module Workarea module Core class Engine < ::Rails::Engine extend Workarea::MountPoint isolate_namespace Workarea engine_name :workarea console do Mongoid::AuditLog.enable Mongoid::AuditLog.current_modifier = User.console end %w(app/queries app/seeds app/services app/view_models app/workers).each do |path| config.autoload_paths << "#{root}/#{path}" end config.before_configuration do # # Code here runs before the application's config/environments/#{current_environment}.rb # # So putting config here allows it to be overridden, which # is desirable for many types of config. # Configuration.setup_defaults Configuration::Sidekiq.load Configuration::CacheStore.load Configuration::AssetHost.load Configuration::ActionMailer.load Configuration::Logstasher.load Configuration::ErrorHandling.load Configuration::I18n.load end initializer 'workarea.core.image_optim', before: 'image_optim.initializer' do if Rails.application.config.assets.image_optim.blank? Rails.application.config.assets.image_optim = { pack: true, pngout: false, svgo: false } end end config.after_initialize do |app| # Do this after initialization so app initializers have a chance to run unless Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test? if Rails.env.test? # This is here to help transition a poorly named configuration Configuration::HeadlessChrome.load # System tests can timeout without this, due to slow template resolution # if you have many plugins installed. ActionView::Resolver.caching = true end if app.assets.present? app.assets.context_class.instance_eval do include Workarea::Plugin::AssetAppendsHelper # Enable ActionView Helpers in the asset pipeline include ActionView::Helpers include InlineSvg::ActionView::Helpers end end Configuration::Mongoid.load unless Mongoid::Config.configured? Configuration::Dragonfly.load Configuration::LocalizedActiveFields.load Workarea::ScheduledJobs.clean if Rails.application.config.time_zone == 'UTC' warn <<~eos ************************************************** ⛔️ WARNING: Rails.application.config.time_zone is set to UTC, which you \ probably don't want. As of Workarea 3.2, we use that value as the standard \ timezone for the admin side of the application. We recommend setting this to the timezone of the retailer. Contact them to \ find their preference. ************************************************** eos end auto_redirect = 'Workarea::Search::StorefrontSearch::ProductAutoRedirect' if Workarea.config.storefront_search_middleware.include?(auto_redirect) warn <<~eos DEPRECATION WARNING: #{auto_redirect} is deprecated and will be removed in Workarea 3.3. \ Remove it from Workarea.config.storefront_search_middleware. eos end if (!Rails.env.test? && !Workarea.config.skip_service_connections && Configuration::Mongoid.indexes_enforced?) warn <<~eos ************************************************** ⛔️ WARNING: MongoDB is configured with notablescan. This means that MongoDB won't run queries that require a collection scan and will return an error. Workarea turns this on for running tests to assert that queries have indexes, and turns it off at the end of the test run. Since you're not running in the test environment and this is turned on, it might mean the test process was killed, preventing Workarea from turning it off. To turn this off, start the mongo shell and run this command: db.getSiblingDB("admin").runCommand( { setParameter: 1, notablescan: 0 } ) ************************************************** eos end if !Rails.env.test? && !Rails.env.development? && warn <<~eos ************************************************** ⛔️ WARNING: Dragonfly is configured to use the filesystem. This means all Dragonfly assets (assets, product images, etc.) will be stored locally and not accessible to all servers within your environment. We recommend using S3 when running in a live environment by setting WORKAREA_S3_REGION and WORKAREA_S3_BUCKET_NAME in your environment variables, and setting `Workarea.config.asset_store = :s3` in an initializer. ************************************************** eos end end end end end