require 'pathname' module Buzztools module File module_function def sniff_seperator(aPath) result = 0.upto(aPath.length-1) do |i| char = aPath[i,1] break char if char=='\\' || char=='/' end result = ::File::SEPARATOR if result==0 return result end def append_slash(aPath,aSep=nil) aSep = sniff_seperator(aPath) unless aSep aPath.ensure_suffix(aSep) end def remove_slash(aPath) last_char = aPath[-1,1] aPath = aPath[0..-2] if last_char=='\\' || last_char=='/' return aPath end #def ensure_prefix(aString,aPrefix) # aString.begins_with?(aPrefix) ? aString : aPrefix+aString #end # #def ensure_suffix(aString,aSuffix) # aString.ends_with?(aSuffix) ? aString : aString+aSuffix #end # Remove base dir from given path. Result will be relative to base dir and not have a leading or trailing slash #'/a/b/c','/a' = 'b/c' #'/a/b/c','/' = 'a/b/c' #'/','/' = '' def path_debase(aPath,aBase) aBase = append_slash(aBase) aPath = remove_slash(aPath) unless aPath=='/' aPath[0,aBase.length]==aBase ? aPath[aBase.length,aPath.length-aBase.length] : aPath end def path_rebase(aPath,aOldBase,aNewBase) rel_path = path_debase(aPath,aOldBase) append_slash(aNewBase)+rel_path end def path_relative?(aPath) return false if aPath[0,1]=='/' return false if aPath =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:/ return true end def path_combine(aBasePath,aPath) return aBasePath if !aPath return aPath if !aBasePath return path_relative?(aPath) ? ::File.join(aBasePath,aPath) : aPath end # make path real according to file system def real_path(aPath) (path = && path.realpath.to_s end # takes a path and combines it with a root path (which defaults to Dir.pwd) unless it is absolute # the final result is then expanded def canonize_path(aPath,aRootPath=nil) path = path_combine(aRootPath,aPath) path = real_path(path) if path path end def find_upwards(aStartPath,aPath) curr_path = ::File.expand_path(aStartPath) while curr_path && !(test_path_exists = ::File.exists?(test_path = ::File.join(curr_path,aPath))) do curr_path = path_parent(curr_path) end curr_path && test_path_exists ? test_path : nil end # allows special symbols in path # currently only ... supported, which looks upward in the filesystem for the following relative path from the basepath def expand_magic_path(aPath,aBasePath=nil) aBasePath ||= Dir.pwd path = aPath if path.begins_with?('...') rel_part = path.split3(/\.\.\.[\/\\]/)[2] return find_upwards(aBasePath,rel_part) end path_combine(aBasePath,aPath) end def is_root_path?(aPath) # if is_windows? # (aPath =~ /^[a-zA-Z]\:[\\\/]$/)==0 # else aPath == '/' # end end def path_parent(aPath) return nil if is_root_path?(aPath) append_slash(::File.dirname(remove_slash(::File.expand_path(aPath)))) end def simple_dir_name(aPath) ::File.basename(remove_slash(aPath)) end def simple_file_name(aPath) f = ::File.basename(aPath) dot = f.index('.') return dot ? f[0,dot] : f end def path_parts(aPath) sep = sniff_seperator(aPath) aPath.split(sep) end def extension(aFile,aExtended=true) f = ::File.basename(aFile) dot = aExtended ? f.index('.') : f.rindex('.') return dot ? f[dot+1..-1] : f end def no_extension(aFile,aExtended=true) ext = extension(aFile,aExtended) return aFile.chomp('.'+ext) end def change_ext(aFile,aExt,aExtend=false) no_extension(aFile,false)+(aExtend ? '.'+aExt+'.'+extension(aFile,false) : '.'+aExt) end end end