# encoding: utf-8 require 'set' class Sanitize; module Transformers; class CleanElement # Matches a valid HTML5 data attribute name. The unicode ranges included here # are a conservative subset of the full range of characters that are # technically allowed, with the intent of matching the most common characters # used in data attribute names while excluding uncommon or potentially # misleading characters, or characters with the potential to be normalized # into unsafe or confusing forms. # # If you need data attr names with characters that aren't included here (such # as combining marks, full-width characters, or CJK), please consider creating # a custom transformer to validate attributes according to your needs. # # http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/elements.html#embedding-custom-non-visible-data-with-the-data-*-attributes REGEX_DATA_ATTR = /\Adata-(?!xml)[a-z_][\w.\u00E0-\u00F6\u00F8-\u017F\u01DD-\u02AF-]*\z/u def initialize(config) @add_attributes = config[:add_attributes] @attributes = config[:attributes].dup @elements = config[:elements] @protocols = config[:protocols] @remove_all_contents = false @remove_element_contents = Set.new @whitespace_elements = {} @attributes.each do |element_name, attrs| unless element_name == :all @attributes[element_name] = Set.new(attrs).merge(@attributes[:all] || []) end end # Backcompat: if :whitespace_elements is a Set, convert it to a hash. if config[:whitespace_elements].is_a?(Set) config[:whitespace_elements].each do |element| @whitespace_elements[element] = {:before => ' ', :after => ' '} end else @whitespace_elements = config[:whitespace_elements] end if config[:remove_contents].is_a?(Set) @remove_element_contents.merge(config[:remove_contents].map(&:to_s)) else @remove_all_contents = !!config[:remove_contents] end end def call(env) node = env[:node] return if node.type != Nokogiri::XML::Node::ELEMENT_NODE || env[:is_whitelisted] name = env[:node_name] # Delete any element that isn't in the config whitelist. unless @elements.include?(name) # Elements like br, div, p, etc. need to be replaced with whitespace in # order to preserve readability. if @whitespace_elements.include?(name) node.add_previous_sibling(Nokogiri::XML::Text.new(@whitespace_elements[name][:before].to_s, node.document)) unless node.children.empty? node.add_next_sibling(Nokogiri::XML::Text.new(@whitespace_elements[name][:after].to_s, node.document)) end end unless @remove_all_contents || @remove_element_contents.include?(name) node.children.each {|n| node.add_previous_sibling(n) } end node.unlink return end attr_whitelist = @attributes[name] || @attributes[:all] if attr_whitelist.nil? # Delete all attributes from elements with no whitelisted attributes. node.attribute_nodes.each {|attr| attr.unlink } else allow_data_attributes = attr_whitelist.include?(:data) # Delete any attribute that isn't allowed on this element. node.attribute_nodes.each do |attr| attr_name = attr.name.downcase if attr_whitelist.include?(attr_name) # The attribute is whitelisted. # Remove any attributes that use unacceptable protocols. if @protocols.include?(name) && @protocols[name].include?(attr_name) attr_protocols = @protocols[name][attr_name] if attr.value.to_s.downcase =~ REGEX_PROTOCOL attr.unlink unless attr_protocols.include?($1.downcase) else attr.unlink unless attr_protocols.include?(:relative) end end else # The attribute isn't whitelisted. if allow_data_attributes && attr_name.start_with?('data-') # Arbitrary data attributes are allowed. Verify that the attribute # is a valid data attribute. attr.unlink unless attr_name =~ REGEX_DATA_ATTR else # Either the attribute isn't a data attribute, or arbitrary data # attributes aren't allowed. Remove the attribute. attr.unlink end end end end # Add required attributes. if @add_attributes.include?(name) @add_attributes[name].each {|key, val| node[key] = val } end end end; end; end