module TestNotifier # create a .test_notifier at your home # directory and save the images as passed.png, # failure.png and error.png for custom images PASSED_IMAGE = "passed.png" FAILURE_IMAGE = "failure.png" ERROR_IMAGE = "error.png" FAILURE_TITLE = "FAILED" PASSED_TITLE = "Passed" RSPEC_REGEX = /(\d+) examples?, (\d+) failures?(, (\d+) pendings?)?/ TEST_UNIT_REGEX = /(\d+)\stests,\s(\d+)\sassertions,\s(\d+)\sfailures,\s(\d+)\serrors/ GROWL_REGISTER_FILE = File.expand_path("~/.test_notifier-growl") def self.notify(image, title, message) image ||= "none.png" custom_image = File.join(File.expand_path("~/.test_notifier"), image) image = File.exists?(custom_image) ? custom_image : File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "test_notifier", "icons", image) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ if `ps -Al | grep GrowlHelper` && `which growlnotify` && $? == 0 unless File.file?(GROWL_REGISTER_FILE) script = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/test_notifier/register-growl.scpt" system "osascript #{script} > #{GROWL_REGISTER_FILE}" end system("growlnotify -n test_notifier --image #{image} -p 2 -m \"#{message}\" -t \"#{title}\"") else puts "No compatible popup notification system installed." puts "Try installing these:\n* growl" end elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin/ begin require 'snarl' rescue LoadError puts 'To be notified by a popup please install Snarl and a ruby gem "snarl".' else Snarl.show_message(title, message, image) end elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(linux|freebsd)/ # if osd_cat is avaible if `which osd_cat` && $? == 0 color = case image when /#{PASSED_IMAGE}/ 'green' when /#{FAILURE_IMAGE}/ 'orange' when /#{ERROR_IMAGE}/ 'red' else 'white' end OsdCat.send "#{title} \n #{message}", color # if dcop server is running elsif `ps -Al | grep dcop` && $? == 0 def self.knotify title, msg system "dcop knotify default notify " + "eventname \'#{title}\' \'#{msg}\' '' '' 16 2" end knotify title, message # if kdialog is available elsif `which kdialog` && $? == 0 system("kdialog --title #{title} --passivepopup \"#{message}\" 5") # if notify-send is avaible elsif `which notify-send` && $? == 0 system("notify-send -i #{image} #{title} \"#{message}\"") else puts "No popup notification software installed." puts "Try installing one of this:\n * osd_cat (apt-get install xosd-bin),\n * knotify (use KDE),\n * notify-send (apt-get install libnotify-bin)" end end end def self.rspec?(content) (RSPEC_REGEX =~ content) end def self.notification_for_rspec(content) matches, *output = *content.to_s.match(RSPEC_REGEX) output = {|i| i.to_i } e, f, none, p = output if f > 0 # test has failed title = FAILURE_TITLE image = FAILURE_IMAGE elsif e > 0 # everything's ok title = PASSED_TITLE image = PASSED_IMAGE else # no examples return end message = "#{e} examples, #{f} failures, #{p} pending" notify(image, title, message) end def self.notification_for_test_unit(content) matches, *output = *content.to_s.match(TEST_UNIT_REGEX) output = {|i| i.to_i } t, a, f, e = output if f > 0 || e > 0 # test has failed or raised an error title = FAILURE_TITLE image = e > 0 ? ERROR_IMAGE : FAILURE_IMAGE elsif a > 0 # everything's ok title = PASSED_TITLE image = PASSED_IMAGE else # no assertions return end message = "#{t} tests, #{a} assertions, #{f} failures, #{e} errors" notify(image, title, message) end end # Provides a method for popup notifications using osd_cat # Extracted from module OsdCat # TODO move this module to a separate file # Use xlsfonts to find the different fonts FONT = "-bitstream-charter-bold-r-normal--33-240-100-100-p-206-iso8859-1" # Will display the message on the top of the screen centered, adjust these numbers to suit. POSITION = "top" # top|middle|bottom POSITION_OFFSET = "0" # Pixels from position to display (think CSS margin) ALIGN = "center" # left|right|center def self.send msg, color='green' osd_command = "echo #{msg.inspect} | osd_cat --font=#{FONT} --shadow=0 --pos=#{POSITION} -o #{POSITION_OFFSET} --delay=4 --outline=4 --align=#{ALIGN} -c #{color}" # osd_cat blocks so start a new thread, otherwise Autotest will wait do `#{osd_command}` end end end