # - Simulate a transaction taking a long time to commit: # ``` # begin; # insert into events (..) values (..); # ``` # - Then, in another console: # ``` # insert into events (..) values (..); # select * from events; # ``` # # The result is that event sequence ID 2 is visible, but only when the first # transaction commits is event sequence ID 1 visible. # # Why does this happen? # # Sequences in Postgres (and most other DBs) are not transactional, changes # to the sequence are visible to other transactions immediately. Also, inserts # from the forked writers may be executed in parallel by postgres. # # The process of inserting into a table that has a sequence or serial column is # to first get the next sequence ID (changing global state), then perform the # insert statement and later commit. In between these 2 steps the sequence ID # is taken but not visible in the table until the insert statement is # committed. Gaps in sequence IDs occur when a process takes a sequence ID and # commits it while another process is in between those 2 steps. # # This means another transaction could have taken the next sequence # ID and committed before that one commits, resulting in a gap in sequence ID's # when reading. # # Why is this a problem? # # Event stream processors use the sequence ID to keep track of where they're up to # in the events table. If a projector processes an event with sequence ID n, it # assumes that the next event it needs to process will have a sequence ID > n. # This approach isn't reliable when sequence IDs appear non-linearly, making it # possible for event stream processors to skip over events. # # How does EventSourcery deal with this? # # EventSourcery uses n transaction level advisory lock to synchronise inserts # to the events table within the writeEvents function. Alternatives: # # - Write events from 1 process only (serialize at the application level) # - Detect gaps when reading events and allow time for in-flight transactions # (the gaps) to commit. # - Built in eventual consistency. Selects would be restricted to events older # than 500ms-1s or the transaction timeout to give enough time for in-flight # transactions to commit. # - Only query events when catching up, after that rely on events to be # delivered through the pub/sub mechanism. Given events would be received out # of order under concurrent writes there's potential for processors to process # a given event twice if they shutdown after processing a sequence that was # part of a gap. # # Usage: # # ❯ bundle exec ruby script/demonstrate_event_sequence_id_gaps.rb # 89847: starting to write events89846: starting to write events # 89848: starting to write events # 89849: starting to write events # 89850: starting to write events # GAP: 1 missing sequence IDs. 78 != 76 + 1. Missing events showed up after 1 subsequent query. IDs: [77] # GAP: 1 missing sequence IDs. 168 != 166 + 1. Missing events showed up after 1 subsequent query. IDs: [167] # GAP: 1 missing sequence IDs. 274 != 272 + 1. Missing events showed up after 1 subsequent query. IDs: [273] # GAP: 1 missing sequence IDs. 341 != 339 + 1. Missing events showed up after 1 subsequent query. IDs: [340] # GAP: 1 missing sequence IDs. 461 != 459 + 1. Missing events showed up after 1 subsequent query. IDs: [460] # GAP: 1 missing sequence IDs. 493 != 491 + 1. Missing events showed up after 1 subsequent query. IDs: [492] # GAP: 2 missing sequence IDs. 621 != 618 + 1. Missing events showed up after 1 subsequent query. IDs: [619, 620] require 'sequel' require 'securerandom' require 'event_sourcery/postgres' def connect pg_uri = ENV.fetch('BOXEN_POSTGRESQL_URL') { 'postgres://' }.dup pg_uri << 'event_sourcery_test' Sequel.connect(pg_uri) end EventSourcery.logger.level = :info def new_event EventSourcery::Event.new(type: :item_added, aggregate_id: SecureRandom.uuid, body: { 'something' => 'simple' }) end def create_events_schema(db) db.execute 'drop table if exists events' db.execute 'drop table if exists aggregates' EventSourcery::Postgres::Schema.create_event_store(db: db) end db = connect create_events_schema(db) db.disconnect sleep 0.3 NUM_WRITER_PROCESSES = 5 NUM_WRITER_PROCESSES.times do fork do |pid| stop = false Signal.trap(:INT) { stop = true } db = connect # when lock_table is set to true an advisory lock is used to synchronise # inserts and no gaps are detected event_store = EventSourcery::Postgres::EventStore.new(db, lock_table: false) puts "#{Process.pid}: starting to write events" until stop event_store.sink(new_event) end end end stop = false Signal.trap(:INT) { stop = true } def wait_for_missing_ids(db, first_sequence, last_sequence, attempt: 1) missing_ids = db[:events].where(Sequel.lit("id > ? AND id < ?", first_sequence, last_sequence)).order(:id).map {|e| e[:id] } expected_missing_ids = (first_sequence+1)..(last_sequence-1) if missing_ids == expected_missing_ids.to_a print "Missing events showed up after #{attempt} subsequent query. IDs: #{missing_ids}" else if attempt < 2 wait_for_missing_ids(db, first_sequence, last_sequence, attempt: attempt + 1) else print "Missing events didn't show up after #{attempt} subsequent queries" end end end until stop # query for the last 2 sequences in the events table first_sequence, last_sequence = *db[:events]. order(Sequel.desc(:id)). select(:id). limit(2). map { |e| e[:id] }. reverse next if first_sequence.nil? || last_sequence.nil? if last_sequence != first_sequence + 1 num_missing = last_sequence - first_sequence - 1 print "GAP: #{num_missing} missing sequence IDs. #{last_sequence} != #{first_sequence} + 1. " wait_for_missing_ids(db, first_sequence, last_sequence) puts end end Process.waitall puts puts "Looking for gaps in sequence IDs in events table:" ids = db[:events].select(:id).order(:id).all.map { |e| e[:id] } expected_ids = (ids.min..ids.max).to_a missing_ids = (expected_ids - ids) if missing_ids.empty? puts "No remaining gaps" else missing_ids.each do |id| puts "Unable to find row with sequence ID #{id}" end end