Dl8 9 (I "r   ! 6 R .` s ' m+ 0 U Abb!+")66`12'$HD(7$; Y1e F')9#c6";h>S*J8a$Uh",";$TDy $ %$J"`X##71[1   6CKV5jbb= 3$X"lL$Kpv$K2>E3(B,$)Q {> Qmq !%!C!\! w!!9!@!2"bN"*"L".)#X#Vn##Z##<$ `$$$$$#$&%&D%?k%(%%C% 1& ;&H&[&y&'& &&;&''+7'c'B}' '''("(;(b>(( (M()2)=H))))()))Q)Q*$g*%***2*+7+/Q+T++++!, 7,X,/j,, ,j,(-;-"R-5u-5- - - ...A. Z.g.:w..0.d.d[/.//</<0'L0"t000060#1 B1L1_1P~11%192/O2#292-2$ 3"03S3Kp333 3R394:"q0,E3Zhc&sDf _J |`8QC2M?)S#W dtB}'pr{Y6 wji/F14$@LV5k~y* .XR(U b>uKx]zeTlmAOIv7N%!=[Ga^\;o<P9-gH+n%{env}: %{msg}.%{flag} is deprecated: %{deprecated_msg}%{param} was deleted successfully.'%s' is not a valid date., orAdd a default parameter to configAdded %{key_val} default-option with value %{val_val}.Added %{key_val} default-option with value that will be generated from the server.Any combination (comma separated list) of '%s'As root you can also install the certificate and update the system-wide list of trusted CA certificates as follows:At least one of options %s is required.Be aware that hammer cannot verify whether the certificate is correct and you should verify its authenticity.CA certificate for %{uri} was stored to %{file}.Can be specified multiple times.Can't replace subcommand %s (%s) with %s (%s).Character to separate the valuesComma separated list of values. Values containing comma should be quoted or escaped with backslashComma-separated list of key=valueConfigure SSL verification of remote systemConfigure the client's private keyConfigure the client's public certificateConfigure the directory containing the CA certificatesConfigure the file containing the CA certificatesCould not load the API description from the serverCould't read SSL client certificate %s.Could't read SSL client key %s.Couldn't create %s. Please create the directory before setting defaults.Couldn't find the requested param in %s.Couldn't parse URI '%s'.Date and time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or ISO 8601 formatDefault:Defaults managementDelete a default paramDeprecated: %{deprecated_msg}DescriptionEnvironment variable HAMMER_NIL can not be empty.Error: %sError: %{message}Error: Some of the required modules are disabled in configuration: %s.Exit interactive shellExplicitly turn interactive mode on/offFetch CA certificate from server and exitFetching the CA certificate failed:File %s not writeable, won't log anything to the file!Force reload of Apipie cacheFormat output in markdownGet list of possible endingsHammer CLI helpHide headers from outputIdIf you choose any other location set the ssl_ca_path or ssl_ca_file configuration options appropriately.Illegal quoting in %{buffer}Interactive shellIt will be used automatically when ssl_ca_path and ssl_ca_file options are not set.List all the default parametersList all the providersMake sure your server sends cert chain including the CA.MessageMissing arguments for %sNameNo permissions to create log dir %s.No such sub-command '%s'.No value provided.Now hammer can use the downloaded certificate to verify SSL connection to the server.Numeric value is required.One of options %s is required.Only one of options %s can be set.Option %s is required.Option '%s' is required.Option '%{opt}' (or env %{env}) is required.Option '%{swt}': %{msg}.Options %s are required.Output as CSV (same as --output=csv)Page %{page} of %{total} (use --page and --per-page for navigation).ParameterParameter '%{pmt}': %{msg}.Password to access the remote systemPath to custom config filePerhaps you meant to connect to '%s'?Possible value(s): %sPrint help for all hammer commandsPrint help for commandsProviderProvider %{name} was not found. See `hammer defaults providers` for available providers.Remote system addressSSL certificate verification failedSSL client authentication disabled.SSL client certificate is set but the key is not.SSL client key is set but the certificate is not.SSL errorSee: '%{path} --help'.Set output format. One of [%s]Show debugging outputShow ids of associated resourcesShow versionSupported defaultsThe CA certificate for %{uri} couldn't be downloaded. No CA cert was found.The name of the default optionThe name of the default option (e.g. organization_id)The name of the provider providing the value. For list available providers see `hammer defaults providers`The param name is not supported by provider. See `hammer defaults providers` for supported params.The service at the given URI does not accept SSL connections.The value for the default optionTo see the actual chain you can use openssl commandToo many arguments.Type 'help' for usage information.Unable to find hostname in %s.Unable to parse JSON input.Unknown option name '%s'.Unrecognised option '%s'.Use standard authentication in addition to client certificate authenticationUsername to access the remote systemValueValue must be %s.Value must be a combination of '%s'.Value must be defined as a comma-separated list of key=value or valid JSON.Value must be one of %s.Warning: An error occured while loading module %s.Warning: Couldn't load configuration file %{path}: %{message}.Warning: Option %{option} is deprecated. %{message}Welcome to the hammer interactive shell.You can also download the certificate manually and store it as %s.You can display the certificate content withYou can't set all options %s at one time.You can't set any of options %s.You can't set option %s.You must specify value or a provider name, can't specify both.is the server down?nounknown versionwas '%s' run on the server when using apipie cache? (typical production settings)yesProject-Id-Version: hammer-cli 0.16.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2018-10-24 09:41+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-24 09:33+0000 Last-Translator: Lukáš Zapletal Language-Team: Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/foreman/foreman/language/zh_CN/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: zh_CN Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %{env}:%{msg}。%{flag} 已弃用:%{deprecated_msg}成功删除 %{param}。'%s' 不是有效日期。,或者在配置中添加默认参数添加使用值 %{val_val} 的 %{key_val} 默认选项。添加使用该服务器生成值的 %{key_val} 默认选项。'%s' 的任意组合(用逗号分开的列表)您还可以用 root 账户安装证书、更新系统级受信 CA 证书列表,如下所示:%s 选项中的至少一个是必需的。注意,hammer 无法验证证书是否正确,您应验证其真实性。%{uri} 的 CA 证书已被存储至 %{file}。无法多次指定。无法将子命令 %s (%s) 替换为 %s (%s)。用来分开数值的字符逗号分隔值列表。含有逗号的值应当用双引号括起或使用反斜杠转义用逗号分隔的 key=value 列表配置远程系统的 SSL 验证配置客户端的私钥配置客户端的公共证书配置包含 CA 证书的目录配置包含 CA 证书的文件无法从服务器载入 API 描述无法读取 SSL 客户端证书 %s。无法读取 SSL 客户端密钥 %s。无法创建 %s。请先创建目录,然后设置默认值。无法在 %s 中找到请求的参数。无法解析 URI '%s'。日期和时间格式为 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 或者 ISO 8601 格式默认:默认管理删除默认参数已弃用:%{deprecated_msg}描述环境变量 HAMMER_NIL 不能为空。错误:%s错误:%{message}错误:在配置中禁用了一些要求的模块:%s。退出互动 shell明确打开/关闭互动模式从服务器获取 CA 证书,然后退出获取 CA 证书失败:无法写入文件 %s,因此无法记录文件的任何变化!强制重新载入 Apipie 缓存格式输出下降获取可能结尾的列表Hammer CLI 帮助从输出中隐藏标题Id如果您选择任何其他位置,则请适当设置 ssl_ca_path 或 ssl_ca_file 配置选项。%{buffer} 中的非法引用互动 shell未设置 ssl_ca_path 和 ssl_ca_file 选项时,将自动使用该证书。列出所有默认参数列出所有提供者确保您的服务器发送了包括 CA 在内的证书链。信息缺少 %s 的参数名称没有创建日志目录 %s 的权限。没有此类子命令 '%s'。未提供值。现在,hammer 可以使用下载的证书来验证与服务器的 SSL 连接。需要提供数值。%s 选项中的一个是必需的。仅可设置 %s 选项中的一个。选项 %s 是必需的。选项 '%s' 是必需的。选项 '%{opt}'(或 env %{env})是必需的。选项 '%{swt}':%{msg}。选项 %s 是必需的。作为 CSV 输出(与 --output=csv 相同) 第 %{page} 页,共 %{total} 页(使用 --page 和 --per-page 进行导航)。参数参数 '%{pmt}':%{msg}。访问远程系统的密码到自定义配置文件的路径可能您想要连接至 '%s'?可能值为:%s打印针对所有 hammer 命令的帮助信息输出命令帮助信息提供者没有找到提供程序 %{name}。有关可用的提供程序,请参见 `hammer defaults providers` 。远程系统地址SSL 证书验证失败SSL 客户端验证已被禁用。设置了 SSL 客户端证书,但未设置密钥。设置了 SSL 客户端密钥,但未设置证书。SSL 错误请查看: '%{path} --help'。设定输出格式。[%s] 之一显示调试输出显示关联资源的 id显示版本支持的默认无法为 %{uri} 下载 CA 证书。未找到 CA 证书。默认选项名称默认选项名称(例如:organization_id)提供该值的提供者名称。有关可用提供者列表,请查看 `hammer defaults providers`提供者不支持该参数名称。有关支持的参数,请查看 `hammer defaults providers`。给定 URI 上的服务不接受 SSL 连接。默认选项值要查看实际的证书链,您可以使用 openssl 命令参数太多。输入 ‘help’ 获取用法信息。无法在 %s 中找到主机名。无法解析 JSON 输入。未知选项名称 '%s'。无法识别的选项 '%s'。除了客户端证书验证外,还使用标准验证访问远程系统的用户名选项值值必须是 %s。值必须是 '%s' 的组合。必须作为用逗号分隔的 key=value 列表或有效的 JSON 来定义值。值必须是 %s 中的一个。警告:载入模块 %s 时出错。警告:无法加载配置文件 %{path}:%{message}。警告:%{option} 选项已过时。%{message}欢迎使用 hammer 互动 shell。您也可以手动下载证书,并将其存储为 %s。您可以通过以下方式显示证书内容无法一次设置所有选项 %s。您无法设置任意 %s 选项。您无法设置 %s 选项。您必须指定值或提供程序名称,但不能同时指定这两项。服务器宕机了吗?否未知版本使用 apipie 缓存时服务器中是否运行了 '%s'?(典型产品设置)是