# EnumerateIt Enumerations for Ruby with some magic powers! 🎩 [![CI Status](https://github.com/lucascaton/enumerate_it/workflows/CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/lucascaton/enumerate_it/actions?query=workflow%3ACI) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/enumerate_it.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/enumerate_it) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/lucascaton/enumerate_it/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/lucascaton/enumerate_it) [![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/enumerate_it.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/enumerate_it) [![Changelog](https://img.shields.io/badge/changelog--brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](https://github.com/lucascaton/enumerate_it/releases) **EnumerateIt** helps you to declare and use enumerations in a very simple and flexible way. ### Why would I want a gem if Rails already has native enumerations support? Firstly, although **EnumerateIt** works well with **Rails**, it isn't required! It means you can add it to any **Ruby** project! Secondly, you can [define your enumerations in classes](https://github.com/lucascaton/enumerate_it#creating-enumerations), so you can **add behaviour** and also **reuse** them! 😀 --- - [Installation](#installation) - [Using with Rails](#using-with-rails) - [Creating enumerations](#creating-enumerations) - [Sorting enumerations](#sorting-enumerations) - [Using enumerations](#using-enumerations) - [FAQ](#faq) - [I18n](#i18n) - [Translate a name-spaced enumeration](#translate-a-name-spaced-enumeration) - [Handling a legacy database](#handling-a-legacy-database) - [Changelog](#changelog) ## Installation ```bash gem install enumerate_it ``` ## Using with Rails Add the gem to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'enumerate_it' ``` You can use a Rails generator to create both an enumeration and its locale file: ```bash rails generate enumerate_it:enum --help ``` ## Creating enumerations Enumerations are created as classes and you should put them inside `app/enumerations` folder. You can pass an array of symbols, so that the respective value for each symbol will be the stringified version of the symbol itself: ```ruby class RelationshipStatus < EnumerateIt::Base associate_values( :single, :married, :divorced ) end ``` This will create some nice stuff: * Each enumeration's value will turn into a constant: ```ruby RelationshipStatus::SINGLE #=> 'single' RelationshipStatus::MARRIED #=> 'married' ``` * You can retrieve a list with all the enumeration codes: ```ruby RelationshipStatus.list #=> ['divorced', 'married', 'single'] ``` * You can retrieve a JSON with all the enumeration codes: ```ruby RelationshipStatus.to_json #=> "[{\"value\":\"divorced\",\"label\":\"Divorced\"},{\"value\":\"married\", ... ``` * You can get an array of options, ready to use with the `select`, `select_tag`, etc. family of Rails helpers. ```ruby RelationshipStatus.to_a #=> [['Divorced', 'divorced'], ['Married', 'married'], ['Single', 'single']] ``` * You can retrieve a list with values for a group of enumeration constants. ```ruby RelationshipStatus.values_for %w(MARRIED SINGLE) #=> ['married', 'single'] ``` * You can retrieve the value for a specific enumeration constant: ```ruby RelationshipStatus.value_for('MARRIED') #=> 'married' ``` * You can retrieve the symbol used to declare a specific enumeration value: ```ruby RelationshipStatus.key_for(RelationshipStatus::MARRIED) #=> :married ``` * You can iterate over the list of the enumeration's values: ```ruby RelationshipStatus.each_value { |value| ... } ``` * You can iterate over the list of the enumeration's translations: ```ruby RelationshipStatus.each_translation { |translation| ... } ``` * You can also retrieve all the translations of the enumeration: ```ruby RelationshipStatus.translations ``` * You can ask for the enumeration's length: ```ruby RelationshipStatus.length #=> 3 ``` ### Sorting enumerations When calling methods like `to_a`, `to_json` and `list`, the returned values will be sorted by default in the same order passed to `associate_values` call. However, if you want to overwrite the default sort mode, you can use the `sort_by` class method: ```ruby class RelationshipStatus < EnumerateIt::Base associate_values :single, :married sort_by :translation end ``` The `sort_by` method accepts one of the following values: | Value | Behavior | | :------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `:none` | The default behavior, will return values in order that was passed to `associate_values` call | | `:name` | Will sort the returned values based on the name of each enumeration option | | `:translation` | will sort the returned values based on their translations | | `:value` | See [Handling a legacy database](#handling-a-legacy-database) section for more details | ## Using enumerations The cool part is that you can use these enumerations with any class: ```ruby # ActiveRecord instance class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status end ``` ```ruby # Non-ActiveRecord instance class Person extend EnumerateIt attr_accessor :relationship_status has_enumeration_for :relationship_status end ``` > **Note:** **EnumerateIt** will try to load an enumeration class based on the camelized attribute > name. If you have a different name, you can specify it by using the `with` option: > > `has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus` This will create: * A "humanized" version of the hash's key to humanize the attribute's value: ```ruby p = Person.new p.relationship_status = RelationshipStatus::DIVORCED p.relationship_status_humanize #=> 'Divorced' ``` * A translation for your options, if you include a locale to represent it (see more in the [I18n section](#i18n)). ```ruby p = Person.new p.relationship_status = RelationshipStatus::DIVORCED p.relationship_status_humanize #=> 'Divorciado' ``` * The associated enumerations, which can be retrieved with the `enumerations` class method: ```ruby Person.enumerations #=> { relationship_status: RelationshipStatus } ``` * A helper method for each enumeration option, if you pass the `create_helpers` option as `true`: ```ruby class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus, create_helpers: true end p = Person.new p.relationship_status = RelationshipStatus::MARRIED p.married? #=> true p.divorced? #=> false ``` It's also possible to "namespace" the created helper methods, passing a hash to the `create_helpers` option. This can be useful when two or more of the enumerations used share the same constants: ```ruby class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus, create_helpers: { prefix: true } end p = Person.new p.relationship_status = RelationshipStatus::MARRIED p.relationship_status_married? #=> true p.relationship_status_divorced? #=> false ``` You can define polymorphic behavior for the enumeration values, so you can define a class for each of them: ```ruby class RelationshipStatus < EnumerateIt::Base associate_values :married, :single class Married def saturday_night 'At home with the kids' end end class Single def saturday_night 'Party hard!' end end end class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus, create_helpers: { polymorphic: true } end p = Person.new p.relationship_status = RelationshipStatus::MARRIED p.relationship_status_object.saturday_night #=> 'At home with the kids' p.relationship_status = RelationshipStatus::SINGLE p.relationship_status_object.saturday_night #=> 'Party hard!' ``` You can also change the suffix `_object`, using the `suffix` option: ```ruby class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus, create_helpers: { polymorphic: { suffix: '_mode' } } end p.relationship_status_mode.saturday_night ``` The `create_helpers` also creates some mutator helper methods, that can be used to change the attribute's value. ```ruby p = Person.new p.married! p.married? #=> true ``` * A scope method for each enumeration option if you pass the `create_scopes` option as `true`: ```ruby class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus, create_scopes: true end Person.married.to_sql #=> SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."relationship_status" = "married" ``` The `:create_scopes` also accepts `prefix` option. ```ruby class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus, create_scopes: { prefix: true } end Person.relationship_status_married.to_sql ``` * An inclusion validation (if your class can manage validations and responds to `validates_inclusion_of`): ```ruby class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus end p = Person.new(relationship_status: 'invalid') p.valid? #=> false p.errors[:relationship_status] #=> 'is not included in the list' ``` * A presence validation (if your class can manage validations and responds to `validates_presence_of` and you pass the `required` options as `true`): ```ruby class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, required: true end p = Person.new relationship_status: nil p.valid? #=> false p.errors[:relationship_status] #=> "can't be blank" ``` If you pass the `skip_validation` option as `true`, it will not create any validations: ```ruby class Person < ApplicationRecord has_enumeration_for :relationship_status, with: RelationshipStatus, skip_validation: true end p = Person.new(relationship_status: 'invalid') p.valid? #=> true ``` Remember that you can add validations to any kind of class and not only `ActiveRecord` ones. ## FAQ #### Why define enumerations outside the class that uses them? * It's clearer. * You can add behaviour to the enumeration class. * You can reuse the enumeration inside other classes. #### Can I use `enumerate_it` gem without Rails? You sure can! 😄 #### What versions of Ruby and Rails are supported? * **Ruby**: `2.5+` * **Rails** `5.0+` All versions are tested via [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/lucascaton/enumerate_it/blob/HEAD/.github/workflows/ci.yml). #### Can I set a value to always be at the end of a sorted list? Yes, [see more details here](https://github.com/lucascaton/enumerate_it/issues/60). ## I18n I18n lookup is provided on both `_humanized` and `Enumeration#to_a` methods, given the hash key is a Symbol. The I18n strings are located on `enumerations..`: ```yaml # Your locale file pt-BR: enumerations: relationship_status: married: Casado ``` ```ruby class RelationshipStatus < EnumerateIt::Base associate_values( :married, :single ) end p = Person.new p.relationship_status = RelationshipStatus::MARRIED p.relationship_status_humanize # Existent key #=> 'Casado' p.relationship_status = RelationshipStatus::SINGLE p.relationship_status_humanize # Non-existent key #=> 'Single' ``` You can also translate specific values: ```ruby status = RelationshipStatus::MARRIED RelationshipStatus.t(status) #=> 'Casado' ``` ### Translate a name-spaced enumeration In order to translate an enumeration in a specific namespace (say `Design::Color`), you can add the following: ```yaml pt-BR: enumerations: 'design/color': blue: Azul red: Vermelho ``` ## Handling a legacy database **EnumerateIt** can help you build a Rails application around a legacy database which was filled with those small and unchangeable tables used to create foreign key constraints everywhere, like the following example: ```sql Table "public.relationship_status" Column | Type | Modifiers -------------+---------------+----------- code | character(1) | not null description | character(11) | Indexes: "relationship_status_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (code) SELECT * FROM relationship_status; code | description ---- +-------------- 1 | Single 2 | Married 3 | Divorced ``` You might also have something like a `users` table with a `relationship_status` column and a foreign key pointing to the `relationship_status` table. While this is a good thing from the database normalization perspective, managing these values in tests is very hard. Doing database joins just to get the description of some value is absurd. And, more than this, referencing them in the code using [magic numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)) was terrible and meaningless: what does it mean when we say that someone or something is `2`? To solve this, you can pass a **hash** to your enumeration values: ```ruby class RelationshipStatus < EnumerateIt::Base associate_values( single: 1, married: 2, divorced: 3 ) end ``` ```ruby RelationshipStatus::MARRIED #=> 2 ``` You can also sort it by its **value** using `sort_by :value`. ## Changelog Changes follows the [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/) specification and you can see them on the [releases page](../../releases). ## Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so we don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * [Optional] Run the tests agaist a specific Gemfile: `$ bundle exec appraisal rails_7.0 rake spec`. * Run the tests agaist all supported versions: `$ bundle exec rake` (or `$ bundle exec wwtd`) * Commit, but please do not mess with `Rakefile`, version, or history. * Send a Pull Request. Bonus points for topic branches. ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Cássio Marques and Lucas Caton. See `LICENSE` file for details.