### Changelog #### 0.2.5 - Update gem dependencies #### 0.2.4 - Use `require` instead of `require_relative` when possible #### 0.2.3 - Show the proper link name in the `index.html` - Update the :TOhtml option to always ignore folding if set by user #### 0.2.2 - Support ruby version 1.9.3+ - Update gem dependencies - Misc cleanup #### 0.2.1 - Only support ruby version 2.1.0+ due to the use of refinement #### 0.2.0 - Update gems to use refinement instead of monkeypatching - Misc cleanup #### 0.1.12 - Update gemspec to be more precise about gem versions used - Use the latest version of `code_lister` (0.1.17) - Use the latest version of `agile_utils` (0.1.4) - Use the latest version of `index_html` (0.1.4) - Add example detail on how to run with `--command` option #### 0.1.11 - Use lastest version of `code_lister` (0.1.4) #### 0.1.10 - Rename `--shell-command` to `--command` [Improvement] - Move the logic to `code_lister` gem #### 0.1.9 - Add advance `--shell_command` option to get the input file list from the the shell command [New] #### 0.1.8 - Add `configuration.rb` for easy customization of options to `:TOhtml` [New] - Update default usage in `cli.rb` and `README.md` [Improvement] - Suppress line number in the result by default [Improvement] #### 0.1.7 - Handle the edge case for File.binary? #### 0.1.6 - Update rubocop to 0.23.x - Minor code cleanup #### 0.1.5 - Add option '--index' to make it possible to skip the cration of 'index.html' - Make the final output filename 'vim_printer_.tar.gz' #### 0.1.4 - Skip binary input files when applicable #### 0.1.3 - Simplify the CLI interface - Cleanup style with rubocop #### 0.1.2 - Minor code cleanup #### 0.1.1 - First [Semantic Versioning][] release #### 0.1.0 - Make the output work properly when `--base-dir` options is relative path - Update code cleanup #### 0.0.9 - Update to latest gems #### 0.0.8 - Update gemspec - Update dependency to the latest version - Make the `--base-dir .` the default behavior (make output better) - Add rubocop gem #### 0.0.7 - Update dependency gems to the latest version - Add Changelogs.md - Add links to gemnasium and codeclimate #### 0.0.6 - Move the theme option to [vim_printer][] - Use [agile_utils][] versino 0.0.8 - Make location of the 'index.html' to the current run directory #### 0.0.5 - Use [agile_utils][] version 0.0.5 that have the option bug fix #### 0.0.4 - Fix the output path of 'index.html' to root directory to make links valid. - Update [agile_utils][] to '0.0.4' - Code cleanup using rubocop #### 0.0.3 - Use generic functions from [agile_utils][] gem - Update [index_html][] gem to 0.0.7 - Fix the bug in generated 'index.html' due to bug from index_html gem #### 0.0.2 - Add the 'index_html' gem to generate the 'index.html' to the output - Fix the error in documentation (YARD syntax error) #### 0.0.1 - Initial release [agile_utils]: https://rubygems.org/gems/agile_utils [index_html]: https://rubygems.org/gems/index_html [vim_printer]: https://rubygems.org/gems/vim_printer [Semantic Versioning]: http://semver.org