# encoding: UTF-8 require 'base64' require 'thread' require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'erb' require 'set' require 'prometheus/client' require 'prometheus/client/formats/text' require 'prometheus/client/label_set_validator' module Prometheus # Client is a ruby implementation for a Prometheus compatible client. module Client # Push implements a simple way to transmit a given registry to a given # Pushgateway. class Push class HttpError < StandardError; end class HttpRedirectError < HttpError; end class HttpClientError < HttpError; end class HttpServerError < HttpError; end DEFAULT_GATEWAY = 'http://localhost:9091'.freeze PATH = '/metrics'.freeze SUPPORTED_SCHEMES = %w(http https).freeze attr_reader :job, :gateway, :path def initialize(job:, gateway: DEFAULT_GATEWAY, grouping_key: {}, **kwargs) raise ArgumentError, "job cannot be nil" if job.nil? raise ArgumentError, "job cannot be empty" if job.empty? @validator = LabelSetValidator.new(expected_labels: grouping_key.keys) @validator.validate_symbols!(grouping_key) @mutex = Mutex.new @job = job @gateway = gateway || DEFAULT_GATEWAY @grouping_key = grouping_key @path = build_path(job, grouping_key) @uri = parse("#{@gateway}#{@path}") validate_no_basic_auth!(@uri) @http = Net::HTTP.new(@uri.host, @uri.port) @http.use_ssl = (@uri.scheme == 'https') @http.open_timeout = kwargs[:open_timeout] if kwargs[:open_timeout] @http.read_timeout = kwargs[:read_timeout] if kwargs[:read_timeout] end def basic_auth(user, password) @user = user @password = password end def add(registry) synchronize do request(Net::HTTP::Post, registry) end end def replace(registry) synchronize do request(Net::HTTP::Put, registry) end end def delete synchronize do request(Net::HTTP::Delete) end end private def parse(url) uri = URI.parse(url) unless SUPPORTED_SCHEMES.include?(uri.scheme) raise ArgumentError, 'only HTTP gateway URLs are supported currently.' end uri rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e raise ArgumentError, "#{url} is not a valid URL: #{e}" end def build_path(job, grouping_key) # Job can't be empty, but it can contain `/`, so we need to base64 # encode it in that case if job.include?('/') encoded_job = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(job) path = "#{PATH}/job@base64/#{encoded_job}" else path = "#{PATH}/job/#{ERB::Util::url_encode(job)}" end grouping_key.each do |label, value| if value.include?('/') encoded_value = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(value) path += "/#{label}@base64/#{encoded_value}" # While it's valid for the urlsafe_encode64 function to return an # empty string when the input string is empty, it doesn't work for # our specific use case as we're putting the result into a URL path # segment. A double slash (`//`) can be normalised away by HTTP # libraries, proxies, and web servers. # # For empty strings, we use a single padding character (`=`) as the # value. # # See the pushgateway docs for more details: # # https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway/blob/6393a901f56d4dda62cd0f6ab1f1f07c495b6354/README.md#url elsif value.empty? path += "/#{label}@base64/=" else path += "/#{label}/#{ERB::Util::url_encode(value)}" end end path end def request(req_class, registry = nil) validate_no_label_clashes!(registry) if registry req = req_class.new(@uri) req.content_type = Formats::Text::CONTENT_TYPE req.basic_auth(@user, @password) if @user req.body = Formats::Text.marshal(registry) if registry response = @http.request(req) validate_response!(response) response end def synchronize @mutex.synchronize { yield } end def validate_no_basic_auth!(uri) if uri.user || uri.password raise ArgumentError, <<~EOF Setting Basic Auth credentials in the gateway URL is not supported, please call the `basic_auth` method. Received username `#{uri.user}` in gateway URL. Instead of passing Basic Auth credentials like this: ``` push = Prometheus::Client::Push.new(job: "my-job", gateway: "http://user:password@localhost:9091") ``` please pass them like this: ``` push = Prometheus::Client::Push.new(job: "my-job", gateway: "http://localhost:9091") push.basic_auth("user", "password") ``` While URLs do support passing Basic Auth credentials using the `http://user:password@example.com/` syntax, the username and password in that syntax have to follow the usual rules for URL encoding of characters per RFC 3986 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-2.1). Rather than place the burden of correctly performing that encoding on users of this gem, we decided to have a separate method for supplying Basic Auth credentials, with no requirement to URL encode the characters in them. EOF end end def validate_no_label_clashes!(registry) # There's nothing to check if we don't have a grouping key return if @grouping_key.empty? # We could be doing a lot of comparisons, so let's do them against a # set rather than an array grouping_key_labels = @grouping_key.keys.to_set registry.metrics.each do |metric| metric.labels.each do |label| if grouping_key_labels.include?(label) raise LabelSetValidator::InvalidLabelSetError, "label :#{label} from grouping key collides with label of the " \ "same name from metric :#{metric.name} and would overwrite it" end end end end def validate_response!(response) status = Integer(response.code) if status >= 300 message = "status: #{response.code}, message: #{response.message}, body: #{response.body}" if status <= 399 raise HttpRedirectError, message elsif status <= 499 raise HttpClientError, message else raise HttpServerError, message end end end end end end