require 'active_support' =begin license --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Angrez Singh Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names Angrez Singh nor the names of contributors to this software may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (based on BSD Open Source License) =end # Base class for html elements. # This is not a class that users would normally access. class Element include FireWatir::Container # Number of spaces that separate the property from the value in the to_s method TO_S_SIZE = 14 # How to get the nodes using XPath in mozilla. ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE = 5 # To get the number of nodes returned by the xpath expression NUMBER_TYPE = 1 # To get single node value FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE = 9 # This stores the level to which we have gone finding element inside another element. # This is just to make sure that every element has unique name in JSSH. @@current_level = 0 # This stores the name of the element that is about to trigger an Javascript pop up. #@@current_js_object = nil attr_accessor :element_name # # Description: # Creates new instance of element. If argument is not nil and is of type string this # sets the element_name and element_type property of the object. These properties can # be accessed using element_object and element_type methods respectively. # # Used internally by Firewatir. # # Input: # element - Name of the variable with which the element is referenced in JSSh. # def initialize(element, container=nil) @container = container @element_name = element @element_type = element_type #puts "in initialize " #puts caller(0) #if(element != nil && element.class == String) #@element_name = element #elsif(element != nil && element.class == Element) # @o = element #end #puts "@element_name is #{@element_name}" #puts "@element_type is #{@element_type}" end private def self.def_wrap(ruby_method_name, ole_method_name = nil) ole_method_name = ruby_method_name unless ole_method_name class_eval "def #{ruby_method_name} assert_exists # Every element has its name starting from element. If yes then # use element_name to send the command to jssh. Else its a number # and we are still searching for element, in this case use doc.all # array with element_name as index to send command to jssh #puts element_object.to_s #if(@element_type == 'HTMLDivElement') # ole_method_name = 'innerHTML' #end jssh_socket.send('typeof(' + element_object + '.#{ole_method_name});\n', 0) return_type = read_socket() return_value = get_attribute_value(\"#{ole_method_name}\") #if(return_value == '' || return_value == \"null\") # return_value = \"\" #end if(return_type == \"boolean\") return_value = false if return_value == \"false\" return_value = true if return_value == \"true\" end #puts return_value @@current_level = 0 return return_value end" end def get_attribute_value(attribute_name) #if the attribut name is columnLength get number of cells in first row if rows exist. case attribute_name when "columnLength" rowsLength = js_eval_method "columns" if (rowsLength != 0 || rowsLength != "") return js_eval_method("rows[0].cells.length") end when "text" return text when "url", "href", "src", "action", "name" return_value = js_eval_method("getAttribute(\"#{attribute_name}\")") else jssh_command = "var attribute = ''; if(#{element_object}.#{attribute_name} != undefined) attribute = #{element_object}.#{attribute_name}; else attribute = #{element_object}.getAttribute(\"#{attribute_name}\"); attribute;" return_value = js_eval(jssh_command) end if attribute_name == "value" tagName = js_eval_method("tagName").downcase type = js_eval_method("type").downcase if tagName == "button" || ["image", "submit", "reset", "button"].include?(type) if return_value == "" || return_value == "null" return_value = js_eval_method "innerHTML" end end end if return_value == "null" || return_value =~ /\[object\s.*\]/ return_value = "" end return return_value end private:get_attribute_value # # Description: # Returns an array of the properties of an element, in a format to be used by the to_s method. # additional attributes are returned based on the supplied atributes hash. # name, type, id, value and disabled attributes are common to all the elements. # This method is used internally by to_s method. # # Output: # Array with values of the following properties: # name, type, id, value disabled and the supplied attribues list. # def string_creator(attributes = nil) n = [] n << "name:".ljust(TO_S_SIZE) + get_attribute_value("name") n << "type:".ljust(TO_S_SIZE) + get_attribute_value("type") n << "id:".ljust(TO_S_SIZE) + get_attribute_value("id") n << "value:".ljust(TO_S_SIZE) + get_attribute_value("value") n << "disabled:".ljust(TO_S_SIZE) + get_attribute_value("disabled") #n << "style:".ljust(TO_S_SIZE) + get_attribute_value("style") #n << "class:".ljust(TO_S_SIZE) + get_attribute_value("className") if(attributes != nil) attributes.each do |key,value| n << "#{key}:".ljust(TO_S_SIZE) + get_attribute_value(value) end end return n end # # Description: # Sets and clears the colored highlighting on the currently active element. # # Input: # set_or_clear - this can have following two values # :set - To set the color of the element. # :clear - To clear the color of the element. # def highlight(set_or_clear) if set_or_clear == :set #puts "element_name is : #{element_object}" jssh_command = " var original_color = #{element_object}.style.background;" jssh_command += " #{element_object}.style.background = \"#{DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR}\"; original_color;" # TODO: Need to change this so that it would work if user sets any other color. #puts "color is : #{DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR}" jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}\n", 0) @original_color = read_socket() else # BUG: assumes is :clear, but could actually be anything begin jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.style.background = \"#{@original_color}\";\n", 0) read_socket() rescue # we could be here for a number of reasons... # e.g. page may have reloaded and the reference is no longer valid ensure @original_color = nil end end end protected :highlight # # Description: # Returns array of rows for a given table. Returns nil if calling element is not of table type. # # Output: # Array of row elements in an table or nil # def get_rows() #puts "#{element_object} and #{element_type}" if(element_type == "HTMLTableElement") jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.rows.length;\n", 0) length = read_socket().to_i #puts "The number of rows in the table are : #{no_of_rows}" return_array = for i in 0..length - 1 do return_array[i] = "#{element_object}.rows[#{i}]" end return return_array else puts "Trying to access rows for Element of type #{element_type}. Element must be of table type to execute this function." return nil end end private :get_rows def set_specifier(how, what) if how.class == Hash and what.nil? specifiers = how else specifiers = {how => what} end @specifiers = {:index => 1} # default if not specified specifiers.each do |how, what| what = what.to_i if how == :index how = :href if how == :url how = :value if how == :caption how = :class if how == :class_name @specifiers[how] = what end end # # Description: # Locates the element on the page depending upon the parameters passed. Logic for locating the element is written # in JavaScript and then send to JSSh; so that we don't make small round-trips via socket to JSSh. This is done to # improve the performance for locating the element. # # Input: # tag - Tag name of the element to be located like "input", "a" etc. This is case insensitive. # how - The attribute by which you want to locate the element like id, name etc. You can use any attribute-value pair # that uniquely identifies that element on the page. If there are more that one element that have identical # attribute-value pair then first element that is found while traversing the DOM will be returned. # what - The value of the attribute specified by how. # types - Used if that HTML element to be located has different type like input can be of type image, button etc. # Default value is nil # value - This is used only in case of radio buttons where they have same name but different value. # # Output: # Returns nil if unable to locate the element, else return the element. # def locate_tagged_element(tag, how, what, types = nil, value = nil) #puts caller(0) # how = :value if how == :caption # how = :href if how == :url set_specifier(how, what) #puts "(locate_tagged_element)current element is : #{@container.class} and tag is #{tag}" # If there is no current element i.e. element in current context we are searching the whole DOM tree. # So get all the elements. if(types != nil and types.include?("button")) jssh_command = "var isButtonElement = true;" else jssh_command = "var isButtonElement = false;" end # Because in both the below cases we need to get element with respect to document. # when we locate a frame document is automatically adjusted to point to HTML inside the frame if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox || @container.class == Frame) #end #if(@@current_element_object == "") jssh_command += "var elements_#{tag} = null; elements_#{tag} = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.getElementsByTagName(\"#{tag}\");" if(types != nil and (types.include?("textarea") or types.include?("button")) ) jssh_command += "elements_#{tag} = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.body.getElementsByTagName(\"*\");" end # @@has_changed = true else #puts "container name is: " + @container.element_name #locate if defined? locate #@container.locate jssh_command += "var elements_#{@@current_level}_#{tag} = #{@container.element_name}.getElementsByTagName(\"#{tag}\");" if(types != nil and (types.include?("textarea") or types.include?("button") ) ) jssh_command += "elements_#{@@current_level}_#{tag} = #{@container.element_name}.getElementsByTagName(\"*\");" end # @@has_changed = false end if(types != nil) jssh_command += "var types = new Array(" count = 0 types.each do |type| if count == 0 jssh_command += "\"#{type}\"" count += 1 else jssh_command += ",\"#{type}\"" end end jssh_command += ");" else jssh_command += "var types = null;" end #jssh_command += "var elements = #{element_object}.getElementsByTagName('*');" jssh_command += "var object_index = 1; var o = null; var element_name = \"\";" if(value == nil) jssh_command += "var value = null;" else jssh_command += "var value = \"#{value}\";" end #add hash arrays sKey = "var hashKeys = new Array(" sVal = "var hashValues = new Array(" @specifiers.each do |k,v| sKey += "\"#{k}\"," if v.class == Regexp oldRegExp = v.to_s newRegExp = v.inspect flags = oldRegExp.slice(2, oldRegExp.index(':') - 2) for i in 0..flags.length do flag = flags[i, 1] if(flag == '-') break; else newRegExp << flag end end sVal += "#{newRegExp}," else sVal += "\"#{v}\"," end end sKey = sKey[0..sKey.length-2] sVal = sVal[0..sVal.length-2] jssh_command += sKey + ");" jssh_command += sVal + ");" #index jssh_command += "var target_index = 1; for(var k=0; k<hashKeys.length; k++) { if(hashKeys[k] == \"index\") { target_index = parseInt(hashValues[k]); break; } }" #jssh_command += "elements.length;" if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox || @container.class == Frame) jssh_command += "for(var i=0; i<elements_#{tag}.length; i++) { if(element_name != \"\") break; var element = elements_#{tag}[i];" else jssh_command += "for(var i=0; i<elements_#{@@current_level}_#{tag}.length; i++) { if(element_name != \"\") break; var element = elements_#{@@current_level}_#{tag}[i];" end # Because in IE for button the value of "value" attribute also corresponds to the innerHTML if value attribute # is not supplied. For e.g.: <button>Sign In</button>, in this case value of "value" attribute is "Sign In" # though value attribute is not supplied. But for Firefox value of "value" attribute is null. So to make sure # script runs on both IE and Watir we are also considering innerHTML if element is of button type. jssh_command += " var attribute = \"\"; var same_type = false; if(types) { for(var j=0; j<types.length; j++) { if(types[j] == element.type || types[j] == element.tagName) { same_type = true; break; } } } else { same_type = true; } if(same_type == true) { var how = \"\"; var what = null; attribute = \"\"; for(var k=0; k<hashKeys.length; k++) { how = hashKeys[k]; what = hashValues[k]; if(how == \"index\") { attribute = parseInt(what); what = parseInt(what); } else { if(how == \"text\") { attribute = element.textContent.replace(/\\xA0/g,' ').replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '').replace(/\\s+/g, ' ') } else { if(how == \"href\" || how == \"src\" || how == \"action\" || how == \"name\") { attribute = element.getAttribute(how); } else { if(eval(\"element.\"+how) != undefined) attribute = eval(\"element.\"+how); else attribute = element.getAttribute(how); } } if(\"value\" == how && isButtonElement && (attribute == null || attribute == \"\")) { attribute = element.innerHTML; } } if(attribute == \"\") o = 'NoMethodError'; var found = false; if (typeof what == \"object\" || typeof what == \"function\") { var regExp = new RegExp(what); found = regExp.test(attribute); } else { found = (attribute == what); }" # if(what.class == Regexp) # # Construct the regular expression because we can't use it directly by converting it to string. # # If reg ex is /Google/i then its string conversion will be (?i-mx:Google) so we can't use it. # # Construct the regular expression again from the string conversion. # oldRegExp = what.to_s # newRegExp = what.inspect # flags = oldRegExp.slice(2, oldRegExp.index(':') - 2) # for i in 0..flags.length do # flag = flags[i, 1] # if(flag == '-') # break; # else # newRegExp << flag # end # end # #puts "old reg ex is #{what} new reg ex is #{newRegExp}" # jssh_command += " var regExp = new RegExp(#{newRegExp}); # found = regExp.test(attribute);" # elsif(how == :index) # jssh_command += " found = (attribute == #{what});" # else # jssh_command += " found = (attribute == \"#{what}\");" # end #jssh_command += " found;" if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox || @container.class == Frame) jssh_command += " if(found) { if(value) { if(element.value == \"#{value}\") { o = element; element_name = \"elements_#{tag}[\" + i + \"]\"; } else break; } else { o = element; element_name = \"elements_#{tag}[\" + i + \"]\"; } }" else jssh_command += " if(found) { if(value) { if(element.value == \"#{value}\") { o = element; element_name = \"elements_#{@@current_level}_#{tag}[\" + i + \"]\"; } else break; } else { o = element; element_name = \"elements_#{@@current_level}_#{tag}[\" + i + \"]\"; } }" end jssh_command += " else { o = null; element_name = \"\"; break; } } if(element_name != \"\") { if(target_index == object_index) { break; } else if(target_index < object_index) { element_name = \"\"; o = null; break; } else { object_index += 1; element_name = \"\"; o = null; } } } } element_name;" # Remove \n that are there in the string as a result of pressing enter while formatting. jssh_command.gsub!(/\n/, "") #puts jssh_command #out ="c:\\result.log", "w") #out << jssh_command #out.close jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) element_name = read_socket(); #puts "element name in find control is : #{element_name}" @@current_level = @@current_level + 1 #puts @container #puts element_name if(element_name != "") return element_name, @container) else return nil end end # # Description: # Locates frame element. Logic for locating the frame is written in JavaScript so that we don't make small # round trips to JSSh using socket. This is done to improve the performance for locating the element. # # Input: # how - The attribute for locating the frame. You can use any attribute-value pair that uniquely identifies # the frame on the page. If there are more than one frames that have identical attribute-value pair # then first frame that is found while traversing the DOM will be returned. # what - Value of the attribute specified by how # # Output: # Nil if unable to locate frame, else return the Frame element. # def locate_frame(how, what) # Get all the frames the are there on the page. #puts "how is #{how} and what is #{what}" jssh_command = "" if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox) # In firefox 3 if you write Frame Name then it will not show anything. So we add .toString function to every element. jssh_command = "var frameset = #{WINDOW_VAR}.frames; var elements_frames = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < frameset.length; i++) { var frames = frameset[i].frames; for(var j = 0; j < frames.length; j++) { frames[j].frameElement.toString = function() { return '[object HTMLFrameElement]'; }; elements_frames.push(frames[j].frameElement); } }" else jssh_command = "var frames = #{@container.element_name}.contentWindow.frames; var elements_frames_#{@@current_level} = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { elements_frames_#{@@current_level}.push(frames[i].frameElement); }" end jssh_command +=" var element_name = ''; var object_index = 1;var attribute = ''; var element = '';" if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox) jssh_command += "for(var i = 0; i < elements_frames.length; i++) { element = elements_frames[i];" else jssh_command += "for(var i = 0; i < elements_frames_#{@@current_level}.length; i++) { element = elements_frames_#{@@current_level}[i];" end jssh_command += " if(\"index\" == \"#{how}\") { attribute = object_index; object_index += 1; } else { attribute = element.getAttribute(\"#{how}\"); if(attribute == \"\" || attribute == null) { attribute = element.#{how}; } } var found = false;" if(what.class == Regexp) oldRegExp = what.to_s newRegExp = "/" + what.source + "/" flags = oldRegExp.slice(2, oldRegExp.index(':') - 2) for i in 0..flags.length do flag = flags[i, 1] if(flag == '-') break; else newRegExp << flag end end #puts "old reg ex is #{what} new reg ex is #{newRegExp}" jssh_command += " var regExp = new RegExp(#{newRegExp}); found = regExp.test(attribute);" elsif(how == :index) jssh_command += " found = (attribute == #{what});" else jssh_command += " found = (attribute == \"#{what}\");" end jssh_command += " if(found) {" if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox) jssh_command += " element_name = \"elements_frames[\" + i + \"]\"; #{DOCUMENT_VAR} = elements_frames[i].contentDocument; #{BODY_VAR} = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.body;" else jssh_command += " element_name = \"elements_frames_#{@@current_level}[\" + i + \"]\"; #{DOCUMENT_VAR} = elements_frames_#{@@current_level}[i].contentDocument; #{BODY_VAR} = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.body;" end jssh_command += " break; } } element_name;" jssh_command.gsub!("\n", "") #puts "jssh_command for finding frame is : #{jssh_command}" jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) element_name = read_socket() @@current_level = @@current_level + 1 #puts "element_name for frame is : #{element_name}" if(element_name != "") return element_name else return nil end end def get_frame_html jssh_socket.send("var htmlelem = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; htmlelem.innerHTML;\n", 0) #jssh_socket.send("#{BODY_VAR}.innerHTML;\n", 0) result = read_socket() return "<html>" + result + "</html>" end def submit_form #puts "form name is : #{element_object}" jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.submit();\n" , 0) read_socket() end public # # # Description: # Matches the given text with the current text shown in the browser for that particular element. # # Input: # target - Text to match. Can be a string or regex # # Output: # Returns the index if the specified text was found. # Returns matchdata object if the specified regexp was found. # def contains_text(target) #puts "Text to match is : #{match_text}" #puts "Html is : #{self.text}" if target.kind_of? Regexp self.text.match(target) elsif target.kind_of? String self.text.index(target) else raise ArgumentError, "Argument #{target} should be a string or regexp." end end # # Description: # Method for inspecting the object. Defined here because IRB was not able to locate the object. # TODO: Need to find out why IRB is unable to find object though both (this and IRB) are executing same statements # def inspect assert_exists puts self.to_s end # # Description: # Returns array of elements that matches a given XPath query. # Mozilla browser directly supports XPath query on its DOM. So no need to create the DOM tree as WATiR does for IE. # Refer: # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.elements_by_xpath instead. # # Input: # xpath - The xpath expression or query. # # Output: # Array of elements that matched the xpath expression provided as parameter. # def elements_by_xpath(container, xpath) rand_no = rand(1000) #jssh_command = "var xpathResult = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.evaluate(\"count(#{xpath})\", #{DOCUMENT_VAR}, null, #{NUMBER_TYPE}, null); xpathResult.numberValue;" #jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}\n", 0); #node_count = read_socket() jssh_command = "var element_xpath_#{rand_no} = new Array();" jssh_command += "var result = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.evaluate(\"#{xpath}\", #{DOCUMENT_VAR}, null, #{ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE}, null); var iterate = result.iterateNext(); while(iterate) { element_xpath_#{rand_no}.push(iterate); iterate = result.iterateNext(); } element_xpath_#{rand_no}.length; " # Remove \n that are there in the string as a result of pressing enter while formatting. jssh_command.gsub!(/\n/, "") #puts jssh_command jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) node_count = read_socket() #puts "value of count is : #{node_count}" elements = for i in 0..elements.length - 1 do elements[i] = "element_xpath_#{rand_no}[#{i}]" end return elements; end # # Description: # Returns first element found while traversing the DOM; that matches an given XPath query. # Mozilla browser directly supports XPath query on its DOM. So no need to create the DOM tree as WATiR does for IE. # Refer: # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.element_by_xpath instead. # # Input: # xpath - The xpath expression or query. # # Output: # First element in DOM that matched the XPath expression or query. # def element_by_xpath(container, xpath) #puts "here locating element by xpath" rand_no = rand(1000) jssh_command = "var element_xpath_#{rand_no} = null; element_xpath_#{rand_no} = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.evaluate(\"#{xpath}\", #{DOCUMENT_VAR}, null, #{FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE}, null).singleNodeValue; element_xpath_#{rand_no};" jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}\n", 0) result = read_socket() #puts "command send to jssh is : #{jssh_command}" #puts "result is : #{result}" if(result == "null" || result == "" || result.include?("exception")) @@current_level = 0 return nil else @@current_level += 1 return "element_xpath_#{rand_no}" end end # # Description: # Returns the name of the element with which we can access it in JSSh. # Used internally by Firewatir to execute methods, set properties or return property value for the element. # # Output: # Name of the variable with which element is referenced in JSSh # def element_object #puts caller.join("\n") #puts "In element_object element name is : #{@element_name}" #puts "in element_object : #{@container.class}" #if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox) return @element_name #if @element_name != nil #else # return @container.element_name #end #return @o.element_name if @o != nil end private :element_object # # Description: # Returns the type of element. For e.g.: HTMLAnchorElement. used internally by Firewatir # # Output: # Type of the element. # def element_type #puts "in element_type object is : #{element_object}" # Get the type of the element. jssh_socket.send("#{element_object};\n", 0) temp = read_socket() if temp == "" return nil end #puts "#{element_object} and type is #{temp}" temp =~ /\[object\s(.*)\]/ if $1 return $1 else # This is done because in JSSh if you write element name of anchor type # then it displays the link to which it navigates instead of displaying # object type. So above regex match will return nil return "HTMLAnchorElement" end end #private :element_type # # Description: # Fires the provided event for an element and by default waits for the action to get completed. # # Input: # event - Event to be fired like "onclick", "onchange" etc. # wait - Whether to wait for the action to get completed or not. By default its true. # # TODO: Provide ability to specify event parameters like keycode for key events, and click screen # coordinates for mouse events. def fire_event(event, wait = true) assert_exists() event = event.to_s # in case event was given as a symbol event = event.downcase event =~ /on(.*)/i event = $1 if $1 # check if we've got an old-school on-event #jssh_socket.send("typeof(#{element_object}.#{event});\n", 0) #is_defined = read_socket() # info about event types harvested from: # case event when 'abort', 'blur', 'change', 'error', 'focus', 'load', 'reset', 'resize', 'scroll', 'select', 'submit', 'unload' dom_event_type = 'HTMLEvents' dom_event_init = "initEvent(\"#{event}\", true, true)" when 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup' dom_event_type = 'KeyEvents' # Firefox has a proprietary initializer for keydown/keypress/keyup. # Args are as follows: # 'type', bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, keyCode, charCode dom_event_init = "initKeyEvent(\"#{event}\", true, true, #{WINDOW_VAR}, false, false, false, false, 0, 0)" when 'click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mousemove', 'mouseout', 'mouseover', 'mouseup' dom_event_type = 'MouseEvents' # Args are as follows: # 'type', bubbles, cancelable, windowObject, detail, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget dom_event_init = "initMouseEvent(\"#{event}\", true, true, #{WINDOW_VAR}, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)" else dom_event_type = 'HTMLEvents' dom_event_init = "initEvents(\"#{event}\", true, true)" end if(element_type == "HTMLSelectElement") dom_event_type = 'HTMLEvents' dom_event_init = "initEvent(\"#{event}\", true, true)" end jssh_command = "var event = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.createEvent(\"#{dom_event_type}\"); " jssh_command << "event.#{dom_event_init}; " jssh_command << "#{element_object}.dispatchEvent(event);" #puts "JSSH COMMAND:\n#{jssh_command}\n" jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}\n", 0) read_socket() if wait wait() if wait @@current_level = 0 end alias fireEvent fire_event # # Description: # Returns the value of the specified attribute of an element. # def attribute_value(attribute_name) #puts attribute_name assert_exists() return_value = get_attribute_value(attribute_name) @@current_level = 0 return return_value end # # Description: # Checks if element exists or not. Raises UnknownObjectException if element doesn't exists. # def assert_exists unless exists? raise Watir::Exception.message_for_unable_to_locate(@how, @what)) end end # # Description: # Checks if element is enabled or not. Raises ObjectDisabledException if object is disabled and # you are trying to use the object. # def assert_enabled unless enabled? raise ObjectDisabledException, "object #{@how} and #{@what} is disabled" end end # # Description: # First checks if element exists or not. Then checks if element is enabled or not. # # Output: # Returns true if element exists and is enabled, else returns false. # def enabled? assert_exists value = js_eval_method "disabled" @@current_level = 0 return true if(value == "false") return false if(value == "true") return value end # # Description: # Checks if element exists or not. If element is not located yet then first locates the element. # # Output: # True if element exists, false otherwise. # def exists? #puts "element is : #{element_object}" #puts caller(0) # If elements array has changed locate the element again. So that the element name points to correct element. if(element_object == nil || element_object == "") @@current_level = 0 #puts "locating element" locate if defined?(locate) if(@element_name == nil || @element_name == "") return false else #puts caller(0) #puts "element name is : #{@element_name}" return true end else #puts "not locating the element again" return true end #@@current_level = 0 #if(element_object == nil || element_object == "") # return false #else # return true #end end alias exist? exists? # # Description: # Returns the text of the element. # # Output: # Text of the element. # def text() assert_exists element = (element_type == "HTMLFrameElement") ? BODY_VAR : element_object return_value = js_eval("#{element}.textContent.replace(/\\xA0/g, ' ').replace(/\\s+/g, ' ')").strip @@current_level = 0 return return_value end alias innerText text # Returns the name of the element (as defined in html) def_wrap :name # Returns the id of the element def_wrap :id # Returns whether the element is disabled def disabled ! enabled? end alias disabled? disabled # Returns the state of the element def_wrap :checked # Returns the value of the element def_wrap :value # Returns the title of the element def_wrap :title # Returns the value of 'alt' attribute in case of Image element. def_wrap :alt # Returns the value of 'href' attribute in case of Anchor element. def_wrap :src # Returns the type of the element. Use in case of Input element only. def_wrap :type # Returns the url the Anchor element points to. def_wrap :href # Return the ID of the control that this label is associated with def_wrap :for, :htmlFor # Returns the class name of the element def_wrap :class_name, :className # Return the html of the object def_wrap :html, :innerHTML # Return the action of form def_wrap :action # # Description: # Display basic details about the object. Sample output for a button is shown. # Raises UnknownObjectException if the object is not found. # name b4 # type button # id b5 # value Disabled Button # disabled true # # Output: # Array with value of properties shown above. # def to_s(attributes=nil) #puts "here in to_s" #puts caller(0) assert_exists if(element_type == "HTMLTableCellElement") return text() else result = string_creator(attributes) #.join("\n") @@current_level = 0 return result end end # # Description: # Function to fire click event on elements. # def click assert_exists assert_enabled highlight(:set) #puts "#{element_object} and #{element_type}" case element_type when "HTMLAnchorElement", "HTMLImageElement" # Special check for link or anchor tag. Because click() doesn't work on links. # More info: # jssh_command = "var event = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.createEvent(\"MouseEvents\");" # Info about initMouseEvent at: jssh_command += "event.initMouseEvent('click',true,true,null,1,0,0,0,0,false,false,false,false,0,null);" jssh_command += "#{element_object}.dispatchEvent(event);\n" #puts "jssh_command is: #{jssh_command}" jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}", 0) read_socket() else jssh_socket.send("typeof(#{element_object}.click);\n", 0) isDefined = read_socket() if(isDefined == "undefined") fire_event("onclick") else jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.click();\n" , 0) read_socket() end end highlight(:clear) # Wait for firefox to reload. wait() end # # Description: # Wait for the browser to get loaded, after the event is being fired. # def wait #ff = #ff.wait() #puts @container @container.wait() @@current_level = 0 end # # Description: # Function is used for click events that generates javascript pop up. # Doesn't fire the click event immediately instead, it stores the state of the object. User then tells which button # is to be clicked in case a javascript pop up comes after clicking the element. Depending upon the button to be clicked # the functions 'alert' and 'confirm' are re-defined in JavaScript to return appropriate values either true or false. Then the # re-defined functions are send to jssh which then fires the click event of the element using the state # stored above. So the click event is fired in the second statement. Therefore, if you are using this function you # need to call 'click_js_popup_button()' function in the next statement to actually trigger the click event. # # Typical Usage: # ff.button(:id, "button").click_no_wait() # ff.click_js_popup_button("OK") # #def click_no_wait # assert_exists # assert_enabled # # highlight(:set) # @@current_js_object ="#{element_object}", @container) #end # # Description: # Function to click specified button on the javascript pop up. Currently you can only click # either OK or Cancel button. # Functions alert and confirm are redefined so that it doesn't causes the JSSH to get blocked. Also this # will make Firewatir cross platform. # # Input: # button to be clicked # #def click_js_popup(button = "OK") # jssh_command = "var win = #{BROWSER_VAR}.contentWindow;" # if(button =~ /ok/i) # jssh_command += "var popuptext = '';win.alert = function(param) {popuptext = param; return true; }; # win.confirm = function(param) {popuptext = param; return true; };" # elsif(button =~ /cancel/i) # jssh_command += "var popuptext = '';win.alert = function(param) {popuptext = param; return false; }; # win.confirm = function(param) {popuptext = param; return false; };" # end # jssh_command.gsub!(/\n/, "") # jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}\n", 0) # read_socket() # click_js_popup_creator_button() # #jssh_socket.send("popuptext_alert;\n", 0) # #read_socket() # jssh_socket.send("\n", 0) # read_socket() #end # # Description: # Clicks on button or link or any element that triggers a javascript pop up. # Used internally by function click_js_popup. # #def click_js_popup_creator_button # #puts @@current_js_object.element_name # jssh_socket.send("#{@@current_js_object.element_name}\n;", 0) # temp = read_socket() # temp =~ /\[object\s(.*)\]/ # if $1 # type = $1 # else # # This is done because in JSSh if you write element name of anchor type # # then it displays the link to which it navigates instead of displaying # # object type. So above regex match will return nil # type = "HTMLAnchorElement" # end # #puts type # case type # when "HTMLAnchorElement", "HTMLImageElement" # jssh_command = "var event = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.createEvent(\"MouseEvents\");" # # Info about initMouseEvent at: # jssh_command += "event.initMouseEvent('click',true,true,null,1,0,0,0,0,false,false,false,false,0,null);" # jssh_command += "#{@@current_js_object.element_name}.dispatchEvent(event);\n" # # jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}", 0) # read_socket() # when "HTMLDivElement", "HTMLSpanElement" # jssh_socket.send("typeof(#{element_object}.#{event.downcase});\n", 0) # isDefined = read_socket() # #puts "is method there : #{isDefined}" # if(isDefined != "undefined") # if(element_type == "HTMLSelectElement") # jssh_command = "var event = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.createEvent(\"HTMLEvents\"); # event.initEvent(\"click\", true, true); # #{element_object}.dispatchEvent(event);" # jssh_command.gsub!(/\n/, "") # jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}\n", 0) # read_socket() # else # jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.#{event.downcase}();\n", 0) # read_socket() # end # end # else # jssh_command = "#{@@current_js_object.element_name}.click();\n"; # jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}", 0) # read_socket() # end # @@current_level = 0 # @@current_js_object = nil #end #private :click_js_popup_creator_button # # Description: # Gets all the options of the select list element. # # Output: # Array of option elements. # def options jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.options.length;\n", 0) length = read_socket().to_i #puts "options length is : #{length}" arr_options = for i in 0..length - 1 arr_options[i] = "#{element_object}.options[#{i}]" end return arr_options end private :options # # Description: # Used to get class name for option element. Used internally by Firewatir use ff.select_list(...).option(..).class # # Output: # Class name of option element. # def option_class_name jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.className;\n", 0) return read_socket() end private :option_class_name # # Description: # Used to get text for option element. Used internally by Firewatir use ff.select_list(...).option(..).text # # Output: # Text of option element. # def option_text jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.text;\n", 0) return read_socket() end private :option_text # # Description: # Used to get value for option element. Used internally by Firewatir use ff.select_list(...).option(..).value # # Output: # Value of option element. # def option_value jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.value;\n", 0) return read_socket() end private :option_value # # Description: # Used to check if option is selected or not. Used internally by Firewatir use ff.select_list(...).option(..).selected # # Output: # True if option is selected, false otherwise. # def option_selected jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.selected;\n", 0) value = read_socket() return true if value == "true" return false if value == "false" end private :option_selected # # Description: # Gets all the cells of the row of a table. # # Output: # Array of table cell elements. # def get_cells assert_exists #puts "element name in cells is : #{element_object}" if(element_type == "HTMLTableRowElement") jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.cells.length;\n", 0) length = read_socket.to_i return_array = for i in 0..length - 1 do return_array[i] = "#{element_object}.cells[#{i}]" end return return_array else puts "The element must be of table row type to execute this function." return nil end end private :get_cells # # Description: # Sets the value of file in HTMLInput file field control. # # Input: # setPath - location of the file to be uploaded. '|' should not be part of filename. # def setFileFieldValue(setPath) # As ruby converts \\ to \ and while sending name to jssh \ is ignored. # So replace \ with \\. Now this is even trickier you can't replace \ with \\ # directly like this string.gsub!("\\", "\\\\") this doesn't work. # Work around is replace '\' with two special character and then replace # special character with \. setPath.gsub!("\\", "||") setPath.gsub!("|", "\\") #jssh_command = "var textBox = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.getBoxObjectFor(#{element_object}).firstChild;" #jssh_command += "textBox.value = \"#{setPath}\";\n"; #puts jssh_command jssh_socket.send("#{element_object}.value = \"#{setPath}\";\n", 0) read_socket() @@current_level = 0 end private :setFileFieldValue # # Description: # Traps all the function calls for an element that is not defined and fires them again # as it is to the jssh. This can be used in case the element supports properties or methods # that are not defined in the corresponding element class or in the base class(Element). # # Input: # methodId - Id of the method that is called. # *args - arguments sent to the methods. # def method_missing(methId, *args) methodName = methId.id2name #puts "method name is : #{methodName}" assert_exists #assert_enabled methodName = "colSpan" if methodName == "colspan" if(methodName =~ /invoke/) jssh_command = "#{element_object}." for i in args do jssh_command += i; end #puts "#{jssh_command}" jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) return_value = read_socket() #puts "return value is : #{return_value}" return return_value else #assert_exists #puts "element name is #{element_object}" # We get method name with trailing '=' when we try to assign a value to a # property. So just remove the '=' to get the type temp = "" assigning_value = false if(methodName =~ /(.*)=$/) temp = "#{element_object}.#{$1}" assigning_value = true else temp = "#{element_object}.#{methodName}" end #puts "temp is : #{temp}" jssh_socket.send("typeof(#{temp});\n", 0) method_type = read_socket() #puts "method_type is : #{method_type}" if(assigning_value) if(method_type != "boolean" && args[0].class != Fixnum) args[0].gsub!("\\", "\\"*4) args[0].gsub!("\"", "\\\"") args[0].gsub!("\n","\\n") jssh_command = "#{element_object}.#{methodName}\"#{args[0]}\"" else jssh_command = "#{element_object}.#{methodName}#{args[0]}" end #puts "jssh_command is : #{jssh_command}" jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) read_socket() return end methodName = "#{element_object}.#{methodName}" if(args.length == 0) #puts "In if loop #{methodName}" if(method_type == "function") jssh_command = "#{methodName}();\n" else jssh_command = "#{methodName};\n" end else #puts "In else loop : #{methodName}" jssh_command = "#{methodName}(" count = 0 if args != nil for i in args jssh_command += "," if count != 0 if i.kind_of? Numeric jssh_command += i.to_s else jssh_command += "\"#{i.to_s.gsub(/"/,"\\\"")}\"" end count = count + 1 end end jssh_command += ");\n" end if(method_type == "boolean") jssh_command = jssh_command.gsub("\"false\"", "false") jssh_command = jssh_command.gsub("\"true\"", "true") end #puts "jssh_command is #{jssh_command}" jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}", 0) returnValue = read_socket() #puts "return value is : #{returnValue}" @@current_level = 0 if(method_type == "boolean") return false if(returnValue == "false") return true if(returnValue == "true") elsif(method_type == "number") return returnValue.to_i else return returnValue end end end end # # Description: # Class for returning the document element. # class Document include FireWatir::Container @@current_level = 0 # # Description: # Creates new instance of Document class. # def initialize(container) @length = 0 @elements = nil @arr_elements = "" @container = container end # # Description: # Find all the elements in the document by querying DOM. # Set the class variables like length and the variable name of array storing the elements in JSSH. # # Output: # Array of elements. # def all @arr_elements = "arr_coll_#{@@current_level}" jssh_command = "var arr_coll_#{@@current_level}=new Array(); " if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox || @container.class == Frame) jssh_command +="var element_collection = null; element_collection = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.getElementsByTagName(\"*\"); if(element_collection != null && typeof(element_collection) != 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < element_collection.length; i++) { if((element_collection[i].tagName != 'BR') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'HR') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'DOCTYPE') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'META') && (typeof(element_collection[i].tagName) != 'undefined')) arr_coll_#{@@current_level}.push(element_collection[i]); } } arr_coll_#{@@current_level}.length;" else jssh_command +="var element_collection = null; element_collection = #{@container.element_name}.getElementsByTagName(\"*\"); if(element_collection!= null && typeof(element_collection) != 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < element_collection.length; i++) { if((element_collection[i].tagName != 'BR') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'HR') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'DOCTYPE') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'META') && (typeof(element_collection[i].tagName) != 'undefined')) arr_coll_#{@@current_level}.push(element_collection[i]); } } arr_coll_#{@@current_level}.length;" end # Remove \n that are there in the string as a result of pressing enter while formatting. jssh_command.gsub!(/\n/, "") #puts jssh_command jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) @length = read_socket().to_i; #puts "elements length is in locate_tagged_elements is : #{@length}" elements = nil elements = for i in 0..@length - 1 do temp ="arr_coll_#{@@current_level}[#{i}]", @container) elements[i] = temp end @@current_level += 1 return elements end # # Description: # Returns the count of elements in the document. # # Output: # Count of elements found in the document. # def length return @length end # # Description: # Iterates over elements in the document. # def each for i in 0..@length - 1 yield"#{@arr_elements}[#{i}]", @container) end end # # Description: # Gets the element at the nth index in the array of the elements. # # Input: # n - Index of element you want to access. Index is 1 based. # # Output: # Element at the nth index. # def [](n) return"#{@arr_elements}[#{n-1}]", @container) end # # Description: # Get all forms available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_forms instead. # # Output: # Array containing Form elements # def get_forms() jssh_socket.send("var element_forms = #{DOCUMENT_VAR}.forms; element_forms.length;\n", 0) length = read_socket().to_i forms = for i in 0..length - 1 do forms[i] =, :jssh_name, "element_forms[#{i}]") end return forms end # # Description: # Get all images available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_images instead. # # Output: # Array containing Image elements # def get_images return end # # Description: # Get all links available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_links instead. # # Output: # Array containing Link elements # def get_links return end # # Description: # Get all divs available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_divs instead. # # Output: # Array containing Div elements # def get_divs return end # # Description: # Get all tables available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_tables instead. # # Output: # Array containing Table elements # def get_tables return end # # Description: # Get all pres available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_pres instead. # # Output: # Array containing Pre elements # def get_pres return end # # Description: # Get all spans available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_spans instead. # # Output: # Array containing Span elements # def get_spans return end # # Description: # Get all labels available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_labels instead. # # Output: # Array containing Label elements # def get_labels return end end # # Description: # Class for iterating over elements of common type like links, images, divs etc. # class ElementCollections def self.inherited subclass class_name = subclass.to_s.demodulize method_name = class_name.underscore element_class_name = class_name.singularize FireWatir::Container.module_eval "def #{method_name} locate if defined?(locate) return #{class_name}.new(self); end" subclass.class_eval "def element_class; #{element_class_name}; end" end include FireWatir::Container # XXX not sure if this is right @@current_level = 0 def initialize(container) @container = container elements = locate_elements length = elements.length #puts "length is : #{length}" @element_objects = for i in 0..length - 1 do @element_objects[i] =, :jssh_name, elements[i]) end end # default implementation. overridden by some subclasses. def locate_elements locate_tagged_elements(element_class::TAG) end # Return all the elements of give tag and type inside the container. # # Input: # tag - tag name of the elements # types - array of element type names. used in case where same # element tag has different types like input has type image, button etc. # def locate_tagged_elements(tag, types = []) # generate array to hold results result_name = "arr_coll_#{tag}_#{@@current_level}" jssh_command = "var #{result_name}=new Array();" # generate array of elements matching the tag case @container when FireWatir::Firefox, FireWatir::Frame elements_tag = "elements_#{tag}" container_name = DOCUMENT_VAR else elements_tag = "elements_#{@@current_level}_#{tag}" container_name = @container.element_name end if types.include?("textarea") || types.include?("button") search_tag = '*' else search_tag = tag end jssh_command += "var #{elements_tag} = null; " jssh_command += "#{elements_tag} = #{container_name}.getElementsByTagName(\"#{search_tag}\");" # generate array containing results if types.empty? jssh_command += "#{result_name} = #{elements_tag};" else # generate types array jssh_command += "var types = new Array(" types.each_with_index do |type, count| jssh_command += "," unless count == 0 jssh_command += "\"#{type}\"" end jssh_command += ");" # check the type of each element jssh_command += "for(var i=0; i<#{elements_tag}.length; i++) { var element = #{elements_tag}[i]; var same_type = false; for(var j=0; j<types.length; j++) { if(types[j] == element.type || types[j] == element.tagName) { same_type = true; break; } } if(same_type) { #{result_name}.push(element); } };" end jssh_command += "#{result_name}.length;" # Remove \n that are there in the string as a result of pressing enter while formatting. jssh_command.gsub!(/\n/, "") #puts jssh_command jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) length = read_socket().to_i; #puts "elements length is in locate_tagged_elements is : #{length}" elements = (0...length).collect {|i| "#{result_name}[#{i}]"} @@current_level = @@current_level + 1 return elements end private :locate_tagged_elements # # Description: # Gets the length of elements of same tag and type found on the page. # # Ouput: # Count of elements found on the page. # def length return @element_objects.length end # # Description: # Iterate over the elements of same tag and type found on the page. # def each for i in 0..@element_objects.length - 1 yield @element_objects[i] end end # # Description: # Accesses nth element of same tag and type found on the page. # # Input: # n - index of element (1 based) # def [](n) return @element_objects[n-1] end end