RSpec::Matchers.define :have_styling do |rules| @selector = 'body > *:first' normalized_rules = chain(:at_selector) { |selector| @selector = selector } match { |document| normalized_rules == styles_at_selector(document) } description { "have styles #{normalized_rules.inspect} at selector #{@selector.inspect}" } failure_message_for_should { |document| "expected styles at #{@selector.inspect} to be:\n#{normalized_rules}\nbut was:\n#{styles_at_selector(document)}" } failure_message_for_should_not { "expected styles at #{@selector.inspect} to not be:\n#{normalized_rules}" } def styles_at_selector(document) document.should have_selector(@selector) document.at_css(@selector)['style'] end end class StylingExpectation def initialize(styling) case styling when String then @rules = parse_rules(styling) when Array then @rules = styling when Hash then @rules = styling.to_a else fail "I don't understand #{styling.inspect}!" end end def ==(other) rules == other.rules end def to_s() rules.to_s end protected attr_reader :rules private def parse_rules(css) css.split(';').map { |property| parse_property(property) } end def parse_property(property) rule, value = property.split(':', 2).map(&:strip) [rule, normalize_quotes(value)] end # JRuby's Nokogiri encodes quotes def normalize_quotes(string) string.gsub '%22', '"' end end