#!/bin/bash function __rvm_meta { rvm_meta_author="Wayne E. Seguin" rvm_meta_author_email="wayneeseguin@gmail.com" rvm_meta_website="http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/" rvm_meta_version="0.0.37" rvm_meta_updated="2009.09.09" } function __rvm_version { __rvm_meta ; echo "rvm $rvm_meta_version ($rvm_meta_updated) [$rvm_meta_website]" ; } function __rvm_usage { __rvm_meta cat <<-Usage rvm ${rvm_meta_version} ${rvm_meta_website} by ${rvm_meta_author} (${rvm_meta_author_email}) Usage: rvm Action [Implementation] [Options] Action: * usage - Show this usage information use - Switch to using a specific ruby version (new login shell) info - Show information for current ruby list - Show currently installed versions gemdir - Switch to gem directory for installation (new login shell) srcdir - Switch to src directory for the current ruby installation gemdup - Clone source version gems to current version (highly expiramental) Example: rvm gemdup ~/.gem/ruby/1.8/ install - Install a ruby version, default is from source uninstall - Uninstall a ruby version reset - Remove default and current settings, exit the shell. (If you experience odd behavior try this first) rubydo - Used with -f to run a ruby file against specified or all rubies gemdo - Used with -f to execute a command using selected ruby's 'gem' debug - Emit environment & configuration information for *current* ruby reload - Reload rvm source itself (useful after changing rvm source) implode - Removes all ruby installations it manages, everything in ~/.rvm update - Upgrades rvm to the latest version. Implementation: * ruby - MRI/YARV Ruby (The Standard), defaults to 1.8.6 jruby - jRuby rubinius - Rubinius ree - Ruby Enterprise Edition system - Use the system ruby (eg. pre-rvm state) default - Use rvm set default ruby and system if it hasn't been set. Options: -v|--version - Ruby Package Version, defaults to 'latest' -l|--level - Patch level for the specified Ruby version -p|--prefix - Package and source directory prefix, with trailing slash! Default is a users home directory and /usr/local/ for root -a|--archives - Directory to place downladed files into (~/.rvm/archives/) -n|--nice - Niceness level (default: 0) -m|--gem-set - Named gem set for switching between different gem sets --rm-gem-set - Removes a named gemset. -l|--level - Specify a patch level to use -t|--tag - -r|--rev - Specify the repository revision # to use or 'head' for -P|--prefix - Sets the prefix path for installs to be installed to -B|--bin - Specify path for binaries to be placed -S|--source - Specify src directory to use -A|--archive - Specify archive directory to use (tabralls / zips) -G|--gems - Specify root gem path to use -C|--configure - Specify custom configure options, comma separated default: --enable-shared=true --re-configure - Force installer to re-run configure if already run -M|--make - Specify a custom make command -I|--make-install - " a custom make install command -n|--nice - Specify a process niceness (for slow computers) -f|--file - Specify a ruby file to run with 'rubydo' command -h|--help - Emit this output and exit -d|--default - Set the default Ruby to a specified version -m|--gem-set - Use a named gem set instead of the default set. --all - Used with 'rvm list' to list "most" installable versions. --rm-gem-set - Remove a named gem set --jit - Enable JIT for the Rubinius build --force - Force install, removes old install & source directories. --set-prompt - Set prompt to have the selected ruby prepended. --debug|--trace - Toggle debug mode on for very verbose output. Resources: http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/ https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/26822 Usage } function __rvm_info { cat < \033[0m $*" ;; info) shift ; echo -e "\n\033[0;32m \033[0m $*" ;; warn) shift ; echo -e "\n\033[0;33m \033[0m $*" ;; fail) shift ; echo -e "\n\033[0;31m \033[0m $*" ; popd 2> /dev/null ; return 1 ;; *) echo -e "$*" esac } function __rvm_clean-path { PATH=`echo $PATH | tr -s ':' '\n' | awk '!($0 in a){a[$0];print}' | tr -s '\n' ':' | sed 's/:$//'` export PATH } function __rvm_remove-rvm-from-path { PATH=`echo $PATH | tr -s ':' '\n' | grep -v "\.rvm" | tr -s '\n' ':' | sed 's/:$//'` export PATH } function __rvm_gi { gem install -q --no-rdoc --no-ri $* ; } function __rvm_run { log_file_name="$1" ; shift command="$*" mkdir -p $rvm_ruby_log_path if [ $rvm_debug ] ; then __rvm_log "debug" "Executing: $command" ; fi touch $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log # for zsh :( eval "nice -n $rvm_niceness $command" >> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.log 2>> $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/$log_file_name.error.log" ; popd 2> /dev/null ; return 1 ; fi unset log_file command } function __rvm_cleanup-variables { unset rvm_selected rvm_action rvm_ruby_interpreter rvm_ruby_patch_level rvm_ruby_version rvm_irbrc_file rvm_ruby_irbrc rvm_source_path rvm_path rvm_debug rvm_prefix_path rvm_ruby_package_name rvm_gem_path rvm_command rvm_error_message rvm_ruby_home rvm_ruby_binary rvm_gem_set_name rvm_delete_flag rvm_ruby_tag rvm_ruby_rev rvm_url rvm_ruby_make rvm_ruby_make_install rvm_config_path rvm_bin_path rvm_force rvm_all rvm_re_configure } # TODO: root user loadng of /etc/rvmrc function __rvm_load-rvmrc { if [ -s ~/.rvmrc ] ; then source ~/.rvmrc ; fi } function __rvm_bin_scripts { if [ -z "$rvm_selected" ] ; then __rvm_select $* ; fi ruby_wrapper=$(cat <<-RubyWrapper #!/bin/bash puts "rvm installed ruby binaries should *not* be run as the root user (yet): http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/faq/" if (`whoami`.strip == "root") GEM_HOME=$rvm_gem_home ; export GEM_HOME MY_RUBY_HOME=$rvm_ruby_home ; export MY_RUBY_HOME PATH=$rvm_ruby_home/bin:$rvm_gem_home/bin:\$PATH ; export PATH exec "$rvm_ruby_binary" "\$@" RubyWrapper ) echo "$ruby_wrapper" > $rvm_bin_path/$rvm_ruby_package_name unset ruby_wrapper chmod +x $rvm_bin_path/$rvm_ruby_package_name } function __rvm_fetch { pushd $rvm_archives_path > /dev/null eval $rvm_fetch "$1" if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "error" "There was an error, please check $rvm_ruby_log_path/*.error.log" ; popd 2> /dev/null ; return 1 ; fi popd 2> /dev/null } function __rvm_load-defaults { if [ ! -s $rvm_path/system ] ; then for variable in RUBY_VERSION GEM_HOME MY_RUBY_HOME PATH ; do eval value=\$${variable} if [ -z "$value" ] ; then echo "unset ${variable}" >> $rvm_path/system else eval "export $variable" eval value=\$${variable} echo "${variable}='$value' ; export ${variable}" >> $rvm_path/system fi done fi rvm_default_path=`__rvm_db "rvm_default_path"` if [ -z "$rvm_default_path" ] ; then __rvm_clean-path # Clean the path the first time we compute default path. __rvm_remove-rvm-from-path rvm_default_path="$PATH" __rvm_db "rvm_default_path" "$rvm_default_path" fi rvm_default_ps1=`__rvm_db "rvm_default_ps1"` if [ -z "$rvm_default_ps1" ] ; then rvm_default_ps1=$PS1 __rvm_db "rvm_default_ps1" "$rvm_default_ps1" fi rvm_default_system_ruby=`__rvm_db "default_system_ruby"` if [ -z "$rvm_default_system_ruby" ] ; then rvm_default_system_ruby=`which ruby` if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "info" "System ruby not found, no db will be stored." else __rvm_db "default_system_ruby" "$rvm_default_system_ruby" # Now store default system & user gem paths rvm_default_user_gem_path=`__rvm_db "default_user_gem_path"` if [ -z "$rvm_default_user_gem_path" ] ; then rvm_default_user_gem_path=`ruby -r rubygems -e "puts Gem::default_path.compact.first"` __rvm_db "default_user_gem_path" "$rvm_default_user_gem_path" fi rvm_default_system_gem_path=`__rvm_db "default_system_gem_path"` if [ -z "$rvm_default_system_gem_path" ] ; then rvm_default_system_gem_path=`ruby -r rubygems -e "puts Gem::default_path.compact[1] || Gem::default_path.compact.first"` __rvm_db "default_system_gem_path" "$rvm_default_system_gem_path" fi fi fi } function __rvm_reset { PATH="$rvm_path/bin:$rvm_default_path" ; export PATH for variable in RUBY_VERSION GEM_HOME MY_RUBY_HOME ; do unset $variable ; done if [ -f $rvm_path/system ] ; then rm -f $rvm_path/system ; fi rm -f $rvm_path/default* # TODO: Remove this after a few releases: rm -f $rvm_path/current* __rvm_select "system" for default in default_ps1 default_path default_system_ruby default_system_gem_path default_user_gem_path ; do __rvm_db "$default" "delete" done ; unset default variable } function __rvm_implode { while : ; do __rvm_log "warn" "Are you SURE you wish for rvm to implode? This will remove $rvm_path ? (type 'yes' or 'no')" read response if [ "$response" = "yes" ] ; then if [ -d $rvm_path ] ; then __rvm_log "info" "Hai! Removing $rvm_path" rm -rf $rvm_path/ else __rvm_log "info" "It appears that $rvm_path is already non existant." fi break elif [ "$response" = "no" ] ; then __rvm_log "info" "Cancelling implosion, no harm done :)" break fi done } function __rvm_gem-dir { if [ -z "$rvm_selected" ] ; then __rvm_select $* ; fi mkdir -p $rvm_gem_home echo $rvm_gem_home } function __rvm_src-dir { if [ -z "$rvm_selected" ] ; then __rvm_select $* ; fi if [ -z "$rvm_ruby_src_path" ] ; then __rvm_log "fail" "No source directory exists for the default implementation." else echo "$rvm_ruby_src_path" fi } # clones from source implementation/version to default function __rvm_gem-dup { if [ "$1" = "default" ] ; then rvm_source_gem_dir="$rvm_default_user_gem_path" elif [ "$1" = "system" ] ; then rvm_source_gem_dir="$rvm_default_system_gem_path" else rvm_source_gem_dir=${1:-$rvm_default_user_gem_path} # TODO: check for and remove trailing /gems fi if [ ! -z "$rvm_source_gem_dir" ] ; then for rvm_gem_name_version in `/bin/ls $rvm_source_gem_dir/gems` ; do rvm_gem_name=${rvm_gem_name_version%-*} rvm_gem_version=${rvm_gem_name_version##*-} if [ -d $GEM_HOME/gems/$rvm_gem_name_version ] ; then echo "$rvm_gem_name_version already installed." else __rvm_gi $rvm_source_gem_dir/cache/$rvm_gem_name-$rvm_gem_version.gem fi done unset rvm_gem_name_version rvm_gem_name rvm_gem_version else __rvm_log "fail" "Unknown $rvm_ruby_interpreter version: $rvm_ruby_version" fi } function __rvm_db { rvm_hash_file="$rvm_config_path/db" touch $rvm_hash_file key="$1" ; shift if [ -z "$key" ] ; then __rvm_log "fail" "__rvm_db must be called with at least one argument: __rvm_db key [value]" else if [ "$key" = "unset" -o "$key" = "delete" ] ; then sed -i# "s/^$2=.*$//" $rvm_hash_file else value="$*" if [ -z "$value" ] ; then # get grep "^$key=" $rvm_hash_file | head -n 1 | awk -F'=' '{print $2}' else # set if [ -z "$(grep "^$key=" $rvm_hash_file)" ] ; then # append echo "$key=$value" >> $rvm_hash_file else # overwrite sed -i# "s/^$key=.*$/$key=$value/" $rvm_hash_file fi fi fi fi } # Q: TODO: Is this neccessary any longer? function __rvm_symlinks { # TODO: Account for the ruby wrapper script files mkdir -p ${rvm_path}/bin for release in `/bin/ls $rvm_path | grep 'ruby-'` ; do for binary in irb gem rdoc ri erb ; do if [ -x $rvm_path/$release/bin/$binary ] ; then ln -fs $rvm_path/$release/bin/$binary $rvm_path/bin/$binary-${release#ruby-} fi done done } function __rvm_list { if [ "$rvm_all" ] ; then svn list http://svn.ruby-lang.org/repos/ruby/tags/ | grep 'v1_[8|9]' | sed 's/^v1_//' | sed 's/\/$//' | awk -F'_' '{print "1."$1"."$2 " -l "$3}' | sed 's/p$//' echo "jruby 1.2.0" echo "jruby 1.3.0" echo "jruby 1.3.1" echo "jruby head" echo "rubinius head" echo "rbx head" echo "rbx head --jit" echo "ree 20090610" else current=`which ruby | xargs dirname | xargs dirname | xargs basename` echo -e "\nruby:\n" for version in `/bin/ls -l $rvm_path/ | awk '/ ruby-[1-2].*/ { print $NF }'` ; do if [ "$current" = "$version" ] ; then echo -e "=> $version" selected="1" else echo -e " $version" fi done unset version echo -e "\njruby:\n" for version in `/bin/ls -l $rvm_path/ | awk '/jruby-.*/ { print $NF }'` ; do if [ "$current" = "$version" ] ; then echo -e "=> $version" selected="1" else echo -e " $version" fi done unset version echo -e "\nree:\n" for version in `/bin/ls $rvm_path/ | awk '/ruby-enterprise-.*/ { print $NF }'` ; do if [ "$current" = "$version" ] ; then echo -e "=> $version" selected="1" else echo -e " $version" fi done echo -e "\nsystem:\n" if [ "$selected" = "1" ] ; then echo -e " $($rvm_default_system_ruby -v)\n" else echo -e "=> $($rvm_default_system_ruby -v)\n" fi unset current version selected fi } function __rvm_initialize { rvm_fetch=`which curl` if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then rvm_fetch=`which wget` if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then __rvm_log "fail" "rvm expects either curl or wget, neither seem to be in your path :(" else rvm_fetch="wget -q -c " fi else rvm_fetch="$rvm_fetch -O -L -s --create-dirs -C - " fi rvm_niceness=${rvm_niceness:-0} # TODO: Sanitize user input, ensure that there is a / a the end... if [ "`whoami`" = "root" ] ; then __rvm_log "fail" "root user support is not yet implemented." #rvm_prefix_path=${rvm_prefix_path:-/usr/local/} else rvm_prefix_path=${rvm_prefix_path:-"$HOME/."} fi if [ "${rvm_prefix_path#${rvm_prefix_path%?}}" = '.' -o "${rvm_prefix_path#${rvm_prefix_path%?}}" = '/' ] ; then rvm_path="${rvm_prefix_path}rvm" else rvm_path="${rvm_prefix_path}/rvm" fi rvm_archives_path="${rvm_archives_path:-"${rvm_path}/archives"}" rvm_source_path="${rvm_source_path:-"${rvm_path}/src"}" rvm_log_path=${rvm_log_path:-"${rvm_path}/log"} rvm_bin_path=${rvm_bin_path:-"${rvm_path}/bin"} rvm_gem_path=${rvm_gem_path:-"${rvm_path}/gems"} rvm_config_path=${rvm_config_path:-"${rvm_path}/config"} rvm_ruby_repo_url="${rvm_ruby_repo_url:-"http://svn.ruby-lang.org/repos/ruby"}" # Rubinius sha1's will be available after RC1. rvm_rubinius_repo_url="${rvm_rubinius_repo_url:-"git://github.com/evanphx/rubinius.git"}" #rvm_macruby_repo_url="${rvm_macruby_repo_url:-"http://svn.macosforge.org/repository/ruby/MacRuby"}" rvm_macruby_repo_url="${rvm_macruby_repo_url:-"git://github.com/masterkain/macruby.git"}" rvm_jruby_repo_url="${rvm_jruby_repo_url:-"git://kenai.com/jruby~main"}" __rvm_clean-path rvm_result=$(echo $PATH | grep 'rvm\/bin:') if [ -z $rvm_result ] ; then PATH=$rvm_bin_path:$PATH ; export PATH fi mkdir -p $rvm_source_path $rvm_bin_path $rvm_archives_path }