#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Whereisthis # # This is a simple command-line application to help determine # the location information from a given ip address or url. # # Author:: Kent 'picat' Gruber # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2016 Kent Gruber # License:: MIT require 'socket' require 'colorize' require 'ipaddress' require 'trollop' require 'unirest' module Whereisthis # Specify version number. VERSION = "1.3.0" # .findout! is the main workhorse of this application. It starts # the option parsing; and performs the main logic for basically # everything. # # == Example # # # Typical use: # require 'whereisthis' # ARGV[0] = "" # Whereisthis.findout! # def self.findout! # Default to a help menu if no argument is given. foo = ARGV[0] || ARGV[0] = '-h' # Parse options into a hash. opts = Trollop::options do banner "whereisthis?".bold.red + " Find out where that ip or website is.".bold version "#{Whereisthis::VERSION}" opt :city, "Show the city location information if possible" opt :region, "Show the region location information if possible" opt :Country, "Show the country location information if possible" opt :gps, "Show the latitude and longitude information if possible" opt :postal, "Show the postal information if possible" opt :org, "Show the organization information if possible" opt :Hostname, "Show the hostname information if possible" opt :ip, "Specify the ip address to lookup", :type => :string opt :website, "Specify the website url to lookup", :type => :string end # If an ip is specified with -i or --ip at the command-line. if opts.ip unless IPAddress.valid? opts.ip puts "Unable to verify '#{opts.ip}' is a valid ip address." exit 1 end # If an website is specified with -w or --website at the command-line. elsif opts.website begin opts[:ip] = IPSocket::getaddress(opts.website) rescue puts "Unable to resolve #{opts.website} to an ip address. Is it legit?" exit 1 end # If the first argument is simply an IP address or website. elsif ARGV[0] if IPAddress.valid? ARGV[0] opts[:ip] = ARGV[0] else begin opts[:ip] = IPSocket::getaddress(ARGV[0]) rescue puts "Unable to resolve #{ARGV[0]} to an ip address. Is it legit?" exit 1 end end end # A container of data for our information. Struct.new("WhereIsInfo", :ip, :hostname, :city, :region, :country, :gps, :org, :postal ) # Get response from web service. data = Unirest.get('http://ipinfo.io/' + opts.ip).body # Change empty values to false. data.each { |k,v| v.nil? || v.empty? ? data[k] = false : data[k] = v } whereisinfo = Struct::WhereIsInfo.new # Map data to WhereIsInfo data, defaulting to false for missing info. whereisinfo.ip = data["ip"] || "Not found." whereisinfo.hostname = data["hostname"] || "Not found." whereisinfo.city = data["city"] || "Not found." whereisinfo.region = data["region"] || "Not found." whereisinfo.country = data["country"] || "Not found." whereisinfo.gps = data["loc"] || "Not found." whereisinfo.org = data["org"] || "Not found." whereisinfo.postal = data["postal"] || "Not found." # Keep track of the filters & delete the given givens, # because we don't need to keep track of them. filter = Hash[opts.keys.keep_if { |k| k.to_s =~ /_given\b/ } .collect { |i| [i, true] } ] filter.delete_if { |k,v| k.to_s == "ip_given" } filter.delete_if { |k,v| k.to_s == "website_given" } # Manage output with or without filters/ fancy spaces. if filter.count > 0 puts "ip: " + whereisinfo.ip if filter[:ip_given] puts "hostname: " + whereisinfo.hostname if filter[:hostname_given] puts "city: " + whereisinfo.city if filter[:city_given] puts "region: " + whereisinfo.region if filter[:region_given] puts "country: " + whereisinfo.country if filter[:Country_given] puts "gps: " + whereisinfo.gps if filter[:gps_given] puts "org: " + whereisinfo.org if filter[:org_given] puts "postal: " + whereisinfo.postal if filter[:postal_given] else # fancy spaces puts " ip: " + whereisinfo.ip puts "hostname: " + whereisinfo.hostname puts " city: " + whereisinfo.city puts " region: " + whereisinfo.region puts " country: " + whereisinfo.country puts " gps: " + whereisinfo.gps puts " org: " + whereisinfo.org puts " postal: " + whereisinfo.postal end end end