module Epay module Api class << self def authorize(post) # Authorize transaction: AUTHORIZE_URL, post do |response, request, result| # The authorization request redirects to either accept or decline url: if location = response.headers[:location] query = CGI::parse(URI.parse(location.gsub(' ', '%20')).query) Hash[ do |k, v| [k, v.is_a?(Array) && v.size == 1 ? v[0] : v] # make values like ['v'] into 'v' end] else # No location header found raise ApiError, response end end end def default_post_for_params(params) { :merchantnumber => Epay.merchant_number, :cardno => params[:card_no], :cvc => params[:cvc], :expmonth => params[:exp_month], :expyear => params[:exp_year], :amount => (params[:amount] * 100).to_i, :currency => Epay::CURRENCY_CODES[(params[:currency] || Epay.default_currency).to_sym], :orderid => params[:order_no], :accepturl => AUTHORIZE_URL + "?accept=1", :declineurl => AUTHORIZE_URL + "?decline=1", } end def handle_failed_response(response) case['epayresponse'] when "-1002" then raise InvalidMerchantNumber when "-1008" then raise TransactionNotFound else raise ApiError,['epayresponse'] end end def request(url, action, params = {}, &block) service_url = "#{url}.asmx" soap_action = url + '/' + action params[:merchantnumber] ||= Epay.merchant_number params[:pwd] = Epay.password if Epay.password.present? headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', 'SOAPAction' => soap_action, 'User-Agent' => "Ruby / epay (#{VERSION})" } # Setup the SOAP body: xml = => 2) xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'soap:Envelope', { 'xmlns:xsi' => '', 'xmlns:xsd' => '', 'xmlns:soap' => '' } do xml.tag! 'soap:Body' do xml.tag! action, { 'xmlns' => url } do params.each do |attribute, value| xml.tag! attribute, value if value.present? end end end end service_url,!, headers do |raw_response, request, result| response =, action) if block_given? yield response else if response.success? return response else handle_failed_response(response) end end end end end end end